Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission

See any dissent on behalf of the Bill of Rights in this photo?

Top lawmakers in the House and Senate reached a deal to extend the Patriot Act for four years, a week before key provisions were set to expire.

The pieces of the law that allow the federal government to compel businesses to release records, issue roving wiretaps, and monitor so-called “lone wolf” terror suspects were set to run out on May 27. The outline of the deal between Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell still needs to pass both chambers in the next seven days to avoid a lapse in the law…

Extending the Bush-era surveillance law has not been a slam dunk for House GOP leaders this year. In fact, Republicans were unable to muster enough votes to fast-track the bill through the House earlier this year because of objections from lawmakers ranging from libertarian-minded conservatives to liberal Democrats. When a 90-day extension passed earlier this year, Republicans needed Democrats to carry it across the finish line…

Another plus for both parties: the four-year compromise places the vote in 2015 — which is not an election year.

Civil liberties groups reacted with anger to the news of a four-year extension for the controversial law without committee review.

“That is how the Patriot Act first came into being 10 years ago—without meaningful debate,” said the Bill of Rights Defense Committee in a statement issued on Thursday night.

“Today, despite the prior approval of the Senate Judiciary Committee of a bill introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy to impose some (albeit inadequate) reforms, the congressional leadership is dictating the result of a long overdue policy debate that has never happened.”

I would expect nothing less. Congress hasn’t been so thoroughly-defined by cowardice since the witch-hunt days of Joe McCarthy.

  1. deowll says:

    My libertarian roots agree with the poster.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    I’m not surprised, disappointed but not surprised that the electoral system got to him.

    It would take a saint to resist the allure of money, and there ain’t no saints.

    Until a country get set up without an electorate, without parties but with a 4 year, your’re in and then your out system of governance, this is just going to be the same shit over and over.

    Maybe we could start over in a small country, maybe on a Polynesian island somewhere, maybe in a subterranean cave hollowed out by nuclear explosions, (the land of the Mole people of Nevada,) maybe that’ll happen. (Yeah, sure…)

    But you’re doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed I say to live in interesting times.

  3. MikeN says:

    So much for the liberal victory lap on Bin Laden.

    Just what provisions are you objecting to again, or do you just playing by rote?

    Are you against the CIA being able to talk to the FBI if they find out about a terrorist in the country?

  4. sargasso_c says:

    I am very creeped out by this. And I don’t even live in America.

  5. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Dallas : Your constant blaming of Cheney is truly getting boring. I’ll bet you a chance to kick Bobbo’s butt nobody consulted Deadeye Dick on this matter.

    When will you realize O’Bama IS Cheney only with less heart and a better tan?

  6. Thomas says:

    (different Thomas than from #2, #6, #8)

    You should rarely be worried about the guy that takes your liberties away in this day in age; it’s the next guy about whom you should be worried. Generally, the people that pass restrictive legislation are careful about using that new found authority. However, by the time the next person comes around, precedent has been set and they typically try to push those limits. “Hey, I didn’t make the law, I’m just using it…”

    IMO, we should be less worried about the Patriot Act and more worried about the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which basically lets the government black bag anyone by branding them with the scarlet “T”. You get no right to trial (speedy, jury or otherwise). No right to legal council. No right to habeas corpus.

  7. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Dear Moderator—I must formally register my complaint with Animby at #35. My butt and Dallas should not be placed in the same sentence and certainly never with some unauthorized third party consent to have it kicked. Criminal Sexual Assault should never be encouraged by a public blog no matter how Uncensored. I mean—really!

    Worse than that though is Animby’s continuing obfuscation of my political views. I don’t blame the PUKES for everything–I only correctly note they are worse than the Dumbo’s==something worse to spin than illegal butt sex to say that Obama is Cheney without the heart. Thats like calling someone Alfie without the brains.

    Lets get our heads out of the gutter shall we?

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    The Obama Shame keeps on coming.

    “In an effort to satisfy those arguing he needs to seek congressional authorization to continue US military activity in accordance with the War Powers Resolution, President Obama wrote a letter to congressional leaders this afternoon suggesting that the role is now so “limited” he does not need to seek congressional approval.”

    We now have an Emperor!!
    ABC News.

  9. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Ah Yea–Its been a long time, I was almost going to agree with you. Telling that a “Constitutional Law Professor” would thumb his nose at the Const/BoR as readily as Obama has done, I mean he acts like a Puke in this regard–“but” what activities constitute “war” such that a resolution is needed?

    Obama wrote a letter to Congress. If Congress disagrees, they can order Obama to withdraw. Easy Peasy.

    Now, if we are going to have an Emperor, should it be Presnedents elected every 4 years, or Ah Yea posting on a blog?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Ah, bobbo. I shouldn’t be wasting my time, but just for fun…

    Do you know how to read?? How did you miss his message? It’s in the first paragraph?? Oh wait, I know. You don’t need to be informed because you’ve gone insane and nobody listens what you say anymore.


  11. John Mc says:

    Americans have bought into the myth about themselves. Independent, cowboys(in the best sort of way), no bullshit, straight shooters, and most importantly free. I believe that this was once true. Now Americans will take it in the ass from there government and big corporations, best of all after they screw you, you can wave the flag and say your a patriot. I find this so worrying, i just don’t understand why your allowing this. No protest, nothing. I think its the last days of Rome. Wake up , open your eyes. You are com-meting suicide as a nation.

  12. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    #42–Oh No==yes, I agree you are a waste of time. I responded DIRECTLY to the issue raised in the linked first paragraph.

    well, at least you weren’t “simply” mindlessly negative like Thomas and Animby. At least you gave the semblence of a reason.

    As is so often if not 100% of the time, your “reasons” have no merit. Just a “feeling” that you have been disagreed with and you don’t have the character to look at yourself first.

    So many PUKES are like that–so many, theres enough to make a political party out of.

    PARSE what I said and how it is wrong. Learn/grow from your own mistakes, suboptimal expressions, faulty first glances.

    You can’t/won’t do it though. The rut is such a warm and friendly place.

    Silly hoomans.

  13. John Mc says:

    43# Sadly your comment reeks of bloated self love and false wisdom. You #43 are exactly what the problem in America is today. Skip the audition go straight to a junior college. You should be a (cough)teacher. You must spread your infinite wisdom and intellect. One day I will show my grand kids that famous world renowned #43 shared his wisdom with me. Self delusion is the greatest crime. All is easy hiding in your home, Go outside and aim some of this sad hostility toward a worthy cause.

  14. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    #45–John==you don’t have to be an academic to spot your pure ad hominem attack. Why not take apart #43–John point by point or any point and have a point in your attempt at the self love you criticize?

    Oh……Gee…..John is criticizing his own post. Well, I guess he knows himself better than anyone else.

    Never mind.

  15. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Dear Moderator – I leave it to you to straighten out Poor Bobbo. It is true I did offer an opportunity to kick a Bobbo Butt however I put no reference number in the post. You see, I was never talking about our dear correspondent but another, more game Bobbo of my acquaintance. As for the “sexual abuse”, well, Bobbo in #37 must have been fantasizing, again. I said nothing about butt sex! Maybe he misunderstood the term Deadeye Dick…

    While our dear poster Bobbo does remind me of Alfie without the brains whenever he starts talking about the “pukes” (implying they are somehow awful but better than the opposition) I certainly would never say such a thing.

    We all value Bobbo, the multiple verbotic pastry chef and caffeine-fueled divinity, and do not wish he take offense at our reference to another semi-thinking monkey boy who does not understand the benefit of using unsalted butter in the croissants and drinks only Nescafe. Iced.

  16. Dallas says:

    Bohner seems to have tears of joy and Obama has a fake smile and not really into it.

  17. MikeN says:

    >less worried about the Patriot Act and more worried about the Military Commissions Act of 2006

    I disagree. An act that applies to everyone with small degree of interference vs an act that applies to probably noone with a great degree of interference. Use of those powers would be called out. I am troubled by the MCA in that it should have been unnecessary. Perhaps Obama didn’t have the power to start a war with Libya, but he definitely has the power to shoot prisoners in Guantanamo.

  18. Thomas says:

    “use of those powers would be called out”

    How would its use be called out exactly? Where would you go to call it out? How would you know that those powers had been used? One day a person disappears and you have no idea where they went, why they were taken or any way to correct the situation. The MCA allows the government to quiet anyone they want indefinitely. I’m not saying the Patriot Act isn’t bad, but as far as I can tell, the MCA fundamentally and blatantly unconstitutional.

  19. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    #47–Animby==you say: “whenever he starts talking about the “pukes” (implying they are somehow awful but better than the opposition) I certainly would never say such a thing.” /// I don’t imply any such thing: I clearly state it without implication or equivocation and I back it up with examples and facts one after another.

    To equate two parties as DIFFERENT as the Pukes and the Dumbos is the key stupidity/failure to deal with reality/drinking of the Koolaid that allows the destruction of the USA. Perhaps if the Pukes weren’t so perfidious two faced liars the Dumbo’s would prove themselves equally destructive of America but that is not the history of the two parties and that is not our current reality.

    Tv just said something that is true enough: 40% will vote for Obama no matter what, 40% will vote Puke no matter what, and the game is for the 20% undecided. It doesn’t matter if a Puke win occurs because the motivate and turn out their base, vote rig the elections against the poor, black, and uneducated, or actually make an argument the 20% find appealing: the fact is ANYONE that votes PUKE at this point of time is VOTING TO DESTROY AMERICA. The Pukes do it by LYING–plain and simple as their express and obvious desires are not accepted by the majority when stated plainly.

    Test for anyone who thinks about politics, the future of America, the health and safety of their own kiddies:

    Is the Puke proposed budget for America one that decreases the taxes on the Richest Americans while cutting social safety net services for the poor while DESTROYING Medicare while not touching Military Spending that is based on deficit spending and wildly unrealistic (ie–false) job recovery in the near future


    Is it the only way to save America and cannot be modified at all?

    or as the Newt said: Is it Right Wing Extreme Social Engineering?

    Animby–why anyone as intelligent, experienced, wordly wise, and caring as yourself stops thinking at the recognition that both parties are corrupt is beyond me. YES the are both corrupt. YES more congress creeps need to be put in jail for practices. YES none of them are transparent and they all pander to their bases for votes, YES they raise taxes for one purpose and spend it on another, YES they all run on one platform and when elected do nothing or the opposite of what they could do if they would be honest in the first place…….and on and on with the list of horribles.

    But they are NOT THE SAME.

    That lack of analysis is what is KILLING AMERICA. Think Animby. Just THINK.

    Deal with Reality.

  20. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    TEADud–answer the question.

  21. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Here is another version of what turns out to be the same question. I nom de flamed it for a few weeks. I think I got one and only one inept response to it. Seems PUKES love to post pretty much like Alfie and are incapable of actually addressing the issues—yet they still vote PUKE. Silly Hoomans.

    “I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.”

    Never any takers. There are NO Conservative responses because they are disgusted by the tax cutting and deficit spending PUKES like any good thinking Conservative. There are no Race Baiters–they’ve learned to hide their moronic freedom killing impulses by going after dog whistle issues like the Birth Certificate. No, the only ones left are Alfie types baying at the moon in harmony with Rushed Limbaugh. As Alfie shows–all you need to do is push hate and be repetitive.

    Thats the Republican Party of Today. Vote Dumbo. Save America.

  22. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    #56–Alfie==my GOD!!!!!! A legitimate response. Wrong, but legitimate. You can answer the question as posed in #51–I call it a “test” there, or as initially phrased at #57.

    The Teaparty is right that “the debt ceiling should mean something and not be raised automatically” but they lose all relevancy when they want to cut taxes for the rich and fund it by cutting services to the poor. That kills America.

    Can you be relevant and responses twice in a row? I am afraid, very afraid==but happy to be surprised. Surprise everyone Alfie.


  23. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    #59–Alfie==total fail. Not nonsense, it indeed may be the best you can do with your addled fixated brain damaged mind.

    My premise does not state or imply “giving” of any kind.

    Silly. Try again–try my “parsing” method. Have the words you are addressing RIGHT THERE. Maybe that will help.

    Or, clean the shit out of your ears. Try everything, because right now you are back to repetitious straw man nonsense.

  24. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Alfie, I don’t know which is worse: your loopy hate filled religion, or your loopy hate filled libertarianism. How much difference is there really?

    Not for you, but for other idiots of similar dogmatic devotion, let’s parse:

    #60 That money belongs to the Government, and therefore tax cuts are GIVING, is your implied premise: /// No. The money does not belong to the Government. total fail. My premise is that revenue and expenses must be matched to create a stable but growing jobs environment that best serves society. Anyone that thinks this is achieved by just one side of the equation or the other is a fool. Like you Alfie–a fool.

    “I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    You equated giving service with tax cuts, positing both as something that is “given to” either the rich, or middle class. // No–an appropriate functioning tax/expense budget is required to support a functioning society. Wealth disparity is at an all time high, tax rates at an all time low. The “direction” of needed change is obvious to any honest thinking person==NOT the ramming home of more inequity and deficit spending.

    Tax cuts are not “giving,” they are “taking less.” /// I agree.

    Therefore it is morally correct we take less what is NOT our property. /// No. Society requires a balanced budget over time. Both Pukes and Dumbos recognize the need/desire to spend on social programs. The Pukes just don’t want to pay for them, the Dumbos don’t either but not as much.

    Deal with reality, not dogma.

  25. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Oh–and answer the question or take the test.

    Why don’t you?

    You can recognize you are cutting your own throat but still don’t want to say it expressly? Is it that dogmatic?

  26. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Crap. Pure Crap.

    Do you support turning MediCare into a voucher program or not?

  27. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Do you want Soc Security to be privatized?
    Do you want Banks to be re-regulated so they are not too big to fail?
    Do you want torture reinstituted?
    Do you want the government OUT of the bedroom?
    Do you want the government telling women they have to give birth once they are pregnant?
    Do you want people with barely enough brain material left in their skulls to be kept on life support at the cost of 300K per month?
    Do you want estates of 500 Million to go untaxed to the heirs?
    Do you want Intelligent Design to be taught on an equal footing with science?

    These and so many other issues offer a clear choice between Puke and Dumbo.

    They are not the same.

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

    Vote to save America.

  28. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Alfie: Do you support turning MediCare into a voucher program or not?

  29. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Does anyone reading/posting here support turning MediCare into a voucher program? A program that by design will very rapidly cause medical care/insurance for the elderly to be unaffordable and therefore unavailable?

    How is America in any sense an exceptional nation except it already spends twice what other first world countries do and gets rated in the mid 20’s on the list for outcomes?

    And the PUKES want to make it worse–as in so many things, regress to what our nation overcame 50 years ago?

    and that is all as you may wish–but it is brain damage to think dying from lack of health care access is the same as being fully covered. Puke vs Dumbo.

    There is a difference. Deal with Reality. Animby? you who would never make such a claim? Man up when you wake up. Yes, a very long slumber evidently.

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! The Pukes are trying to KILL America, but they can’t do it without your vote.

  30. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    I note the PUKE position is to let Alfie represent the deepest convictions (sic) of the party/movement.

    Nuff said.


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