Quite entertaining.

  1. ggore says:

    Stewart did a good job in the face of O’Reilly’s illogical rant about a poet who was lauded by Republicans just a short time ago and is now considered in the same vein as Satan.

    And Stewart deserves an Academy Award for keeping a straight face when asked if a woman who thinks George Washington eradicated slavery from our country (Bachman) would make a good President.

  2. Scooter says:

    Have to agree with what ggore said.

    It is even better when FOX had Nugent on and did not even bring up the whole “Obama suck on this” statement he made on stage. To not see a problem with that yet have a problem with what a poet said is beyond stupid.

    You might agree or disagree with what Nugent and the poet said but at least be consistent.

  3. Zybch is pissed off says:

    #2 same here.

  4. Dallas says:

    That was a fantastic clip.

    Contrast the exchange between the one that is open minded, pragmatic, logical versus the other who comes across as stiff, tunnel visioned and a buffoon.

    You decide which is which.

  5. Jason says:

    BO is a douche and I enjoy Stewart but the annoying thing with Stewart is that as much as he will go after the left from time to time, he is almost as inconsistent as Fox is as far as Stewart regularly gives a pass to a metric TON of BS from people like Ed Schultz.

    But otherwise, Stewart is a MUCH better debater than O’Reilly every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Makes me wonder why O-Reilly allowed Stewart to win points…that’s not Bill’s nature.

    The false outrage is something Jon mentioned the last time he was with O-Reilly…Fox, like other news broadcasters and websites, has to elevate the passion of everything that happens in order to capture viewers’ attention.

    The telling story is CNN…their ratings are mediocre until a big event, say a tsunami in Japan. Then suddenly they are #1. On the other hand Fox resorts to constant hype and exaggeration to maintain their daily ratings. Both companies do it, but on Fox it’s far more obvious…their morning show is loaded with breathless important news, every day.

  7. Dallas says:

    #9 Good point. CNN does have Nancy Grace and that other loon to excite the sheep. I can’t stand them but at least it’s a show within CNN.

    Fox on the other hand, makes their entire format to be “sensational news” which is what your point is.

  8. Kent says:

    What about Ron Paul Mr. Stewart?

  9. Mark Derail says:

    As a Canadian, I liked John’s position on banning automatic weapons for NPW.

    There are no valid reasons in a modern society + police state for the phrase “right to bear arms”.

    If someone wants the thrill of shooting various weapons, let it be in a controlled environment, like a shooting range. You pay to play, not to own.

  10. Kent says:

    As a Canadian, I want automatic weapons for the revolution.

  11. Brian says:

    Kent, you are not a Canadian. You wish you were a Canadian.

  12. Kent says:

    But I am a Canadian, live in SW Ontario. First we have a revolution, then we invade the US and have our way with it.

  13. EricD says:

    I hate BO as much as the next guy, but he seems to have become a more coherent over the last years? Like, questions and answers form actual sequences now.

    I don’t follow him though so it might just be what I’ve stumbled upon.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    EricD said, on May 18th, 2011 at 10:21 am

    I hate BO as much as the next guy, but he seems to have become a more coherent over the last years? Like, questions and answers form actual sequences now.

    Maybe but I also think everyone else on news channels have gotten less coherent.

  15. MikeN says:

    #9, I agree. Fox is more tabloidish. Plus technical difficulties show up a lot more there than other networks.

    On the other hand, they are more balanced idologically, not like CNN let’s have an Iraq roundtable with our conservative is Bob Novak, an opponent of the war, or Crossfire with republican journalists and Democratic hacks Carville and Begala.

  16. Bobkat says:

    My things have changed. I remember when Reagan wouldn’t let the Beach Boys play at the White House. Too controversial.

  17. bobbo, don't BAN me Bro---its only my opinion says:

    Most excellent show==should be seen by “everyone” to see it demonstrated and explained what an “infested/diseases” organization Faux Spews is and by extension the Republican Party they support.

    On a re-edit, I think Stewart was wrong at 19:17 minutes wherein he says he doesn’t hate any of the major politicians of our day, that is ok in itself, but then he continues with: “This country is stronger than what any one individual can throw at it.”

    I give you Bush Jr, or moreseo the machine that pulled his strings: they drove our country into the ditch, and currently they are gunning the engine to go further off the road.

    It is class warfare==with the SuperRich/Pukes having won too many important battles already.

    Wake up Fools. Vote Dumbo because the Pukes want to kill you.

  18. TThor says:

    I don’t like John Stewart very much, but by God he has good logic, reasoning and sense here – and poor O’Reilly is a pompous and embarrassing simpleton.

  19. foobar says:

    I am truly shocked that Jon Stewart doesn’t understand why middle aged white guys don’t like rap. Especially by black artists. Especially when their daughters listen to it.

  20. MikeN says:

    Good reasoning? This is an example of Stewart’s stupidity, and O’Reilly’s unpreparedness. Stewart thinks Common believes Assata is innocent? What a BS story. Does Common have any reason for this? At best Obama has invited a guy who supports the Black Panthers ad writes a song praising it, and has kooky ideas about one of them being innocent.

  21. MikeN says:

    Oh yea, and someone who is against interracial marriage. Then again, that didn’t stop Muhammad Ali from being invited.

  22. steve says:

    great cast thanks

  23. CMercs says:

    The problem is that Fox and their ilk draw a distinction between the 1960’s militants who took on “By Any Means Necessary” (Panthers and Malcolm X) and the 1970’s militants who took on “I’ll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!” These two statements are, ideologically, the same.

    There is very little difference between what The Right wing says, in this regard, and what those that they call “African American Militants” say. I will fight, kill and die to protect my rights and the rights of those I care about.

    Common’s last statement was even tamer then what I usually hear from the right wing; “I hold up a Peace Sign, but I carry a Gun.” The right wing just wants to carry a gun…

    Finally, the Black Panther’s were no more Terrorists then the Confederate soldiers were.

  24. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    What better way to coddle a person to become a better man than to invite him to the Whitehouse? Its why Bush won’t attend events there.

  25. rr says:

    Mike N said: “Stewart thinks Common believes Assata is innocent? What a BS story.”

    Read Commons lyrics. It’s clear that he believes that the homicide was justified, because the police at the time, in his view, were bent on eliminating BLA & Panthers through extra-legal means.

    The US and our police forces have a very, very long history of eliminating blacks through extra-legal means and an even longer one of using the laws to destroy problematic blacks.

    World history is full of instances of what happens to police, even innocent policemen, when they are used as instruments of oppression against groups. Why don’t you look up the “Troubles”, no black folk required to get lots of cops killed.

  26. chris says:

    Jon Stewart should host debates. He has to be more frighting than Tim Russert or Ted Koppel.

  27. clifffton says:

    Taxed enough….. Get a Linux boot CD and run it in live mode. Works on most hardware.
    I own several PCs and most of them run Linux. I work on Win xp/Veeesta/se7en all day long and want to enjoy my computers at home.

    And… Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is left leaning. So what! There is 44 new minutes (x 4 days a week) of fake news on Comedy Central. Over at Fox it there is 44 (X 5days a week) minutes of real news. Thanks for hanging in there Shep!


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