A senator has called for a “no-ride list” for Amtrak trains after intelligence gleaned from the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound pointed to potential attacks on the nation’s train system.

Sen. Charles Schumer said he would push as well for added funding for rail security and commuter and passenger train track inspections and more monitoring of stations nationwide…

Schumer, citing U.S. intelligence analysts, said attacks were also considered on Christmas and New Year’s Day and following the president’s State of the Union address.

Obviously, we should stop having holidays.

He called on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to expand the Secure Flight monitoring program, which cross-checks air travelers with the terror watch list in an attempt to prevent anyone on the “no-fly list” from boarding, for use on Amtrak.

Such a procedure would create an Amtrak “no-ride list” to keep suspected terrorists off the U.S. rail system, he said.

Let’s spend every possible penny on fear and trembling unto death.

  1. FNH FNP40 says:

    Sock Monkey:

    “…an’ you won’t have to take off your shoes….”

  2. George says:

    How pointless.

    Of the four or so incidents on flights recently, only one was brought under control with the help of a federal security officer. The rest were handled by passengers. Yes a few were cops, but they were not working security. The point is that federal airline security failed 75% of the time in interdicting a present problem. It failed 100% of the time in preventing problem individuals from getting on the planes.

    The take-away message is that this security doesn’t work, so whey bother with it? The truth is that 100% of the time, problems are handled by the people who just happen to be there, and security measures are ineffective.

    What we have in America is not transportation security, but transportation security theater.

  3. Jason says:

    And again, you all are SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am PROUD to be Canadian. And soon to never waste time traveling to the USA ever again apparently.


  4. tdkyo says:


    You know, all of our jeans and cheaper. Buy it up 😉

  5. Nobody says:

    #3 – after the guy was killed on a greyhound in the prairies last year some idiot/MP did call for airport type screening at every bus stop.

  6. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #2–George==while I agree the TSA procedures are largely misdirected and more a jobs program than anything else I have to question your scientific grounding when you opine that because 3-4 people got thru the system, the system doesn’t work at all. Simple fact is that it is impossible to know how many would be bad guys are detered by the long TSA lines. The terrorists, like we good citizens, have better things to do with their time–like voting Republican.


    “Proof” such as it is requires a control group. Ain’t that a bitch?

  7. Nightstar says:

    So #6 I’m waiting for you to reveal the “scientific proof” supporting the current draconian and might I add unconstitutional procedures.

    I won’t hold my breath.

  8. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #7–Nightstare==what’s your hypothesis?

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Notice how Eideard and Reuters both avoid mentioning the Party affiliation of the Senator.

    S.O.P. when it comes to printing embarrassing comments from a Democrat.

  10. Nobody says:

    #11 – and return to the days of small efficient government and minimal intervention into our daily lives under Bush?

    Anyone who thinks that the republicans and democrats represents two polar opposites of government really need to travel more

  11. sargasso_c says:

    With the dubious and conflicting accounts of what actually happened during the raid, is it wise to accept official analysis based on documents allegedly and conveniently “found”? Mechanisms of paranoia have no “off switch.

  12. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #12, Alphie,

    #3 What happened in Canada, will happen here, against all the forecasts, the Conservatives won…

    You really know so little. The recent Canadian vote was less a vote for Conservatives and more a fractured vote against the opposition. If the same hold true the Democrats are in for a huge majority.

    BTW, the Conservatives were predicted to win.

  13. tcc3 says:

    Shut up Tdud. Its not even fun to trap you with your own illogic and inconsistency anymore. You make yourself look stupid all on your own.

  14. BigBoyBC says:

    I noticed something about this article(linked), nowhere does it state what political party Sen. Charles Schumer belongs to. Now I find that rather strange, given the fact he’s a Democrat. If he were a Republican, Reuters would have had his party affiliation plastered all over the article.

    I guess Reuters must have a policy, that potentially politically negative stories, ignore party affiliations, well except when it’s a Republican. Can the Lame Street Media’s bias get any more obvious?

  15. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    “no-ride list” for Amtrak trains. No ride lists work for airplanes because everyone has to buy a ticket and show their name. so, how could this work on trains? No Season Passes on Amtrack for no ride listed people? Last time I rode amtrack, I paid cash and was not asked for ID.

    Looks like the only reasonable tech-solution is for us all to get chipped and when you chip gets on a list, you are confined to home arrest==just for everyone’s safety. Well, I bet that would at least work? Heh, heh.

    Trade-offs. One value against another with the choices being pandered to by our ever able public servants.

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh, on the issue of the article. What purpose would a no ride list serve? If you’re going to attack a train, why place a bomb or whatever, physically on the train, when placing it in a tunnel, on a bridge or somewhere along the tracks would be just a good? Easier to do, less chance of getting caught or killed.

    And, if it’s one of these “High Speed” boon-dongles of Obama’s, the blood, death and carnage will be spread out for miles.

  17. tcc3 says:

    #19 Tdud

    Yes that’s right, regurgitate some more. You haven’t even linked to the tennis players. Or the butterfly insult. or the pea brain/razorblade one.


    Please, keep making sure everyone knows what to expect from the typical teabagger.

  18. spsffan says:

    Once again, Charles Schumer proves that he is among the most dangerous people in Congress. Another fascist Democrat in the mold of Diane Frankenstein, I mean Feinstein.

    For the record, most Amtrak trains require reservations. Those that don’t still generally don’t sell tickets on-board anymore. You are “supposed” to have valid ID on you whenever you ride, but I can’t recall ever having anyone check it. Of course, I’m blond and blue eyed….

  19. tcc3 says:

    “the New York Democrat said at a news conference.”

    Its right there. Near the beginning.

    I say vote the fascist out, don’t care what party he represents.

  20. McCullough says:

    #28. Well done.

    You know it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s up to us to resist though. Do we have it in us?

    How many of you go through the scanners?

    Our President and politicians have betrayed the trust, they have to go now.

  21. MikeN says:

    The point is not security, but to monitor the population when they travel. That’s also why they push for high gas taxes, fuel mileage requirements, and promote public transportation.
    Obviously if there was a threat to trains, it could be done without boarding the train, so this measure is not intended to promote security. In fact, Ive read event he do not fly list applies to international travel only.

  22. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Two Fools: what fantasy world do you two think you inhabit?

    NOBODY “likes” current TSA/Airport/future Train security theater but before, during, or after MINDLESSLY complaining about it===you really do have to propose your alternative.

    As you both missed the before and during, how about now?

    What would you, or any other risk denier, accept as an appropriate level of security check IF ANY that you think would better serve the public?

    And if your own anti-security measures sensitivities are so high, why don’t you accept the responsibility you have by traveling by other modes? C’mon==bitching is for bitches. Show us your stuff.

  23. tcc3 says:

    #30 Tdud

    Clearly, coherent english is beyond your grasp. That’s ok, Im sure you can copy paste that one from where you used it before.

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    # 9 Taxed Enough Already Dude said, in part:

    “Progressives are … the smartest people in the room.”

    Why, thank you.

    = = = = =

    # 10 jbenson2 said, in part:

    “Notice how Eideard and Reuters both avoid mentioning the Party affiliation of the Senator.”

    # 22 BigBoyBC said, in part:

    “I noticed something about this article(linked), nowhere does it state what political party Sen. Charles Schumer belongs to.”

    From the article:

    Paragraph 1: “A senator…”
    Paragraph 2: “Sen. Charles Schumer…”
    Paragraph 3: “…the New York Democrat said at a news conference.”

    Been reading long?

  25. McCullough says:

    Are they going to patrol the train tracks for sabotage. Because if someone wants to take out a train, then lighting your Keds on fire seems a little outdated. The thing is we cannot stop a terrorist unless we do give up all of our freedoms.

    Isn’t that the end game?

  26. Nightstar says:

    # 32 bobbo aks those who would do without invasive/unconstitutional search to propose an alternative.
    How about nothing. I think that would better serve the public interest.

    I know it’s crazy to behave as though we live in America the land of the free but unalienable rights are what made us different from say Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.

    Papers please!

    Then # 32 bobbo says Show us your stuff.

    That’s what the TSA bitch said to me.


  27. McCullough says:

    I live in a small western town where a steam train ride is one of the main tourist attractions. Train buffs from around the world come here to take pictures of the vintage trains…I will now begin to wonder about their intentions, and contact Butch Napolitano to send in the shock troops.

  28. Nightstar says:

    #37 would rather have conservatives violating our freedoms because conservative hands on your genitals seems much more natural.

  29. Nightstar says:

    Regarding Reagan I’ll just quote Gil Scott-Heron

    “But, oh yeah, I remember. In this year that we have now declared the year from Shogun to Reagan, I remember what I said about Reagan, meant it. Acted like an actor Hollyweird. Acted like a liberal. Acted like General Franco when he acted like governor of California, then he acted like a republican. Then he acted like somebody was going to vote for him for president. And now we act like 26% of the registered voters is actually a mandate. We’re all actors in this I suppose.”

  30. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    McCullough–make the record: what would you DO?

    Nightstare is on record showing his good humor and irrelevant “do nothing” stance.

    Can you come up with anything better?

    And nightstar–given your humor, I will “assume” by nothing you mean a locked cockpit door and metal scanners and even maybe bomb sniffing sensors? The kind of pre-boarding protocols that people can just line up and go thru?

    Or do you really mean “nothing?”


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