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Patrick: The internet is freaking amazing because you can buy cakes with the images of women going to the bathroom!
Is it just me or does he seem to be getting old?
@#1 Make it so.
I’ll bet he doesn’t know you can send audio/video email. Ha, ha.
Art is something that tickles emotion.
Actors are people who tickle emotion.
I feel like that was an advertisement for the Internet. “Turn me on now” (R) could be his final catchphrase for the ad.
He conveyed a tremoundous excitement for the possibilities of the Internet. Yet it felt superficial.
I’m sure he’s a great guy, and I’m over analyzing this.
#5–What==Bingo. Why didn’t the lighting alone scream this obvious fact to me???
It used to be “Hidden Persuaders.” Now, they are right out there in the open.
Ahhh, for the innocent days of yore when the personal recollections of life of famous techie scify programs weren’t totally scripted and filmed in a studio?
Well done.
Well of course it was shot in a studio — it’s part of an interview for a TV program. Scripted? I doubt it — the iPhone love seemed genuine. (Yes, I know he’s an actor.)
Reminds me of the ZDTV/TechTV days when they would send their people to movie/TV program press junkets to interview actors, etc.
Games scare me.I spend between 40 and 50 hours a week in front of various screens computer,t.v.,and work related.I wouldn’t have time to eat if I added games to the mix.
PHone sucks
Letters suck
Email: not so bad
pretty much!
#5 The internet is the epitome of superficial. What I an trying to imagine is captain picard talking smack while gaming. Go ahead put in you favorite game put on the head phones and think about it.
In #10 So what said: The internet is the epitome of superficial.
No the internet in a N:M network.
Its like a sewer system; what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
You are the epitome of superficial.
Strike that!
Anything by bobbo <whatevertefuckhewrote> is the epitome of superficial.
He was the worst thing that ever happened to scifi.
We’re allowed to eat?
Tweeting is NOT reducing “life” to 140 characters. Give me a break.
Twitter reduces life to 140 characters, like Haiku reduces poetry to 3 lines.
We’re becoming more like the Borg everyday.
Resistance will be futile.
He is getting older. Star Trek TNG started in 1987. That’s 24 years ago. So he’s going to look a little older in 24 years.
#14–JCD==a most excellent insight. Can life be reduced to any written form?
I think “Ode to a Grecian Urn” said it best, that such physical representations doth tease us to eternity but that such beauty is a frozen image. In that vein then a twitter might provide an insight, but not a life.
Yea, verily.
He was the worst thing that ever happened to scifi.
People who call it “scifi” are the worst thing that ever happend to SF (or Science Fiction. NEVER skiffy.)
Calling it SyFy was the worst thing to ever happen to SF.
podcast how many actual useful websites exist? Not porn for you to jerk off to. Not blogs nor temples to human stupidity or vanity. I mean actual USEFUL websites. Yes the internet is the epitome of superficial. You are the epitome of an idiot. Go back in you hole and leave the adults to talk troll.
Why would you post anything that this old perv does? Gross….. I guess, he’s your hero, Mark?
And, I thought the Squirrel was creepy.
“Skippy said,
Is it just me or does he seem to be getting old?”
Oh yes- I noticed this a couple of years ago. We all think of him as young and powerful Captain Picard- and that show wrapped production 17 years ago!
Star Wars was the worst thing that ever happened to Science Fiction. Because 99% of the movie going public just couldn’t rap their head around the difference between Science Fiction and a Science Fantasy. And SW was clearly a fantasy, designed mainly to help sell action figures, that Spielberg owned the exclusive marketing rights to. Note how many costume changes the lead female characters go through. While fighting a rebellion!! Did the princesses all escape, with their royal wardrobe intact? I saw no huge suitcases in tow! But it makes for multiple action figures, of each ensemble. Clever eh? And then there’s the obvious disregard for the laws of physics.
Forbidden Planet was Science Fiction. Cause at least it TRIED to be correct about stuff. Even if it wasn’t 100% right. But by now, nobody even gives a hoot about what’s scientifically accurate, and what isn’t. Or even if the story is meant in enlighten us, by juxtaposing a different view of our world view. Or whether it’s just plain exploitative garbage, made for a fast buck. It’s all been boiled down by the simpletons of news media, as either a “Summer Blockbuster” or some kind of “fest”. And whether or not it’s filmed in 3D. And how much CGI was involved. Having an actual high quality story to tell, that adheres to some basic science and logic. Seems to be less and less of a serious consideration. It’s for the kids!! Who are now all ignorant little sponge heads, who think everything is possible. And easier to be taken advantage of by every con artist and politician.