Al Qaeda confirmed the death of Osama bin Laden Friday in an Internet message that vowed revenge on the United States and its allies, including Pakistan…

Five days after President Barack Obama announced bin Laden’s death in a U.S. raid in Pakistan, al Qaeda vowed not to deviate from the path of armed struggle and said bin Laden’s blood “is more precious to us and to every Muslim than to be wasted in vain.”

“It (bin Laden’s blood) will remain, with permission from Allah the Almighty, a curse that chases the Americans and their agents, and goes after them inside and outside their countries,” the militant network said in a statement released on Islamist Internet forums and translated by SITE.

al Qaeda had to confirm or deny Bin Laden’s death. If they’re to have credibility among the fools who follow their jihad, they must identify a new fearless leader. If they are to call for revenge, they must admit to the reason for that rabid outcry.

In related news, Andrew Napolitano and Michael Scheuer maintain “the government might not be ‘telling us the truth or pulling a fast one to save Obama’s…presidency’” and Washington Times editor Emily Miller tweeted “no photo of the body. That’s what we need for proof.”

The looneybirds of the world are way too important in American politics.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    If the nutballz can continue to say that 911 was an inside job and that wtc 7 was blown up. Then we can say Osama is not dead or died years ago and let this President take the heat, just the way Bush was.

    The First Amendment it’s a bitch, get used to it or suck it!

  2. Skeptic says:

    “Osama” translated to English… Elvis.

  3. Skeptic says:

    Enough Already, so you don’t like Obama. We get it. What individual would you put in his place and why?

  4. MBachman says:

    Note to “Taxed Enough Already Dude”. Your posts are too long. Learn to get your point accross in a more succinct manner. It would be more effective that way.

  5. Deather says:

    I’m a deather,
    she’s a deather,
    he’s a deather,
    we’re all deathers,
    wouldn’t you like to be a deather too?

    Be a deather, drink Dr. Deather.

  6. mustardtits says:

    I think all this is just made up to distract us from the real issue,”What does corn filled squirrel crap really look like”

    Ya I’m hung up on it sorry.

  7. I thought I saw him at 7-11 this morning. Just to be safe, I kicked the guy in the nuts anyway.

  8. Skeptic says:

    #44, Not misdirection at all. I am addressing your comments/complaints. If he is so bad, you must have a potential leader who is above reproach by comparison. If potential contenders are no better, then what is the logic of your complaint? What are you afraid of? See if you can answer in 100 words or less.

    Anyone will agree that Obama is not perfect and is typical of past presidencies. If you really want to lay blame on how the Presidents office is run, there is plenty of blame to go around for everyone who holds office in government, past and present, foreign and local.

  9. Dallas says:

    Alfred needs to get euthanized immediately. This is difficult to watch.

  10. Anon_Is_Us says:

    Put him to the top of the line of the death panel!!

  11. Marsh says:

    Death to all doubters! YeeeHawwwww!!!! People who question our fearless leaders should be executed. Let’s start with Alfred!!!!

  12. Marsh says:

    Damn right, if you ain’t with us, you’re agin us. I once heard a great man say that.

    You Libs are right, I’m now a changed man. lets kill us some doubters.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred’s elevator doesn’t have both sails in the water. 😉

  14. gasdg4 says:

    Yeah, because its nuts not to trust your government… geez.

    Only a fool believes everything he’s told.

  15. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    #56–gasbag==let me fix that for ya:

    “only a fool believes or disbelieves everything he’s told.”

    A little bit of this, a little bit of that, questions not absolute denial, open to correction. Remember how you used to do that?

  16. MikeN says:

    Maybe Osama wasn’t killed. Instead he is being waterboarded right now for information.

  17. whatsit says:

    Get help asap.

  18. Rich says:

    I’m trying to live my life without being led about by the nose by the media. There’s no reason for me to give a damn whether Bin Laden is alive or dead.

  19. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    Rich==you don’t care if a multi-millionaire leading a group of international terrorists is busy plotting attacks within the USA? Do you have a death wish, play the odds on you personally dying, or just discount or are unaware of the radical youth throughout the middle east who wear Osama Tee Shirts?

    Did you phrase that “exactly” correctly and its something else you don’t care about or are you actually this detached from world events past what kind of mountain dew you are having with your mac and cheese tonight?

  20. gimme a break says:

    Please dont feed the Taxed Enough Already Troll. I’m sure his mom sends plenty of Hot Pockets to the basement.

  21. Howard Beale says:

    Mrs. Clinton claimed watching the action not necessarily a video of the action

    unless you Alfred have some sort of security clearance status granted to you that would make the rest of question reality YOU DON’T KNOW what she was watching.

  22. derspankster says:

    #62 – She did?

  23. fred says:


    “Although Panetta says there was no video of the action inside the house, Ms. Clinton claimed watching that self same action was the most intense 38 minutes.”

    No she did not. Why don’t you learn to read.

    The two statements do not contradict each other in any way whatsoever.

  24. chris says:

    Echoes of the birth certificate, anyone?

    Hold the evidence until your opponents make themselves look like idiots… then release it.

  25. chris says:


    Very nice.

  26. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    Cain: ““I’m proud I haven’t held public office before,” he said. /// Yes, another “anti-government” businessman running to lower taxes for the rich.

    ““He offered no-nonsense, straight talk. But no candidate offered a clear narrative on the economy…” //// They are all pure BS artists, serving up just what you Pukes love to hear……almost as if you were rich yourselves instead of rats scurrying for scraps with the rest of us.

    Way to go PUKES.

  27. Howard Beale says:

    Alfred have you been diagnosed with a comprehension disability or are you just a pathologic liar?

    get help

    we are all rooting for you. those who share your conservative views want you to get healthy(or get offline) even more than a secular humanist realist like me, you are hurting there cause by posting your mentally deranged craziness

  28. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    #75–Alfie the dope: “Most of the candidates have held public office before, how’s that working for you?”===I completely agree with him as he is talking about the Puke field.

    Context Alfie.

    Its what you and your pukes so often don’t understand/can’t remember.


  29. Generation of Swine says:

    Drinking games over. Quoting Rush is the equivalent of playing the Hitler card in an argument.

  30. Special Ed says:

    Al Qaeda said Osama is dead.

    /telling one of our nutballs.


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