Courtesy Lisa

A new meaning for “thumb drive”

A stash of pornography was found among the trove of evidence seized from Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound by U.S. Navy SEALs, according to a report confirmed by ABC News.

The existence of the pornography stash, which one U.S. official told ABC News was “huge,” was first reported by Reuters. The official said the pornographic material was found in a wooden box in bin Laden’s bedroom and included electronically recorded videos.

The discovery of the pornographic videos is just the latest in a steady stream of information gleaned from evidence obtained by the SEALs during the mission that killed bin Laden nearly two weeks ago, from invaluable intelligence on al Qaeda operations to embarrassing personal revelations about the terror leader. Officials are analyzing one million pages of data recovered and said they’ve learned more about al Qaeda in the past ten days than in the last ten years combined.

How long before that thumb drive collection shows up on E-Bay? Hey baby, show me some neck!!

  1. The DON says:

    Wait till one of the Osama’s turns up alive and well, and says
    “Thats not my porn! My porn has ropes and cuffs.”

    Conveniently, anything can be said about what was recovered. Who’s to disagree?

  2. Steve S says:

    Well you try keeping three wives satisfied without a little extra help!
    I am curious what Osama was “into” though.

  3. Steve S says:

    On second thought… Maybe I don’t want to know.
    I am sure it involved camels or goats or something worse…

  4. freddybobs68k says:

    Well going by how we got from the original story of…

    o He was armed
    o He refused to surrender
    o He used his wife/daughter as a human shield

    to the current story who knows?

    If we hadn’t gone and shot him in the head flown his corpse to a ship hundreds of miles away and kicked it over the side, all seemingly within hours, then perhaps we could ask him all about his porn amongst other things.

    Yes, I know it’s fashionable to shout and cheer that he’s dead. Just don’t forget the original story’s propaganda like features. And using sex well that’s just a classic. Quick – say he’s a pedophile! As if the things he did weren’t bad enough.

    Don’t get me wrong he’s no loss to the world. And the act of going into Pakistan to get him seems to have been a risky but ultimately right move. But the events post finding him, and the story distortion, well it should make you somewhat skeptical. The world revolves around stories, history shows that the stories often don’t match reality very well.

    People remember most, and most easily what fits their world view. Most people will remember the original story. Just like most people remember Bush saying Saddam was linked to Al Queda. Many people continue to believe that today.

  5. chuck says:

    My theory:

    Osama was eaten by a tiger.

    My theory works because:
    1. It’s easy to understand.
    2. It’s as more believable than the official report.
    3. It can’t be disproved.

  6. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Great, the wives are gonna rag on me for the C4 and now the porn.

  7. Pays2Think says:

    Well it’s nice to see that it’s the same all over the word, Religious Zealots who are the loudest and most animated in condemning infidelity, sex and woman are the first to fly the flag of Hypocrisy.

  8. interglacial says:

    First scan of the headline I thought it said “Obama’s Huge Porn Collection Found”, so I went straight to the link. What a shame, the story is just more guff about Bin Laden.
    My prediction: these Bin Laden stories will keep on appearing every couple of weeks from now until 2012. We’ll even get to see the pictures of dead Bin Laden 2-3 weeks before election day, no doubt “shockingly leaked online without the permission of the State Department”.

  9. wirelessg says:

    moving my porn from a wooden box in my bedroom, that’s for sure

  10. The DON says:

    @ #4 freddy

    Very good point, I hadn’t thought about accusing him of having kiddie porn.

    That probably will be next, along with the snuff movies that he himself filmed.

  11. Dallas says:

    I was wondering why a goat was brought to the compound every single week. Bizarre. Pedro needs to explain this scenario.

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    I say bullshit! Eventually the story will morph into the final official version with the real Osama somewhere in Barbados and the porn was actually DVD’s of the Teletubbies.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    I’d like to believe this it could just be the CIA Swiftboating

    better question than did Osama like porn? Is Swiftboating OK when you are at war? it has always been done.

  14. Micromike says:

    #1 & #12 are right. When you execute a man without due process of law you can say anything about him you want to. Dead men tell no tales.

  15. Dallas says:

    For the record, any pornography in my household is to conceal my quicken file.

    [Yes, porn pix make superb keyfiles for TrueCrypt (or so they tell me) — Ed.]    

  16. Special Ed says:

    Titles found:

    Who’s your BagDaddy?
    Al Jizzera
    Camels gone Wild!

  17. BigBoyBC says:

    Man has to keep in practice for those virgins promised in the afterlife.

  18. Publius says:

    Must have been a married man.

    Wow. how.


  19. foobar says:

    Weapons of ass destruction.

  20. foobar says:

    Debbie Does Damascus

  21. foobar says:

    Sects in the City

  22. Howard Beale says:

    you guys are awful I will not take part in such a distasteful joke

    ok just this once

    Deep Goat

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    I can just picture the guys going over his porn deep in concentration looking for any hidden messages…

  24. bobbo, PUKES aren't the only ones lying all the time says:

    I also wish to sign up for the FOIA Request to see what OBL was into. I do fear it is: “Hey baby, show me some neck!!” or just a slightly askew Hajib? A little too much eyeball?

    Truly hardcore? I’d be surprised. Totally possible, but it would be disappointing. Recognize your own humanity and reject it so hypocritically.

    Troubling news just now is the treasure trove revealing OBL was constantly denying requests from AlQuaida in Yemen to run many many small scale terrorists attacks==a la vest bombs in a shopping mall, in favor of spectacular events like 9-11. With that old fart out of the way, looks like the young turks may now get their way?

    GOUSA–we haven’t yet shown ourselves capable of accepting several hundreds of deaths a year do to terrorism. OBL may yet still win the war.

  25. foobar says:

    And God bless you Howard Beale. I had tears from laughing so hard.

  26. foobar says:


  27. ThatsWhatSheSaid says:

    Well, strictly speaking, the CIA are probably correct to say there was porn. Looking at it from a purely Muslim cultural context, they were probably pictures of fully clothed women…but they just weren’t wearing their bhurkas!

  28. KMFIX says:


  29. Yankinwaoz says:

    Sadly… it was Saudi porn. All women’s ankles. Whoo Hoo!


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