Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason are MIA!!!

It is the image that has come to define a pivotal point in history, capturing the moment the deadly raid on Osama Bin Laden’s lair was watched in awe by the White House elite. But it appears for one U.S. newspaper, a couple of the people sat with President Barack Obama in the Situation Room that day were not quite elite enough.

Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper Der Zeitung printed a story this week with a subtly manipulated version of the historic image – all the men in the photograph remain untouched but the two women in the picture have been Photoshopped out.
It is thought the newspaper, which is written in Yiddish and serves a small part of the area’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, removed the women because of religious issues regarding female modesty.

While Mrs Clinton is dressed in the picture in a full jacket, wearing a top beneath that covers her almost right up to her neck, the newspaper never intentionally prints any images of women at all in case they could be considered sexually suggestive. More critical observers suggest the women have been edited by Der Zeitung, which translates as ‘The Time’, because of an ideological objection to women holding positions of power.

Subtly manipulated with scissors I presume. Start the invasion of Brooklyn!

  1. Osama Bin Dead for Years says:

    The whole photo is as phony as the Osama raid itself. The Situation Room photos and video were staged to make it look like the Obama admin was watching the raid when in reality Panetta says there was no live feed. The whole thing is nonsense and propaganda. Of course…if Hilary Clinton’s name – or any Clinton – is associated with something, it’s GOT to be a lie.

  2. ggore says:

    Osama Bin Dead for Years: People like you would take a look at the Zapruder film of Kennedy’s assassination and say sometime in the time span where the car went behind the highway sign and reappearing and when the front of Kennedy’s skull was blown off, that that wasn’t really Kennedy. While the car was behind the sign a switch was made and a cadaver or something was shot up, and that Kennedy has been alive all these years, secretly running our government all the while. Good grief. I am just amazed at the lengths some people will go to to not believe anything they see.

  3. Animby says:

    # 14 nicktherat “seeing images of women might turn men into raging perverts”

    Reminds me an old Jewish joke. Too long to recount here but you can read one version at: http://ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/23212

    When I started my internship it was on Long Island, NY. For a boy raised in the west, the Jewish cultures were a puzzlement. My best friend for about 30 years is a Brooklyn Jew married to a Mexican Catholic. Oye!

    But, eventually, I learned to cope. For instance, put enough horseradish on it and even gefilte fish is edible…

  4. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    nick–I’d love to take the commute with you a few times–ever come back via the 287? I spent a wonderful day in Sleepy Hollow and thought it was almost magical. Can you tell I’ve spent too much time where its flat, brown, and no river? All kinds of possible side trips coming and going.

    Animby–looks like the Calvinists, Lutherans, and Methodists reworked that joke to remove any joy at all. No dancing, no holding, no touching, no sex at all except to reproduce. I thought it was some Jewish sect that only allowed sex thru the hole in a sheet or blanket? Was that just for the wedding night or all the time?

    Ha, ha. Take what little joy and comfort there is in this world and CRUSH IT!!!!!!!

    Yea, verily. Just heard on tv that one of the great gifts of John Paul was that he taught the world how to “suffer.” No shit. Don’t know if that will count as one of his miracles, or its just extra credit.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    I wonder if Bill is trying to hire these guys to paintbrush her out of his life.

  6. Animby says:

    #34 – Bobbo:
    Thank god for John Paul. The world used to be such a happy place.


  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Ooooh! I get such funny FEELINGS sometimes. It must be the women’s fault — it can’t possibly in any way be caused by anything in ME!!! Therefore all women are HARLOTS and their SHAME must be COVERED!

    – – – – –

    This is a form of mental illness. Unfortunately, it is one that has been institutionalized into many, if not most, religions.

    – – – – –

    “It might lead to DANCING!”

    Essentially the same joke is told in the South about certain Baptist sects, along with “Might as well — can’t dance.”

  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Come to think of it, isn’t one of Mother Teresa’s gifts to the world also the lesson of suffering? Dignity in suffering? Faith in suffering?

    Dogma. The joy of being awake and comatose at the same time.

  9. CZ Compact says:

    All the men in the picture were retouched to show an extra rib.

  10. Animby says:

    # 37 Uncle Patso “a form of mental illness… institutionalized into … religions.”

    Mental illness? How can they be ill? they are just following the word of god! Are you saying god is a psycho?

    I will pray for you.

  11. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    Does it really matter? According to all reports she was just looking at a blank screen and posing for pix.

    Tho I wondered if the “black out” was just so they wouldnt have to show the videos to anyone!

  12. Buzz Mega says:

    It’s the air. The Italians breathe the same Mediterranean breezes that the other cultures do in that part of the world, but somehow they come to different conclusions about how women are part of the human race, too.

    Interesting how many arab cultures and conservative jewish cultures carry around the same bs. Still, mutual recognition of harboring the same craptastic ancient ideas may bring these two together in the end.


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