![]() Courtesy buzzpal
Who’s fired?
After a roller-coaster flirtation with a presidential bid, Donald Trump bowed out of the 2012 contest in true Trump fashion on Monday, saying that while he would not be a candidate this year, if he had run, he would have been able to win the primary and the general election too.
“I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election,” Trump said in a statement on Monday. “I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector.”
“This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country,” Trump said in the statement.
In the end, however, his decision almost certainly had more to do with his lucrative NBC television contract for his “Apprentice” franchise than anything else. Trump was running out of time to decide whether he would sign on for another season of the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
The momentum for a Trump campaign started to wane earlier this month when Trump’s views on President Obama’s birth certificate, and his refusal to release his tax returns, began to draw a barrage of popular criticism — even mockery — from opponents.
Perhaps he’s smarter than he seems. Did careful thought overcome an ego the size of a small planet? And how thick is his skin? Trump, who says he’s a billionaire, is suing the author of a book in which three unnamed sources said Trump’s net worth is between $150 million and $250 million. The Donald claims it was malicious, and it hurt his business. It might be fun to speculate on the changes such a man would attempt to make in our government.
Who cares. The election is 18 months away. I am sick of the coverage already.
I’ve met a few “rich” people. Most telling character trait: they are full of shit. I don’t think the Donald has this much tether to reality, instead he started the whole campaign as a goof to boost his ratings.
As a “business man” (giving the business to everyone he deals with) he only cares about making money. Four years at $400K does not keep the fantasy alive.
The rich are all assholes—whether or not they are. This was not intended as a factual statement.
Little man got spanked by Obama and ran with his tail between his legs.
Oh come on like we don’t see this coming?
Trump was looking for a ratings boost. He always complains when Forbes Magazine publishes their richest Americans list, say they intentionally underestimate his wealth. Trump couldn’t run for President because he would never be as open as he demanded Obama to be.
Well, I think we all knew it was just comedic relief. Big, blustery guy with no qualifications to run a country. I doubt he EVER was serious. For one thing, he bragged he was anxious to show us his financials. Ha! I doubt they would be an endorsement. He’s had a LOT of bankruptcies. C’Mon Donald – you wanted to show us your financials, do it!
He claims he’s worth $7 billion with no mortgages. Bullshit to both.
Truly a sad day for politics. The man who’s ego could solve all the problems of the world, gives up.
At least the republicants have a number of other looney toons to throw up.
When he found out he would have to reveal his hair transplant surgeon and all the transplants he decided it wasn’t worth it.
Hell, anyone can forge a BC or their grades, but you can’t keep them from checking out your hair.
He can’t run, it would mess up his hair.
He pussied out after just one Obama smack down.
Doesn’t matter as had Charlie Sheen’d himself out of consideration anyway.
I predicted Trump had a short half life. The next sheepherder on the scene is Newt Gingrich. I guess his parole is up.
I’m with #1. Let me know when its all over. I guess we will either have another four of Obama misery or four years of someone else’s misery.
From the beginning this was an obvious self-promotion stunt. He never had any intention of running.
Why would a billionaire care about the income from a TV show? Surely there are better uses for his time. Oh, except see above.
This man is seriously stupid. He was “proud” of himself for “forcing” Obama to release his long-form birth certificate. So he was “proud” of being proved WRONG.
You can tell his ego is wafer-thin brittle when he can’t take a little ribbing. Mommy Mommy he made fun of me!
It’s all about self-promotion. He can’t even tell the difference between his own spin and reality.
I wish he had run. It would have been hilarious.
Charlie Sheen for president?
Washed up B grade actor – check
Alcoholic – check
‘ex’ Coke addict – check
Womaniser – check
War hero – check (well Hot Shots but TV = reality so that’s ok)
Gentlemen I give you the next President of the United States
“…if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election…”
I’ve always told people, I can run 100m in 5 seconds, and if I, ultimately, ran in the Olympics, I’d win 100 gold medals.
So there’s really no point in actually doing it.
The “Donald” Ducks out of the Race !!! It was a publicity stunt on his part all along !!! This leaves the rest of the Repuke Garden Gnomes lacking any measureable “gravitas” to try to compete with Obama (Who got Osama) !!!
The mere thought of being held to public scrutiny sent shivers up that thing on his head.
He sure looked presidential at the Washington Press Club dinner when his name was mentioned. Or maybe that was the look of someone biting through their own tongue.
# 14 dg “he can’t take a little ribbing”
A little ribbing? I think the man is a fool and even I cringed at the brutality of the “ribbing” he was subjected to. I am sorry, a bit, he’s out. He was good comedy in what’s going to be a very long campaign. And, I for one, would like to see O’Bama’s grades…
Doesn’t O’B realize not letting people see these things is like putting a dog treat on the dog’s nose and making him wait. You can see the tension mount.
Amusing that everyone “forgets” Trump showed interest in running for President two times before. Not as aggressive as he did this time but just as ridiculously.
The Newt is just as divorced from reality and in love with himself.
Hard to separate yourself from crazy when you are a Republican.
But he did get Obama to show his birth certificate. So that makes him a true American hero.
Or maybe it just makes him a douche-bag.
Obama is golden. No one can touch him. Who is going to run against him?
Relax, we’re going to be OK.
For the hundreds of thousands who have found work since 2008, the answer is yes!.
If nobody’s better than Obama, people will fuck their principles, hold their noses, pull the lever for him and he’ll get the vote.
So far, he’s wining…
Trump is just a bully looking for attention, Obama handled him like you should any bully by standing tall and saying don’t mess with me or some of what I can dish out.
@24the dont tax me bro Dude Alfred
well the country seems to be on a slow mend I think Obama is safe with that question
9%unemployment means 91% and not in that boat.
The recent escalation of deficit is mainly not Obama’s fault and only 4 years is not long enough for us to forget that for the most part the caused by the Bush wars, Bush tax cuts, the and the economic collapse that happened during the Bush presidency(that last one is not entirely Bush’s fault) conservatives Reps and pundits and little Alfred/Dude keep repeating the same tired misleading information I hope the conservatives voters wise up and still aren’t buying the lies. I fiscally conservative socially moderate Republican without much baggage could have a shot. Who you got?
Obama 80% of what he said he would be WOW that is probably some kind of political record. The election will hinge on weather the younger voters will still be motivated enough to vote with the new election laws the elephants have put in place to discourage them. They are the ones who are the least likely to be effected by the billion or more dollars of secret cash citizens united will put in GOP pockets.
#20 A little ribbing? I think the man is a fool and even I cringed at the brutality of the “ribbing” he was subjected to.
Seriously? After all the crap he was saying about Obama? What did he expect to happen?
Seriously, he should have laughed along with the rest of them. He would have come out looking a LOT better. A thin skin doesn’t serve you in politics.
It will likely be Romney and Palin. Newt will go down in flames leaving a thumper and a buffoon for the Puke’s to choose.
I give the thumper the edge since all he has to do is lighten up and not ride a bicycle with a tie on. Palin I think is laughable but might get the soccer mom and loon vote ( ~ 18-20%).
With unemployment under 9%, out of Iraq, out of Afganistan, pirates under control, Bin Laden dead, birthers contained and ridiculed, etc etc. It’s a sweep for Obama.
#24, Alphie,
When people are asked:
“Are you better off than four years ago?”
Obama’s finished.
I agree. Obama can just mail it in. There is no one can touch him. The country could save some money if we just cancel the 2012 Presidential election.
# 27 dg said,”he should have laughed along with the rest of them. He would have come out looking a LOT better.”
Well, said. I meant to indicate as much. myself. And I STILL don’t understand why he accepted the invitation!
I’d like to know if “the Donald” received any of that federal money, one gets for declaring to be a political candidate? Or will he receive any funds in the future, for those few days, before changing his mind?
Before this, I didn’t even know Trump considered himself political, let alone a Republican. And yet it only seemed he was in the news, in order to bring up his smear campaign against Obama. Once the Hawaiian birth record was finally provided. His most important arguing point was laid mute. In fact he acted as if it was no longer of any concern to him. But that’s because he had no defense to stand on, regarding that issue. And all else was mere nitpicking. But I’m sure the whole lame thing he did, helped boost his Tv show’s ratings. Because that the kind of dumb viewers that watch his dumb show.
But since when has the American election system become a media circus, ripe for cheap exploitation by any clown in a bad wig and expensive suit? Well, I guess since the first Ronald ran for presidential office.
Animby, was it cringe-worthy? Yup.
But seriously dude, Trump had it coming.