Oh yeah, there’s something toxic in there alright.

  1. Derek says:

    The terrorists have won

  2. lynn says:

    At least the screeners are smiling. Unless that’s because they’re pedophiles.

  3. Animby says:

    # 1 Derek said, “The terrorists have won”
    Not sure that’s really accurate, Derek. But they Do have full time jobs now working for the TSA.

    I just cringe: how will this woman ever teach her child not to let strangers touch him?

  4. n74jw says:

    Pathetic. Do these people (TSA) even use their brains?

  5. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    So, if a kid has a load in his diaper, will they make you change it – you know, just to make sure it’s not some sh*t scented plastic explosives.

  6. ECA says:

    WE are teaching them EARLY..
    About being SCREW’D in life…
    GET USED to the feeling…

    BEND OVER, SNAP(goes the glove)

    With all this protection…can I get a Proctolgy exam..

  7. scandihoovian says:

    Loon fingers say cough.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    I bet that that kid will never want to go see his grand-parents again.

  9. Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby says:

    Excellent someone else will change little Alfie’s poop nappy for me

    What a country

  10. etickt says:

    That would be a *really* dirty bomb.

  11. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    If that kid could talk, it would be “hey, if I’m going to get a UFIA – dim the lights, talk dirty to me.”

  12. Sweet Pea says:

    Found it alright..Here it is..A Stink Bomb.

  13. Brian says:

    Whoever the next President is should be determined by their zeal for dismantling TSA and adopting Israeli-style airport security measures. And, no, that won’t be Obama.

  14. Nobody says:

    In my experience – Israeli type airport security is hassle the goys.

    Alternatively we could adopt British type airport security and ban the micks

  15. bobbo, the Republicans are out to Destroy the Middle Class says:

    How about disband the TSA and rely on a secure cabin door, metal detector, and armed pilots. Put a bounty of $10K per head of anyone they shoot–no questions asked. That could cure all kinds of problems.

  16. ALanB says:

    A little to the left please. Ahhhhh, that’s it.

  17. FNH FP40 says:

    So a white mother with a toddler is as much of a security risk as an Muslim raghead…..

    I am beginning to hate this country.

  18. FNH FNP40 says:

    Oops. Left out the N of what I carry every day.

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    I thought the TSA had rules excluding searches of children under a certain age?

  20. Just Looking says:

    Sorry mam but this “package” contains more then 2 ounces of liquid, you’ll have to dispose of it in that trash can.

  21. xjonx says:

    Is it really worth it to pay the airlines the hundred bucks to have your kid molested when there are plenty of pedophile willing to do it for free? WHAT A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!

  22. farbauti says:

    Ignorance is bliss.

    These two idiots actually believe they are doing

    their country a great service.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    I’m just waiting for the first TSA agent to yell out: How much am I bid for this kid? Almost brand new.”

    And what makes you think the woman is not the seller?

    She could have picked it up out of some car in the parking lot. You don’t know.

  24. bluecat says:

    Fast food delivery container for TSA (or is it brain transplant material?).

  25. machogrande says:

    oh ya, there’s over 5 oz of poo in there, thats not allowed.

  26. admfubar says:

    or is what they are doing really hiding some other illegal activity…they could be hiding drugs on the kid.. or she could be dropping some off..

  27. ray says:

    McCullough – this definitely should be under “Humor” as well. I chuckled pretty hardy.

  28. JohnnyBGoode says:

    I don’t know who’s worse. The idiot parents or the idiot in the uniform.


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