Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at Dell versus HP.
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  1. moss says:

    Well, the market certainly looks at differences between the two, this week.

    Long-term, I’m not certain they’re going in different directions. H-P may have more competent leadership even with just as many problems to sort.

  2. jescott418 says:

    Big difference between PC companies and Apple. Apple has always been able to convince its customers to frequently upgrade their Mac’s. While PC companies have done little to create this interest from consumers. Many run their computers until they quit because for the most part a new one does not significantly improve. We are basically at a standstill as far as perception of speed or function of a computer. Even Tablet’s have taken some of that market of consumers who chose a Tablet over a new computer. I personally think PC companies sell too many cheap computer models. I think they are too concerned about volume then quality. I think Apple thinks just the opposite. They prefer to avoid that bottom line of computers and make good margins on their computers. Sure, they sell less of them, but they also do better in margins. They also have more happy customers then all those PC people complaining about their cheap computers.


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