Al Qaeda confirmed the death of Osama bin Laden Friday in an Internet message that vowed revenge on the United States and its allies, including Pakistan…

Five days after President Barack Obama announced bin Laden’s death in a U.S. raid in Pakistan, al Qaeda vowed not to deviate from the path of armed struggle and said bin Laden’s blood “is more precious to us and to every Muslim than to be wasted in vain.”

“It (bin Laden’s blood) will remain, with permission from Allah the Almighty, a curse that chases the Americans and their agents, and goes after them inside and outside their countries,” the militant network said in a statement released on Islamist Internet forums and translated by SITE.

al Qaeda had to confirm or deny Bin Laden’s death. If they’re to have credibility among the fools who follow their jihad, they must identify a new fearless leader. If they are to call for revenge, they must admit to the reason for that rabid outcry.

In related news, Andrew Napolitano and Michael Scheuer maintain “the government might not be ‘telling us the truth or pulling a fast one to save Obama’s…presidency’” and Washington Times editor Emily Miller tweeted “no photo of the body. That’s what we need for proof.”

The looneybirds of the world are way too important in American politics.

  1. Special Ed says:


    Relax, this Osama fucker is gone like Betty Ford’s tits.

  2. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    #80–Alfie the dope==what makes you think reports of anything from different people are supposed to harmonize? Haven’t you played the telephone game? ……..What?…….Yea, it is pretty obvious you were never let out to play games with the other kiddies.

    Context Alfie.

    Its only when you have central control of an issue that only one story is “out there.” You know, like when the Pukes are in control.

    Its what you and your pukes so often don’t understand/can’t remember.

    Silly. Wanna go for three strikes? ((Kinda silly as you haven’t hit a ball in 9 months.))

  3. birddog says:

    …….so Al Qaeda would not be the nutballs??????

  4. dexton7 says:

    There’s another round of terror attacks on the way.. I give it 1-4 weeks according to the conspiracy chatter. Hope they’re wrong.

  5. What? says:

    sargasso_c FTW.

    Alfie is “Winning”.

  6. deowll says:

    OSB is dead. If he turned up alive now the blow back would be appalling. Even his own party would most likely vote to impeach him. Even Obama is not that delusional.

    The poles show the vote is going to be based on: “It’s the economy stupid!” As some one once asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Right now the answer is no for most Americans and the President can no longer pass the buck. As Harry S. Truman said, “The buck stops here.”

    For those that disagree all I can add is, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.” Harry had a way with words.

  7. #82 – I don’t believe he was talking to you, try to pay the fuck attention.

  8. #38 – I believe in abortion and I also believe your mom should have had one.

  9. oh-baby oh-baby oh-baby says:

    “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

    well two and a half years ago the US economy was in a tailspin now its on a slow climb as long as real answers are given that question will not cause much angst for the Obama campaign

  10. What? says:

    I’m glad you have settled on someone who seems not to be bat-sh!t-crazy.

  11. Special Ed says:

    Cain? I expect that guy to start drooling and shitting in his pants at any moment.

  12. foobar says:

    So let get this straight. The whole nut ball case is based on believing a pot smoking, Pepsi addicted terrorist more than anyone else. Shrewd.

  13. Confuzled says:

    Let me see…posts like this, or Squirrels…???

    I’ll take these types of posts any day, and the Hundy 😉

    Get rid of the Squirrels!

  14. What? says:

    On Cain: “He made a pitch for the FairTax—his plan to replace the income and payroll taxes with a whopping sales tax—and, when Fox News anchor and debate moderator Chris Wallace pointed out that the plan would mean a tax cut for the wealthy and a tax hike for the middle class, Cain shot back with, “With all due respect, your experts are wrong.” ”

    yep, Aflie picks the winner every time. The winning moron that is.

  15. So what says:

    Hey alf what happened to trump I thought he was your guy to beat obama?

  16. jescott418 says:

    How do we know it was Al Oaeda? Do we have a birth certificate.
    You will never convince nut jobs when its the Government they don’t trust.
    What I can’t believe is how much mainstream media is playing into this.

  17. foobar says:

    So what, Trump’s ratings have tanked. So have his poll numbers. The Indianapolis 500 committee has flipped him the bird. And Hair Club for Men has ordered him never to be seen within 100 yards of their clinics.

    He’s an angry man. Americans don’t like angry men for their Presidents.

  18. foobar says:

    “Bush policies Obama campaigned against, and governed against, from water boarding to Gitmo, were exploited to give Obama Osama.”

    Um, no. Waterboarding yielded diddly squat in this one. Good old fashioned intelligence (the stuff that pro’s do) got him. Give to the hard work credit, and you stick to the easy stuff Alfie.

  19. derspankster says:

    Taxed Enough Dude – The Monologue!

  20. msbpodcast says:

    Taxed Enough Already Dude congratulation, you’ve made it to my bullshit filter.

    I will never again have to read you posts.

    You’ve joined Bobbo in this site for autogicallly skippable comments.

  21. Dallas says:

    Just saw Condoleeza Rice speak and I was impressed how the bitch has wiser up. She was glowing on Obama and of course mentioned Bush. She wax just shy of calling those that second guess Obama as loons.
    Smart lady but she should go back to playing the piano and appreciate how adults are now in office.

  22. What? says:

    The secret of Dvorak Uncensored is to skip the idiots, and read the comments of those critical of the idiots (while carefully skipping the noobs who recommend to the idiots that they correct themselves, like that’ll happen).

    Everyone has a personal idiot list.

    With a few exceptions, skipping long posts is always a good idea.

  23. LDA says:

    The public servants should make available all relevant information that does not risk the lives of (law abiding) operatives immediately. The people should be able to make their own decisions as to the accuracy of the claims and more importantly the circumstances surrounding the reported assassination.

    Then people can make their own mind up regarding whether he is dead, whether it was possible to capture him and bring him to trial and which of the accusations against him could be proven in court, however they can only do that when given access to all available information.

    If the people do not demand transparency they are abrogating their responsibility to hold the government to account. The attacks that this man are blamed for have had a massive impact on the rights of the American people and others, the treasury of the united states, the lives of it’s citizens (deaths of civilian and military) and of uncounted masses of people in countries that have been invaded.

    The fact that even this crucial request for accountability will/has spiralled into juvenile insults and partisan slander is a sad indictment on the state of transparency and democracy in the US, but not surprising.

    P.S. The government likes it when you fight amongst yourselves.

    P.P.S. The fact that some people think the earth is flat is not a good excuse to deny everyone else’s right to evidence to the contrary.

  24. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah, Al Qaeda… that’s a reliable source.

  25. What? says:

    BTW: the fact that pedro doesn’t skip over Dallas posts says a lot more about pedro than it does about Dallas. Thankfully, most pedro posts are 8 words long about Dallas, and they can be skipped, and, read at the same time.

  26. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    I don’t know what happened. I have no reason to disbelieve the basics of what Obama says happened.

    But it seems to me Obama and his team everything in their power to set this up for conspiracy theories.

    Contradictory stories, confused timelines, impossibly fast DNA analysis, dumping the body, etc.

    Its almost like they WANT to give the wingnuts some crazy food.

  27. Bill says:

    God save us all from people with good intentions who believe everything they’re told.

  28. fred says:


    “Its almost like they WANT to give the wingnuts some crazy food.”

    You finally figured it out.
    This technique had a wonderful effect on Trump.:)

  29. oh-baby oh-baby oh-baby says:

    “Its almost like they WANT to give the wingnuts some crazy food.”

    The internet is crazy food for wingnuts that and AM radio.

    Wow can they copy and paste from the Rush site

  30. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    # 121 oh-baby <>

    TeaDude manages it somehow.


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