In a decision that can only be described as touchy, a Brazilian judge has reportedly ruled that a 36-year-old female accountant can legally masturbate at work and watch porn on her work computer.

Ana Catarian Bezerra successfully argued that she suffers from a chemical imbalance that triggers severe anxiety and hypersexuality, according to a viral news story. Her work situation began to suffer because the only way she can relieve her anxiety is by masturbating frequently, according to

“I got so bad I would to masturbate up to 47 times a day,” she said. “That’s when I asked for help, I knew it wasn’t normal.”

After winning a court battle and seeking professional help, Bezerra is legally entitled to combine work with pleasure. Her doctor has also given her a medical cocktail of tranquilizers that has reduced her need to masturbate to about 18 times a day.

  1. two to the head says:

    No normal? uh oh.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    What’s her number?

  3. Steve S says:

    “can legally masturbate at work and watch porn on her work computer”
    Yes! Finally a legal precedent I can use!

  4. George says:

    I guess women being multiple-orgasmic can be a curse. If you’re a guy, how many times a day can you maturbate? 3, 4, 5 maximum? That well runs dry in pretty short order.

  5. Michael says:

    Oh Georgie Georgie Georgie.. when I was 16, the most I did in one day (within 24-hour window) was 15 times.. and I am a man. I do have to admit that I wasn’t able to take a leak for a day or two without screaming in pain.. and no, it wasn’t worth it.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Why isn’t she being declared disabled and put on disability? Her condition interferes with her ability to work, if she has to diddle herself 15-47 times a day?

  7. Grandpa says:

    #2 There is a reason she masturbates with herself. Alone.

  8. I’m calling bullshit. I’m lucky if I can do it 30 times a day.

  9. JimD says:

    She needs one of Woody Allen’s Orgasmatrons !!! Or a vibrator !!!

  10. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Must be a lot of traffic past her cubicle.

    #8 Sis Mary – Just looked at your link photo. I think it’s shameful your order allows the nuns to wear so much makeup. Though I would be interested in seeing how the rosary serves as a bra…

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Speechless .

  12. birddog says:

    I wonder if she is a screamer??

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Women get all the fun diseases.

  14. John E. Quantum says:

    Something smells fishy about this story- a white collar worker doing manual labor?

  15. Dallas says:

    #14 Fishy? Pun intended?

  16. JH says:

    If only there was some job for her where her disability would be an asset…some old long established trade…some would say the oldest profession.

  17. #10 – The make-up is for our protection. We want to be sure we don’t look like alter boys.

  18. dadeo says:

    A true domain master. Legendary

  19. Skeptic says:

    Just think of the juice (electricity, cough) she can generate doing that. Hook her hand up to a generator to power her computer screen so that she can watch porn. Perpetual masterbation.

  20. deowll says:

    All I know about the topic is what I’ve read. The article started off talking about women with this problem. More or less full time arousal. It was discovered more or less by accent that drugs that reduce the levels of some brain chemicals that normally cause you to feel happy when overly elevated caused the problem.

    Taking medication to suppress the brains production of the hormone prevented the almost constant arousal. Unfortunately the need went down but the person wasn’t happy. I’m not sure how this even ties in with what I’d call a normal sex drive because it appears some people are born this way and may masturbate and have organisms even as young children.

    I think I’ll leave it with this is a medical problem caused by the over production of a chemical by the brain and I don’t have the answer.

  21. bbjester says:

    George Says…
    “If you’re a guy, how many times a day can you maturbate? 3, 4, 5 maximum?”

    6 is my record after that only dust comes out, I begin to chafe, and I may get some second degree burns.

    btw, does anyone have her number…I think I may be able to help this poor woman.

  22. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    As a doctor, I can’t help but wonder if rubbing your clitoris that much might cause callouses. That would, if course, decrease sensitivity ergo requiring more masturbation and bigger callouses.

    Alternatively, constant manipulation of the clitoris might result in hypertrophy and, within a few years she might have a bigger cock than bbjester above!

  23. Jack Handy says:

    Her new best friends at work? … Stiffany, Woody, and Buzzzz.


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