Courtesy Lisa

A new meaning for “thumb drive”

A stash of pornography was found among the trove of evidence seized from Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound by U.S. Navy SEALs, according to a report confirmed by ABC News.

The existence of the pornography stash, which one U.S. official told ABC News was “huge,” was first reported by Reuters. The official said the pornographic material was found in a wooden box in bin Laden’s bedroom and included electronically recorded videos.

The discovery of the pornographic videos is just the latest in a steady stream of information gleaned from evidence obtained by the SEALs during the mission that killed bin Laden nearly two weeks ago, from invaluable intelligence on al Qaeda operations to embarrassing personal revelations about the terror leader. Officials are analyzing one million pages of data recovered and said they’ve learned more about al Qaeda in the past ten days than in the last ten years combined.

How long before that thumb drive collection shows up on E-Bay? Hey baby, show me some neck!!

  1. mharry860 says:

    Freddy is right. This brings the question of who’s is in charge, is there anybody. We shouldn’t know anything. We can’t find out the true guest list at the white house, but all this gets leaked, hmmmm.

  2. rabidmonkey says:

    don’t even joke about my pron!

  3. rabidmonkey says:

    The “rabidmonkey” is not amused.

  4. soundwash says:

    WHO friggin cares?


  5. sargasso_c says:

    Obviously the vast intelligence stash needs, “sexing up”. Killing the world’s most wanted terrorist was accomplishment enough.

  6. abstain says:

    That’s just disturbing.

  7. fulanoche says:

    This has been one of the funniest comment threads in a while. Refreshing puns.

    #10 The snuff film, sadly was the collapse of the WTC.

  8. deowll says:

    18 He’d been married 5 times and divorced once. I’m still bothered that nothing seems to have been encrypted. I’m paranoid enough to at least consider doing that with important files on my computer and to the best of my knowledge nobody is trying to kill me.

    If he didn’t want his porn stash found he could have encrypted it and everything else.

  9. jn says:

    Osama Bin Laden discovered that there are 72 men for every 1 virgin in paradise. (Arabic is read from right to left) Ha Ha.

  10. bobbo, PUKES aren't the only ones lying all the time says:

    #42–PedoBear==what is this with animals and you? Bears, donkeys, now seals. All are your “friends.” Get off the computer, go outside, meet some human beings. The change will do you good. Just don’t get caught.

  11. Apparently they found a large pile of Kleenex too.

  12. Benjamin says:

    Apparently Muslim leaders can have porn because the rules don’t apply to them. They make the plans and send others to commit suicide as well, so jihad works by proxy for the leaders when they send some sap out with a bomb strapped to his or her chest. Porn is just minor.

    Besides, we all know that Mohammed was a pedophile who married a nine-year-old girl. Normal rules of right and wrong don’t apply to Muslim leaders. That’s why Islam is a death cult and not a true religion.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    “true religion”

  14. msbpodcast says:

    Japscat & tentacoo rape… I’m just saying…

  15. MikeN says:

    It’s just recruiting videos, to show what types of immoral filth the enemy engages in.

  16. Todd says:

    Hussein Obama’s amputee-porn is much worse!

  17. W.T.Effyall says:

    Think of the poor kids!

    (By which I mean the baby goats featured in Binny’s pr0n collection.)

  18. MikeN says:

    They never made enough of a big deal that Arafat died of AIDS, and was a pedophile.

  19. Dallas says:

    #46 Pedro, your collection of Ken dolls are no less bizarre.

  20. foobar says:

    #54 This Deborah Bright person…is she hot? Do you have any pictures?

  21. Bob Hamilton says:

    It was a lady Taliban without her headscarf and her burqa hiked all the way up to her ankles.

  22. Urotsukidoji says:

    Here cums the one-eyed monster!

  23. They found this blow-up doll in his collection too:

  24. So what says:

    @45 Benjamin all organized religions are death cults. They play on the reward punishment theme that your parents used. Eat you veggies or no dessert. Don’t clean your room and no allowance. Do what the religious authority says no matter how silly, contradictory, or asinine the requirement and you go to heaven. Don’t follow them and you go to hell. Add to that for pity sake never question the authority. That’s a direct route to everlasting torment in this life and the next.

    #54 alfie “Per capita, there is no equality, the percentile of perverts per 1000 progressives far exceeds anything found among religious groups of any creed.”

    Care to cite your source there alfie the critical thinker, or did you just pull it out of your ass again.

    “But only the fall of religious folk, is reported by the Progressive Ruling Elite Media,”

    Thinking critically, I think you give the media to much credit. The reason the media tends to report the fall of the “religious folk” is principally due to the hypocritical nature of the cocksuckers. They rail against the perversions of the masses but always seem awfully surprised when they get caught cock sucking with their knickers around their ankles.

    The media has always loved when people are hoist by their own petards. It simply follows the “if it bleeds it leads” mentality of the media and has no apparent bias by political affiliation. I do on occasion watch faux news.

    @55 Foobar whatever floats your boat, although not my cup of tea.

  25. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    pedro uses a blow up goat doll. Anatomically correct.

  26. Howard Beale says:

    oh alfred our little christian warrior fighting against the powers of satan…dude the whole idea of faith throws critical thinking out the window better pick some other torch to wave around this critical thinking thing will bite you in the butt just like an angry goat bereft of your attention while you type away

  27. foobar says:

    How dull the religious right has become. No humor, no joy.

  28. foobar says:

    Oh I forgot, Ayn Rand turned them into a bunch of humorless bastards.

  29. Howard Beale says:

    faith throws critical thinking out the window
    case closed

    your beliefs are just as silly as osama’s your enjoy the porn

    WWJD not collect it and keep it in a box. their is so much porn out there its like collecting sand or pennies why bother

    no goats were harmed in this post.

  30. foobar says:

    #68 Um yeah….


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