Read about it here.

I wonder if the Chinese would let it in without a tax?

  1. deowll says:

    China would claim they invented after all they invented paper or at least one form of paper.

  2. Peppeddu says:

    That’s nice but the holy grail of the next generation of mobile devices is touch feedback.

  3. foobar says:

    I could see e-books moving this way. Trying to use it as a cell phone would be dorky.

  4. Gumbi says:

    Me want.

  5. Dallas says:

    One issue to overcome is the compute electronics which is rigid.

    I envision a shoe phone where the electronics is embedded in the heel and powered by mechanical energy as one walks (which may be a problem for fat ass republicans who don’t walk).

    Anyway, the radio, everything is in the shoe, including wifi. A short range wireless communications talks to the above flexible display or something grafted on your forearm.

    I’m a genius.

  6. O'Really says:

    Seems cumbersome and quirky. I’ll stick with regular touch for now.

  7. Maricopa says:

    # 5 Dallas said, ‘I’m a genius.’

    You’re a moron.

  8. Pierre says:

    I got cramps in my thumb just by watching the video!

  9. two to the head says:

    Ridiculous. Not to say it won’t have use. It seems like a natural for page turning docs. Menu selection looks like a nightmare.

    ooh! The wind blew my phone away!

  10. nauc says:

    whats wrong with a touch screen?

  11. Mikiev says:

    Maybe on a bigger screen with smaller/less rigid sensors… but I just can’t see doing “digital origami” with my portable device to do routine tasks.

    And if touch-screens are already having problems with acting on unintended multi-finger gestures, how many problems would be introduced by a flexible device acting on an accidental bending in the device?

    How gingerly do I have to hold the device to prevent bending it enough to trigger an action?

  12. Drive By Poster says:

    “Bend” gestures seems pretty awkward. And I seriously doubt that they have a flexible battery technology worth bothering with.

    Still, this could be a technology for small, breaking things prone kids.

  13. KD Martin says:

    I’m sure that it works just fine in cold weather. And folding a corner is such a natural thing to do, I get so worn out touching icons and swiping pages. How about those dazzling colors?

  14. msbpodcast says:

    With the Wii controller and Kinnect™ sensing technology, interaction is moving away from direct physical haptics with a device.

    This will find some applications in a very narrow niche, (like humidity exposure sensors in your cell phone which can detect if you ever got your cell phone wet, [like you dropped it in a urinal, {or you dropped in a pint of beer, or some other action which you would never have tried sober. {hic! Guilty as charged occifer…] :-}])

    I’m looking at a $32 arduino board with a $20 ultrasonic sonar Ping))) distance sensor on my desk which I use to activate my desk lamp. (How lazy can I get, right? 🙂

    Since the Ping))) uses two sensors, it can sense object position in two dimensions, meaning it can be used to detect motion around separate light sources and turn the light nearest light source to maximum strength.

    I’m thinking of getting a second one operating in an axis 90° to the first sensor and integrating it into a 3D position sensor which would enable kinaesthetics sensing of body positions of one or more dancers on a stage.

    That’s going to take some cute programming on my part…

  15. rabidmonkey says:

    seems like something Rube Goldberg would have invented.

  16. ethan says:

    and then where the hell did they put the batt chargrport and i/o port>and whats w/ the b/w screen co’s this aint the 80″s dude
    at least give me a simple UI like S/E did years ago and decent robust not like some witchcraft 3 paper display
    its’ a phone not E ink for Christ sake

  17. ethan says:

    just be useful as a smart wrist panel; like in the blackops 2 kind a thingy
    afterall it’s what the flex is good for


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