Almost 40 of the 204 waivers that the White House issued to President Barack Obama’s healthcare law last month went to high-end restaurants, nightclubs, and hotels in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Northern California district, The Daily Caller reports. The waivers granted in Pelosi’s district have little in common with those doled out in the rest of the country, where such passes often have gone to labor union chapters, large corporations, financial firms, and local governments.

One restaurant receiving a waiver is Boboquivari’s in San Francisco, which advertises $59 porterhouse steaks, $39 filet mignons, and $35 crab dinners. Another is Café des Amis, which bills itself as “a timeless Parisian style brasserie . . . located on one of San Francisco’s premier shopping and strolling boulevards, Union Street,” according to the restaurant’s website.

The White House has raised plenty of eyebrows for granting 1,700-plus waivers to its own healthcare reform law.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    Change we can believe in.

    Look©™®, he used to make people think he was an honest man.

    See how that has changed.

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Bobbo – Sorry to say this, Sir. But when it comes to the health care ;law, you’ve stopped thinking.

    I agree: Single payer, yes.
    O’BamaCare: RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!

    And don’t come back with a demand I expound on this. I have done so at length in previous posts.

    I would truly love to see an analysis of how many unions and democratic sycophants have received these temporary waivers compared to your “puke” sympathizers. And I wonder how many of those unions and dems employers will receive another waiver when the first one expires.

    Bobbo – please stop your knee jerk politics and return to thinking. Can I send you a cappuccino? With a double shot? Might help you wake up.

  3. DaveLG says:

    Under Obama taxes have actually gone down.That’s right..down.

  4. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 36 DaveLG (Under Obama taxes have actually gone down.That’s right..down.)

    I can make unsubstatiated statements too. Sesame Street is brainwashing our kids to accept our alien overlords when they arrive.

    I can also lie – just like you: Obama is a great president.

  5. MikeN says:

    Yea, this is a transition to a country where businesses are less likely to hire or provide health care thanks to Obamacare.

  6. DaveLG says:

    #38 Yep they went down.

  7. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    #35–Animby–please explain. Neither of us likes Obama Care, both of us support Single Payer. How am I wrong and you are right?

  8. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #43 Sir Robert – how utterly embarrassing. I reread your posts and, except for your mindless blaming of all that is evil on the “Pukes”, I couldn’t find what I was reacting to.

    My apologies.

    BTW, while I think Single Payer is a better way to go, I do not think it is the best way to go. Prior to going off to medical school (and my second divorce) I worked for over a decade as the tech director of a cardio-pulmonary/cardiac cath lab. We supplied quality care TO LOCAL STANDARDS in a major teaching facility. Payment was made on a sliding scale and local/state government made up the rest. With some Federal help, I’m sure. We had over a thousand beds, major outpatient facilities, the first certified trauma center in the state, a regional burn unit and just about any specialty you can name. The only thing we didn’t do was transplant surgery and that was contracted out to a local hospital that specialized in it. And no open wards: two bed rooms except in the various ICUs. We gladly accepted insurance payments and the quality of care was such, we had a substantial number of private patients. We even contracted with several large employers in the area to provide HMO care. It was the most efficient system I have ever seen in operation. And, in my travels, I’ve seen more than a few.

    Again, Bobbo, my apologies. Of course, I’m almost three hours into Armageddon day so I may be getting soft and weepy…

  9. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Animby–so what is this “better” system you refer to? Sounds like a straight up County Hospital or Hospital District And you are otherwise a bit conflating in your description as to my knowledge there are no cardiac cath labs that run 1000 bed hospitals–I’ve only seen the opposite arrangement.

    No, fatally vague. Maybe that does describe Armageddon?

  10. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #45 Bobby – It was a county hospital. I’m afraid your experience is not sufficiently inclusive. It was a very well run hospital with a great board of directors. I have seen others that were run more like a VA hospital where the staff did absolutely the least they could get away with and the facilities were miserable. I was not holding up our institution as an example of how things are but of how they could be.

    As for the cath lab: I fail to see how I said it ran the hospital. It did not, of course. We had a busy cath lab doing 20 or 30 per week, two full time cardiologists and 4 cardiac fellows. Though usually at least one fellow was a femme.

  11. bobbo, to err is human, to admit it is devine says:

    Animby—specifically===how is my experience not sufficiently inclusive? Country Hospitals are all going broke. THAT is your preferred healthcare system? Please explain.

    As to the cath lab running the hospital, thats my humorous review of your ambiguous phrasing on the subject.

    I have to get some pleasure some how, don’t you agree?

  12. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #47 Oh, dear, Robbie (Have recently revisited Forbidden Planet). I specifically said I have opined long and thoroughly on the topic and had no intention of redoing so in this thread. Especially when you fall back to your “dug in” positions and just generically say, “Explain” even preceded by a pleasant “please.”

    Have your fun however you wish. Me? It is 7 am here and the little brown lady and I are going out to enjoy a nice breakfast before the end of the world starts.

    If you wish to cause me further consternation, it will need to be on another thread.


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