1. UncDon says:

    Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a wacky newswoman !!!

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Love the laughing in the background.

  4. Pedro's Pet Donkey, says:

    I bet pedro gets a hard on watching the camel.

    Munching some woman’s hair, yummmmmmm. WOW, that must be great head.

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific”

    wonder if it tastes good too

  6. Girl Gets Around says:

    Looks like a Lama to me – or a Camel ?
    The girl looks like a real animal lover in real life

  7. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Why do these damn videos always default to maximum volume?

  8. Joe Camel says:

    #7 In real life?

  9. Vaquero says:

    I work in local news in San Francisco as a photographer/live shot guy/editor/douchebag. It all is so stupid I can’t stand any of it any longer. The entire news industry is run by idiot producers who don’t know shit, and the on air “personalities” are often stupid dips like this douchebag broad.

    And the “anchor man” is always a guy who cares more about his fucking hair than what he is saying. Or a woman with the same attributes.

  10. GigG says:

    Here’s the best ever. NSFW


  11. Floyd says:

    Poor kid! I’m told camel breath is not good, and they spit if they don’t like you.

    It would be a really good thing if the jerks in that news desk would grow up a bit.

  12. Troy J says:

    3-2-1 tells you it’s pre-recorded, why would the live throw cut to an out-take?

  13. KD Martin says:

    Vaquero (#10) has it right. I don’t even watch TV news anymore, it’s such a joke. Ever counted the time they actually spout news?

    Results for standard big market local news–>
    News: 4.5 mins.
    Wxr: 3.5 min. unless an F5 tornado is about to hit
    Sports: 3.5 min. unless Metropolis just won Super Bowl or World Series
    Today’s “happy stories”: 3.5 min.
    “And coming up in just a few minutes,…”: 4 min.
    Commercials: 11 min.
    Total: 30 minutes

    Same information content from the web: 5 minutes.
    Fun on the web: 25 minutes.
    You don’t need a total, you’re brain still functions since you don’t watch TV news.


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