Just when you thought the MSM (main stream media) couldn’t get less newsworthy. Obviously, this guy needs to get on expensive medication, stat!
Floridian Larry Fischer has six computers A laptop, a desktop, and a server. A couple are just lying around, unplugged, fallow. He doesn’t like to delete email. His desktop is messy. He doesn’t throw away the old computers, because he doesn’t want to get rid of the files on them. “He’s what you might call,” the horribly concerned voiceover guys laments, “an e-hoarder.” Yes, you might. You might call him Captain Banana Cakes, or Sith Lord Pumpkin Pie. You might call just call him Larry. You might call him whatever you want, news show!
Except really, is Larry that different from us? Sure, he’s got some dusty old computers lying around. And he accumulates crap on them. He has 3,552 emails in his Gmail account! MY GOD. Except, I have 13,835. Am I also mentally ill? Nope! We both just use an email service with huge amounts of free storage—and computers built in the last half decade—which don’t give you any incentive to delete things. I have homework study sheets from 10th grade, history reports from 5th grade, countless stupid GIFs, a giant folder on my desktop of bookmarked articles I haven’t gotten a chance to read yet—do I deserve to have a psychologist question my ability to make decisions, like Larry? No. I rarely empty my trash either—because who cares?
This thread has been interesting —
About half of us recognized and admit we hoard.
The other half deny the issue even exists or, if it does, that it’s a problem.
It reminds me of drinking!
Related: “should cursive handwriting, like calligraphy, be relegated to the occasional arts and crafts class?” /// Schools are starting to say yes because there is just so much other stuff to teach.
I’m not a hoarder, just a collector, and I can quit anytime I want to.