Al Qaeda confirmed the death of Osama bin Laden Friday in an Internet message that vowed revenge on the United States and its allies, including Pakistan…
Five days after President Barack Obama announced bin Laden’s death in a U.S. raid in Pakistan, al Qaeda vowed not to deviate from the path of armed struggle and said bin Laden’s blood “is more precious to us and to every Muslim than to be wasted in vain.”
“It (bin Laden’s blood) will remain, with permission from Allah the Almighty, a curse that chases the Americans and their agents, and goes after them inside and outside their countries,” the militant network said in a statement released on Islamist Internet forums and translated by SITE.
al Qaeda had to confirm or deny Bin Laden’s death. If they’re to have credibility among the fools who follow their jihad, they must identify a new fearless leader. If they are to call for revenge, they must admit to the reason for that rabid outcry.
In related news, Andrew Napolitano and Michael Scheuer maintain “the government might not be ‘telling us the truth or pulling a fast one to save Obama’s…presidency’” and Washington Times editor Emily Miller tweeted “no photo of the body. That’s what we need for proof.”
The looneybirds of the world are way too important in American politics.
The tin foil hat crew will be bombarding this thread in short order – have no fear. Or, in their case, fear it all!
even if provided with a photo, they still wouldn’t believe , just look at the nutball/teabaggers that dont believe the birth certificate..
This does not dismiss Al Qaeda from producing a death certificate. This could be a conspiracy with the Obama government.
Thanks Dvorak! These people are hilarious!
I personally believe the guy’s dead.
Al Qaeda has much to gain by “confirming” the death of Bin Laden, even (especially) if he’s not dead.
If he’s truly a great leader and valuable to their organization, having removed the “overt” international manhunt would be a great pressure off the organization.
It would also allow for a strategic “reveal” by Al Qaeda that Osama is NOT dead at a politically inopportune time for the President/USA/whoever.
Just saying there are valid non-nutball reasons for requesting simple proof.
There are probably MORE nutball reasons.
Dead or on his way to Guantanamo.
In related news: after Paki telling USA to stop violating their airspace, and the PUKES trying to undercut the “law enforcement style” raid on Osama Hideaway, Obama shows his flexible manly cred by hitting Al Quiada with a drone attack:
suck it terrorists!!!!
It’s fair to have some reasonable skepticism and await judgment until all the facts are in. But this insane idea of disbelieving everything is stupid. And the people who do it are stupid. (looking at you, Al)
Actually, he’s hiding out in my attic. I just found out yesterday.
Is Emily really as hot as she looks in the image?
No deal. Death certificate and a notarized statement from Ayman al-Zawahri is needed.
What do you want to bet that all the video that was shot will be released in Oct. 2012.
Napoleon is not dead!
I never saw a photograph of the body.
For all we know, he’s still walking around St. Helena, missing his dick.
OK Good. We’ve killed their leader, and they are threatening revenge. And this WH is giving the Al Queda “Freedom Fighter” the tools in Libya.
Is it me? Or do we live in a fucked up world.
On to Pakistan, lets kick some more ARab butt. Or is it Asian. Fuck who cares….just kill ’em all. Let the Flying Spaghetti Monster sort them out.
OBVIOUSLY we can’t trust this president.
He lied to us about soooo many other things.
Bin Laden is really still alive and all of this is an invented story just to give a bump to his flagging campaign.
Notice how it happened exactly at the right time to sway all the fence-sitters as we run up to the election?
Coincidence? I think not.
He lied to us about the birth certificate.
He lied to us about how the Constitutions’s phrase “provide for the common defense” included the right to be free from the invasion of disease or medical issues.
He lied to us about how he really envisioned the United States as having a government that did the things that were impossible for every individual to do by themselves.
He lied to us about being a good student.
He lied to us about being only half white.
He lied to us about wanting a country that was of the people, by the people and for the people instead of being of the banks, by the banks and for the banks.
He lied to us about taxing the rich.
He lied to us about how George Bush is the one who is really the cause of Bin Laden’s capture.
He lied to us about how he really is a scheming, conniving, deceitful, humorless, stupid, manipulative, beer-drinking, basketball wannabe who insults people in subtle, deceitful ways in front of their backs.
And it should be obvious to anyone by now that he is the worst thing that has ever been elected to public office.
Now he won’t show the photo. Why. Obvious. They don’t exist and would be instantly spotted to be Photoshopped.
To regard him any other way would be simply unRepublican.
Al Qaeda just wants you to think Bin Laden’s dead–and you people bought it hook, line and sinker!
“the militant network said in a statement released on Islamist Internet forums and translated by SITE.”
Al Queda said this on an “Internet Forum”…you mean like Dvorak Uncensored!!! Then it has to be real.
Was it really Al…..or Alfred just trying to trip us all up.
Seriously, we get statements from an Internet forum? Do they have to leave an email address that’s verifiable?
This is fun!
But suppose Al Qaeda is itself a conspiracy – by the manufacturers of nose hair clippers to justify the mass theft by the TSA and force everyone to buy new ones everytime they fly?
Taxed Enough Already Dude may I ask you what is your definition of a progressive?
I don’t think it means what you think it does.
In the applicable case of a noun, the dictionary says it means
We speak English and use a dictionary to ensure that we refer to the same cognate when using a word.
Please use the appropriate word or shut the fuck up because you’re just babbling like a baby throwing things at a Bliss board…
Keep it up and I’ll skip over your postings just like I do Bobbo <whatever>‘s stuff.
It would be a shame as I feel you have some good ideas, if only you could use the appropriate words.
Just get over your fear of progress.
It’ll happen to you whether you want it to or not.
Total disappearance is preferable to leaving behind a body or an image. In the middle eastern psyche, relics of dead leaders are worshipped. They are used to perpetuate a cause.
#25–PeePod==you missed all those compliments? Cognates and all?
Ha, ha.
I don’t give a crap whether he is dead or alive. The world is still full of too many Muslims.
Podcast: This is what people like all hear all day.
“all” is supposed to be Al, aka Tea Dude.
in #21 Buzz Mega said: He lied to us about how the Constitutions’s phrase “provide for the common defense” included the right to be free from the invasion of disease or medical issues.
An organism’s immune system provides for the defense of said organism from pathogens.
If we think of ourselves as a body politic, then the army, the police, the fire department and the hospital are part of the body politic’s immune system.
We pay for the army, the police, the fire department, lots of other things besides which would not be taken care of without the function of a government because its not the responsibility of any one of us to clean up after ourselves, (a house cat knows enough to bury its shit in a cat box, but not so a dog.)
Or do you think we should do without the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the Transportation Safety Administration, the department of transportation which monitor the state of our health, our food, our drugs, our roads etcetera?
I mean it all costs money, right? Tax money, right? Taxes coming out of your pockets, right?
To hell with that, right?
We’ll take our chances, right?
It would take less than a decade before our towns and neighborhoods were indistinguishable from ones in Afghanistan.
Things break; things wear down; things need constant maintenance. That includes us too.
Obama won’t release the photos because the US beheaded him.
Taxed Enough Already Dude said
The jury is still out if Obama is impeached once the Freedom of Information Act forces both the Video of the op, and the photo of Osama dead, reveals it was his body guards who killed him…and that Obama claimed to have made the kill, irrationally…necessitating the coverup.
I don’t know why I’m bothering trying to reason with Alfie but,
How does Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards killing him prevent the Navy from taking a picture of bin Laden’s body and claiming they were the one’s who killed him?
If the President wanted to release a picture of bin Laden’s body it wouldn’t matter who killed bin Laden, would it? A body with a bullet hole in it looks the same no matter who did it. Even if the bodyguards used a different caliber of weapon it would still be difficult to tell that from a picture.
#33 Weak.
After you and loon Alfred have been slammed and ridiculed by the birth certificate and Bin Laden hairball theories, you need careful consideration for a deflecting joke.
This crap from the right is just getting started. The narrative on Fox News is that Obama is just riding Bush’s coattails with the demise of OBL. In fact, some “expert analyst” was just on Fox saying Obama has done nothing correct on his own since coming into office, the OBL mission (and everything else Obama has done well) is simply an extension of Bush policies and programs. (I heard the commentary on my XM radio, not sure who this idiot was.) Needless to say, the host agreed and there was no counterpoint.
How pathetic do you have to be to play that kind of game, especially at a major media outlet? Oh, we’ll hear about how the liberals did it to Bush, but there was (and still is) no major liberal propaganda channel like Fox, nor anything remotely equivalent to the right’s AM radio presence. Both of them hammer these themes into the heads of their insular audience, to the point that we end up with non-thinking zombies like Al. Tell me what to think, tell me what to say…
As long as Fox and AM radio continue their brainwashing of conservatives, the country is doomed.
You can forget about seeing the videos.
Forget about using FoIA to see it.
Forget about WikiLeaking this shit, its stored off-line in secured vaults who’se locations, never mind their contents, are secret.
Even if, by some miracle, you should stumble on the specific storage facility, you won’t know what’s stored there without knowing where the uncomputerized catalog card index is located.
The boxes are all identical, pale gray, and all unlabeled, except with a reference card number.
You would have to know which card index refers to the facility you’ve stumbled upon.
Good luck because it may or may not even be in the same state. Its only accessible by a voice phone call over a secure line speaking to a live human being who will retrive the information on the contents of the box.
Wrong box? Wrong facility? Wrong card? Wrong index? Well that’s just tough. You’re supposed to know. If you don’t, you won’t be able to suss it out. Its a double blind system with geographic dispersal thrown in.
Its called the official secrets act and it means the videos and all physical evidence wont be declassified for a minimum of 50 to a hundred years, or even longer.
All the government has to do is promise that the information will be released once all potential conflict have been resolved, given the involvement of religion in the mix, several thousand years may pass before then.