Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason are MIA!!!
It is the image that has come to define a pivotal point in history, capturing the moment the deadly raid on Osama Bin Laden’s lair was watched in awe by the White House elite. But it appears for one U.S. newspaper, a couple of the people sat with President Barack Obama in the Situation Room that day were not quite elite enough.
Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper Der Zeitung printed a story this week with a subtly manipulated version of the historic image – all the men in the photograph remain untouched but the two women in the picture have been Photoshopped out.
It is thought the newspaper, which is written in Yiddish and serves a small part of the area’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, removed the women because of religious issues regarding female modesty.While Mrs Clinton is dressed in the picture in a full jacket, wearing a top beneath that covers her almost right up to her neck, the newspaper never intentionally prints any images of women at all in case they could be considered sexually suggestive. More critical observers suggest the women have been edited by Der Zeitung, which translates as ‘The Time’, because of an ideological objection to women holding positions of power.
Subtly manipulated with scissors I presume. Start the invasion of Brooklyn!
Any one read Yiddish? I’d like to know if they listed the photo as “retouched” and told their readers the two woman were removed before I’d hop onboard with the more critical observers.
How is this edit “subtle” in any way? Obvious and crude is more descriptive.
Religion: what ya gonna do?
There isn’t enough computer power in the world to make Hillary look good. So they just disappeared her.
They should have shopped grandpa Joe out of the photo too. Female and senile as he is.
Religious loons are a treat. These are the same nutballs that write the scriptures generations of people subscribe to.
Incidentally, what is with all the floods and disasters along the bible belt?
They’ve never shown a picture of a woman in their newspaper. That would be considered “sexually suggestive”.
In other news, there’s a new theory that suggests that the moon actually reflects light from the sun. Story at IX.
i worked at a hasidic newspaper, every week i had to blur out/erase women from photos.
There is NO EFFING way Hillary could be construed as “sexually suggestive” in ANY manner EVER !
Just Looking, the jokes just write themselves, don’t they?
As God would have intended.
>> nicktherat said, on May 9th, 2011 at 3:27 pm
>> i worked at a hasidic newspaper, every week i had to blur out/erase women from photos.
Could you explain more?
What, in that religious perspective, makes the sight of women wrong? Don’t they see them every day in real life?
(No offense, but I assume a newspaper person would know about using caps, so I’m dubious of your claim.)
Perhaps someone else could explain. I don’t know much about Judaism.
>> Just Looking said, on May 9th, 2011 at 3:41 pm
>> There is NO EFFING way Hillary could be construed as “sexually suggestive” in ANY manner EVER !
In her youth, she had her moments.
BTW, what kind of hunk’o stud are you? In my experience, the kind of men who rag on women are usually big sloppy blobs like Tom Leykis.
gregallen i worked on a paper called the yated in monsey ny. we worked in the rabbis house putting together a weekly paper in one day. id create proofs out of articles, layout pages, insert images, and export pdfs for printing.
whenever there was an image of a woman (even if it was a feminine looking hand) we had to blur it out or delete it totally.
the paper would get a lot of complaints from the subscribers if they included them.
im anti caps ;P you can believe me or not, but its true!
oh, as for the reason(s)
1- hasidic women arent allowed to have arms / legs exposed
2- seeing images of women might turn men into raging perverts and cause them to spill their seed while reading the paper on the toilet
Cripes. I was ignorant enough to believe it was only the radical islamic loons that would do this.
gregallen every tuesday id wake up and leave the house at 7am and get home about 1am the next day.
Here and here.
nicktherat was it just the images of women or would they white them out of the story? like this story here would they mention that omitted from this photo but also in attendance were images of Clinton & Tomason?
Maybe Hillary wasn’t there and the White House had to Photoshop her in!!
She could have been off torturing some poor slob, eating little kittens, or whatever…
#19 I agree, besides, Obama was Photoshoped into the picture, why not her….
I can see getting rid of Hillary but the other chick is pretty hot.
Bin Laden killed by Seal Team Six.
The words Seal and Team have four letters each, totaling 8.
The Word Six has three letters in it, exactly half of 6.
Three plus eight equals 11.
So the total of Seal Team Six, 11, in front of 6 looks like this, 116, or 911 flipped 180 degrees counterclockwise, if you will.
Spooky shit you can’t make up.
Religious extremists always think themselves more rational, reasonable, and better persons than the majority population who do not share their views.
They do not think it is odd that most people, outside their ?-like existance, do not share their views because everyone outside their narrow religious world isn’t intelligent enough to be enlightened by the truth.
Some people seem filled with a religious feeling, and may not fit the pattern I’m claiming. That seems something different.
The self isolation that extremists exhibit is, IMO, a evolutionary hold over that protects some people from illness that fester in communities that are open to interaction across a wide social ranges or communities.
nope, they still wrote about women and had women user submitted stories. just no pictures of them. sometimes it was insane and my team of designers would fight against it or ask to use other photos. when haiti was hit by the earthquake a picture had about 20 women in it that they wanted removed. we opted for a different picture. ridiculous eh?
Thanks for the explanation.
I’m a religious person, myself, and am always trying to understand theology or moral framework beneath actions.
What is it about women that this religious movement doesn’t want to be exposed to?
I assume it’s a sexual thing. Are women considered dirty, or what?
In Jerusalem, women are restricted to their own, barricaded portion of the “Wailing Wall”. By religious tradition, women cannot pray at the wall alongside the males.
The original photo was also doctored. Here’s what the photographer shot:
Found by Mr. Kevin via here
On the one hand, I’m no feminist, but it seems a bit much to PhotoChop out all the women in a pic. On the other hand, it makes me not have to look at Hillary. I’m torn! (rimshot) Can I get an Amen? NOT EVEN ONE?!?
Thanks nicktherat for helping us understand whats up with these folks.
I’ll add it to other religious oddities I just don’t get
I was jut going to type out a list but then realized it would be too long.
All the Abrahamic religions treat women as property and something to be controlled, for lack of a better term for it. Females in both Islam and Judaism are not to be seen by anyone but their husband. True Hasidic females wear wigs and clothing that covers them up completely when out in public.
And in the Christian denominations, if one of those denominations has rules regarding modesty and dress, it is only females that have to abide with those rules, as is witnessed by Mennonite and Amish women with their plain print dresses, hair caps and lack of makeup of any sort, and the more conservative Mormon women with their plain colored garments, and other examples.
All this while the males in each of these religions have NO rules regarding outward appearance or dress at all, except for the Mennonite and Amish which require a man to grow a beard once he gets married. It’s all pure sexism, tribalism, whatever you want to call it, and comes straight from ancient times.
Newspaper photos of female politicians never enticed me, but when I was a lad I found the women’s underwear section of the Sears Roebuck catalog fun to look at.
Does that make me a religious extremist?