(CNN) — An airline is investigating the removal of two imams from a flight headed to North Carolina, ostensibly because passengers felt uncomfortable with their presence of the pair — both clad in Islamic attire. The incident occurred Friday on an Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight from Tennessee to North Carolina and it involved Masudur Rahman and Mohamed Zaghloul were wearing traditional Muslim dress, CNN affiliate WCNC reported.

The two — who hold high religious positions in the Muslim community — were headed to North Carolina for a conference on prejudice against Muslims, or Islamaphobia. The meeting is sponsored by the North American Imams Federation. Rahman, who is a professor at the University of Memphis, told the affiliate that the incident reminded him of the prejudice Rosa Parks faced during the civil rights movement.

“That history I found today in that plane, and it shouldn’t happen with any other person,” he said. “They went through security, even went through secondary security, and got on the plane, were taxiing out,” he said. But then, they were taxied back, Hooper said. “TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them,” Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

Hooper said officials re-screened them and found they were no threat.

While officials tried to get the men back on the plane, “the pilot absolutely refused and ultimately took off,” Hooper said.

Oh well, guess we’ll just have to get used to this.

  1. Special Ed says:

    Hey Pedro! This is me and…


  2. bobbo, the Republicans are out to Destroy the Middle Class says:

    smartalix–as anumby is off climaxing with his overdosed and comatosed love object of the night, he and you confuse a basic definitional premise: the Bill of Rights being discussed here is with reference to the GOVERNMENT. Nothing established says a thing about what Jehova’s Witnesses knocking on your door may or may not do. They cannot be prevented BY THE GOVERNMENT from knocking on your door. YOU can do that thru other means.

    So–you are right about “freedom” but not right about freedoms enshrined/protected by our Constitution.

    And as Amumby reads “Freedom of Religion” as meaning one thing, I would for this exercise and say how can the atheist belief system be unfettered by government if by way of emphasis freeedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion?

    I have 4-5 cases that make the point arguable clear, but I’m sure I read one that expressly said just that–a non-denominational prayer may not force a specific religion on anyone but it is illegal for the government to do as it does force a generic religious point of view on people. Free people don’t have their tax money spent that way.

    The case will turn up “eventually.”

  3. FNH FNP40 says:

    Sure these Imams should be allowed to fly. And be seated next to me, dressed as a SWAT team member.


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