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Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
…Didn’t we have to let go???
Freshly washed, butchered at your table. $29.99, served with garden vegetables and your choice of salad.
“In the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost”
Pam felt a sense of relief in knowing that Mr. Bigglesworth and his friends were now safe from guinea pig hell.
Wealthy guinea pigs clients taking a water therapy stress reduction session at the exclusive rodent spa in Cabo.
Waterboarding Guinea pigs – yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Unlike your normal guinea pig, the new quick-dissolve quinea pig (TM) dissolves in just seconds.
As the Tea Bag convention approaches, the caterers start preparing the
rodent punchice tea. Last year they ran short.Oh, those are KNEES!
#26: Dinner is served:
tiny bubbles