Image: Patti Davis nude in More magazine

Yeah – I’d do her. I think we can get bipartisan agreement on that issue.

Is the “Great Communicator” turning over in his grave because of his daughter’s most recent — and highly publicized — nude photo shoot?

Actually, maybe not. Patti Davis, long identified as the “black sheep” of former President Ronald Reagan’s children, didn’t bare all in More magazine in a spirit of defiant protest. She’s not trying to shock her conservative parents — or conservatives anywhere, for that matter.

If anything, Davis’ nude image and accompanying essay advance a thesis about the virtues of staying physically fit. She’s 58 years old now, but looks — oh — maybe 28.

  1. Harry says:

    I’d hit it.

  2. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Any link to the article? Looking that good, she obviously knows what she is talking about.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    The guy writing hasn’t seen many 28 year old women naked recently.


  4. skunkman62 says:

    here’s the link, gees.

  5. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Nah, I think this is it:

    She notices she is getting older but she takes care of herself. Normal hollywood self involvement.

  6. Dallas says:

    She’s all yours.

  7. Derek says:

    If I were well off so that all I had to focus on was my body, I would look like that too.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    I admire her for her stand.

    I only wish I would still look that good, (though I do still have very soft skin. 🙂

  9. McCullough says:

    Do I have to be the first to say….Photoshopped!

    Just be thankfully it wasn’t Nancy. *shivers*

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    “I think we can get bipartisan agreement on that issue.”

    Uh, no. Apart from Arnold Schwarzenneger the rest of the middle-aged Republican men are gay.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    Yeah, from that angle, she look pretty good for almost being 60.

  12. hwo says:

    Who is Reagan?

  13. sargasso_c says:

    Good genes, money, Californian health culture, unfailing self obsession and Adobe Photoshop.

  14. So what says:

    I think this is the second time. Airbrushing (Photoshop) is a wonderful thing.

  15. angry says:

    At least it wasn’t the other black sheep: Ron Reagan. Whatta tool!

  16. Gildersleeve says:

    Cursor you hit it. Maybe a 38 year old. She ain’t got hips, either, but that’s a common trait with the beauty set nowadays – no curves.

  17. Cursor_ says:


    Not even 38.

    I would give her 44-46 years old at best.

    There is little glow and the plumpness of younger skin, even if they are thin, is not there.

    That’s just how it is when the body ages.

    Though I agree the lack of curves is disturbing. But I guess many men today like women that are shaped like 15 year old boys.

    But hey if that turns you on and you are both of consenting age, go for it. Me I will stick with actual women.


  18. Skeptic says:

    The truth is, some people are LUCKY they were born with exceptional genes. Most women will never look like that at 58, no matter how hard they try.

  19. Rich says:

    The angle is dodgy and this JPEG has been compressed to within an inch of its life, so I’m getting no fine detail. Label me a skeptic.

  20. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Well, to be fair, the picture of her is age 54 as used in a book by her published at age 58–as I recall from the link.

    To compare:,,20034523_20034172_20045572,00.html#20045551

    Aging. If there was only an alternative.

  21. bobbo, the Thinking TeaParty Republican says:

    Does remind me of a comment by Bill Maher though: “Please stop talking about how beautiful Sophia Loren is. She’s old…..yada, yada.”

    Patti–I think you are beautiful, in body and spirit. I happen to be a fat dirty old man. We should meet.

  22. Floyd says:

    At 58, she’s two years younger than me.

    If the pic is for real, the years and the exercise have been very good to her. I’ve known other ladies my age that still look that good because they stay active. I’ll say the photo is for real.

  23. Howard Beale says:

    i think she dyes her hair

  24. Kent says:

    Photoshop could make me look good.

  25. homehive says:

    However she appears, these photos prove that she has never developed manners or real self-esteem.

  26. Glenn E. says:

    I seem to remember hearing that Patti had died a few years ago, of breast cancer. But I guess it was another bone-headed mistake by FOX NEWS. Who probably hated her guts, for not being more like her father. Their hero, Ronald Reagan. The daughter he basically abandoned, when he ditched his first wife, to hitch up with a more politically and financial advantageous, Nancy. So much for the “family values” presidency. Now we’ve got another former Republican California governor, with an estranged offspring, from another woman. Though not the result of a former marriage.

    What’s the diff? When you’re rich and famous, apparently you can do anything of questionable morals. And the diehard Republicans will forgive you in the end. Because they are so desperate for anyone to take the lead.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Assuming Patti didn’t die, as was once reported. And assuming she still lives in California. She can’t be much of a sun worshipper, like the rest of the populous. Cause it’s sun exposure that does most of the skin damage. She either wears a lot of clothing and/or sun blocker. Or only comes out at night. Yeah, you too can have smooth looking skin, late in life, if you live like a vampire.

  28. check out says:

    A word and a stone once launched cannot be recalled.


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