Click pic to enbiggen


We caught and shot Osama bin Laden in a rundown, decrepit compound, lacking any direct contact with the outside world. But in 2001, the Times of London (and the Pentagon) thought he was living in a comic villain’s super fortress.

The absurd graphic, birthed from rumors stacked upon rumors originating with a former Russian soldier, placed Osama inside a bunker that would make Lex Luthor blush. The thing, tunneled as deep as the World Trade Center was built high, looks like a super duper hideaway I would have drawn up with magic marker as an 8-year-old. […] But even worse—it got a cosign from our Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, who on Meet the Press, frothed at the mouth with Osama-huntin’ excitement.

A ventilation system to allow people to breathe and to carry on. An arms and ammunition depot. And you can see here the exits leading into it and the entrances large enough to drive trucks and cars and even tanks. And its own hydroelectric power to help keep lights on, even computer systems and telephone systems.

Rumsfeld replied, “Oh, you bet. This is serious business. And there’s not one of those. There are many of those. And they have been used very effectively.”

Well, no, there weren’t. […] Osama wasn’t in a “mountain fortress” in Afghanistan—he was in a shithole house that looked like a Motel 6 after being hit by a neutron bomb strike and an underpaid decorator.

  1. soundwash says:

    Keyword: “Comic Villain”


  2. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Key Concept: Republican Reality for Retards.

    Keep voting them in.

  3. FNH FNP40 says:

    The President has an under-mountain safe house that must look very much like this. With more guns and weapons, to be sure.

    Just in case the people of the country expect to be invited in.

  4. FNH FNP40 says:

    Substitute “Colorado” for “Tora-Bora”.

  5. Steve S says:

    Reality does not so look good on paper when you are in front of an appropriation committee trying to get more funding for your branch of the military.

  6. The DON says:

    Obama bin Laden DOES (DID) have these super duper hideouts, but the powers that be, want to capture them and utilise them themselves.
    They just haven’t let it become public knowledge yet.


  7. ± says:

    Thank you D and R voters (this includes most of the retards on this blog) for our lying sack of shit government.

    Ya all are going to vote R or D again right? The Green or Communist party would be a better choice than what we have now. But presumably people need to have the country collapse before they would see that.

  8. daniel says:

    Joe Rogan’s bit on catching osama.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Do you laugh at idiots who identify real stupidity, too?

  10. Publius says:

    It was not a house. It was a holding pen.

    That’s why UBL never left it.

    That’s why there was a “runner” to get supplies in and out.

    That’s why there was no internet, no TV, no telephone.

    That’s why it’s ugly and decrepit.

    That’s why there is barbed wire.

    That’s why there are two sets of high walls.

    That’s why the US extraction team was sent in to retrieve the body and the computers, instead of an assassination team.

    That’s why the Pakistani military base was a mere 4000 feet away from this pen.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Ever think that the “compound” is better than most second world, never mind third world, people get to sleep in at night?

    If Bin Laden wanted to elicit praise about how high off the west’s hog he haw living he could even have sunk a lot lower that that.

    Oh, and Publius, the reason that the presence of barbed wire elicited no comments from the neighbors was that its a common feature. Its called self-defense.

  12. Rob Leather says:

    Ever since watching episode 3 of “The Power of Nightmares” I’ve been waiting and hoping somebody would show the image of that “Al Qaeda” stronghold that Tim Russert and Donald Rumsfeld so eloquently described in detail, even saying that there wasn’t just one of those, there were SEVERAL.

    Reality, none.

    But then, if you didn’t make the enemy look quite so sophisticated and dangerous, you wouldn’t need to spend quite so much money on fighting them.

  13. Special Ed says:

    Well, we know he had multiple wives. That in and of itself had to be torture. PMS, periods at the same time and he couldn’t get pissed off and leave. HAHAHA!!!

  14. UncDon says:

    I remember when Rumsfeld made the Maginot-Line comment and always found it hollow. To hear everyone else regurgitate it was even more comical. There was no proof of existence, and yet this was proof it existed. Utterly bizarre.

  15. MikeN says:

    So when will he attack Khadafi’s compound? The 60 day limit of the war powers act is coming up.

  16. N. S. Sherlock says:

    #9 = Stupid Beaner!

  17. Special Ed says:

    #12 – Bin had TV, the video showed him watching TV of himself. He had DirecTV that had the Burqua Channel, Al Jazero, Girls of the Facey Bar and a whole lot more for only $49 rupees per month.

  18. N.S. Sherlock says:

    Pedro, here’s me and…

  19. Anyway says:

    Not surprised at Rumsfeld’s comment.

    But he’d deny he ever said such a thing.

  20. mikiev says:

    I remember when they were saying the same thing about Saddam’s secret bunkers – supposedly scattered around Iraq.

    Underground, several floors deep, and riding on giant springs to help absorb the shock-wave from near-misses by ‘bunker-buster’ bombs…

    Wasn’t it the pesky Germans – who didn’t support our invasion of Iraq – who were accused of engineering such marvels for Saddam.

    Back when we were supposed to hate the Germans & French – those cheese-eating surrender-monkeys! – because the only reason either country was opposed to over-throwing Saddam was that they had been doing business with him…

    Yeah, and give me a side of Freedom Fries with that order, please.

  21. GregAllen says:

    Lawrence Wright writes fairly extensively about Tora Bora and he portrays it as primitive but effective. If I remember correctly, they took some pretty hard hits from the Soviets and survived.

    Even so, if Bush and Rumsfeld had been smarter, they would have killed bin Landen and most of al Qaeda right there.

    Rather than a full-blown invasion the US could have surrounded Tora Bora to prevent escapees and then bombed the smithereens out of it. It would have taken a lot of bombs but, even so, it would have cost a small fraction of what a ten year occupation has cost us.

  22. John E. Quantum says:

    #20 Special Ed- OBL had “Loving the Goats of Anbar” in the DVD player near an open bag of Cheetos when the raid went down.

    #5 Steve S- It’s like rock scissors paper with Congress, the public and the military.

  23. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “We know where they (WMD) are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.”

    Donald Rumsfeld March 30, 2003

  24. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    bin Ladin did have these bunkers but Bank of America foreclosed on them in 2008.

  25. Animby says:

    This talk about the compound being less than glamorous and a decrepit bin Laden hunched over on the floor watching tv from under a blanket …


    That’s the way it is there. I’m sure Trump lives in much more splendor and owns a mansion or two but, in Pakistan, this compound IS a mansion. Sitting on the floor? That’s what they do. They eschew a lot of furniture. Many times, a room will have a ledge built into it that runs the perimeter. Covered in carpets, this serves a chair, table, bed…

    Using a blanket? Unlike us, instead of turning the heat on when it gets a bit chilly, they cover up.

    I once sat with the President of the NOrthern Alliance (in Afghanistan) on the floor of the Presidential Palace and drank tea. Living on the floor is one of the reasons you do not wear shoes into a Muslim home.

    So, maybe Limbaugh and Alfie, etc., ought to get off this “living in a hovel” crap and understand the whole world does not live by or in US ideals.

  26. wirelessg says:

    When did M.C. Escher work for the Times of London?

  27. GregAllen says:

    >> Animby said, on May 11th, 2011 at 6:18 pm
    >> I once sat with the President of the NOrthern Alliance (in Afghanistan) on the floor of the Presidential Palace and drank tea. Living on the floor is one of the reasons you do not wear shoes into a Muslim home.

    Are you talking about Ahmad Massoud? I’m impressed! I’ve known other people who knew him.

    That’s guy is a legend. Do you believe what a lot of people say — that everything would be different in Afghanistan if he had not been killed?

  28. Animby says:

    #30 GregAllen – No. Massoud was never Prez. The President of the Northern Aliiance was (I forget his first name) Rabbani. A big bear of a man who was probably a crook but what was the alternative?

    I did meet Massoud (Rabbani’s Defense Minister) several times before his assassination. The engineer who worked with us claimed to be his cousin but Afghans are loose with familial relations so I wouldn’t swear it was true.

    After the photographers killed him, he became pretty much a martyr and/or saint. If he had lived, he would have struggled to overcome the wealth and power of the warlord Gen. Abdul Dostum who was the real power behind the Norther Alliance. And Dostum showed every sign that he could become another Saddam-like leader. He had his own torture chamber in his compound, was rumored to keep slave girls and other various depravities. Might just have been politics. Who knows?

    So, would Afghanistan be different had he not been killed? Possibly but not definitely. It would have been an uphill struggle.

  29. FlufferNutter says:

    Like Taxed I have my own theory about how Osama was killed. I don’t think it was the Seals either I think the actual killing was at the hands of the the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. That would explain what appeared to be brain matter oozing from an eye socket.

  30. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #38, me too. I think they planted a bug in his CPAP machine.
    It crawled up his nose and exploded when the SEALs sent a command from a wireless remote. Easy peasy.


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