Video – Three Years Ago Christiane Amanpour Said Bin Laden Was Living In A Villa In Pakistan
By Gasparrini Wednesday May 4, 2011
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Once you admit you don’t know where he is, every statement after that is a WAG.
Opinions are only worth what they are based on. Amanapour never gave her basis. Just an unsupported opinion no better or worse than any other.
I would have build a very UNASSUMING structure in a city of appropriate size and had most of it UNDERGROUND. Could have been built under a circus tent or whatever other cover story. Nice family living in 1000 square feet above, with Osama living in 10,000 feet below.
It truly is however, gods will. Let him sort it out.
#1- building underground would have been a good idea, so would having more guards, big exterior lights, security cameras, etc.
But all of that (especially digging a big hole in the ground) would have drawn attention. I expect US intelligence has spent years pouring over satellite photos looking for any significant development.
What’s obvious is that Pakistan’s ISI (or some group with the ISI) knew where he was and was actively protecting him. And then they decided it was in their interests to sell him out, so they sold him out.
The real problem with American “journalism” now is illustrated in this clip. Why are a dried up comedian and an a bloated comedy actor being interviewed as if they have some insight to add to the debate over international terrorism???? And why does that tampon Maher have to keep insulting a woman who ran for vice president of the United States in the last election?
Answer: Because television news has nothing else to offer, and Maher is afraid of women in power who disagree with him. I am sure he has quite weird bedroom behaviour.
Obviously she must have been in on it.
#2–Chuck==Unusual to build underground–I agree which is why I said use a circus tent or other cover story.
the whole story of OBL and his “tortured” history with the USA and with Pakistan and USA with Pakistan with India sprinkled over the whole mess is fair game for just about every outcome/relationship you can imagine.
Most of the criticism of Pakistan comes from the typically naive notion of the USA that everyone should love us no matter how badly we treat them. If you were a young man/operative in the ISI and your job was to funnel American money and arms to OBL in order to get the Russians out of Afghan and that exactly what you did with your fellow devout Muslim, why some years later should anyone assume YOUR personal relationship with OBL has changed just because the President of your Country who took over in a military coup gets paid a shit load of money to switch sides?
America is a fickle ally at best==not to be trusted by anyone. Not because we are “evil”===because we are FICKLE. Subject to bi-polar political infighting while we go broke. “Nothing personal.”
Bill Maher must have water-boarded her in the green room just before the show
People may forget it was commonly supposed by 2008 that bin Laden was somewhere in Pakistan, though the Pakistanis vehemently denied it. Amanpour was just saying what many were saying. But saying he’s in Pakistan is like saying I live somewhere east of the Mississippi. It’s not a tiny area, & both the Bush & Obama administrations were restricted in their investigative movements by Pakistan being our ally, so we had to tread carefully in their country for diplomatic reasons. Looks like they moved pretty much as quickly as they could narrow down the intel. What was the other option? Carpet bombing?
“Opinions are only worth what they are based on. Amanapour never gave her basis. Just an unsupported opinion no better or worse than any other.” — Bobbo
Check at 0:15 beginning with “He’s not …” where Christiane does refer to her source.
She knew.
The woman who told her knew.
The Paki assholes knew.
The CIA knew.
Unfortunately, WE will not know for sure because of the gross mishandling of the “event” aftermath by the Wash. D.C politicos.
I have never seen something so very important handled by such immature, unprofessional “professionals”. They could have not fucked up the Bin Laden death verification transparency more if they tried. They cannot even get their story straight among themselves – three fucking days later. Incompetence.
One has to wonder if everyone on the Obama team is stupid, or (more likely) a certain amount of “mystery” about the whole event is desired by the powers that be.
Cheers to the Men who got him. (If they got him)
Jeers to the President for his handling of the aftermath.
Classic…she spouts off this gem and Maher immediately jumps to some dopey Palin anecdote out-of-the-blue.
I suspect Cheney’s bunker is also a villa.
#3 “Why are a dried up comedian and an a bloated comedy actor being interviewed as if they have some insight to add to the debate over international terrorism????
Answer: Ronald Regean
#4 for the win.
Is it just me or is Amonpour with that “what the hell kind of accent is that anyway?” one of those people, like Donald Trump, that, when they appear on television, I can’t find the remote fast enough?
Seriously, ABC needs to get her off Sunday mornings. Arienna Huffington would be an improvement! At least she reminds me of Eva Gabor!
#9 John.
Maher was just doing what comedians do at that point in time (2008). During the election the liberal bias was focused on “get Palin” not “get Bin Laden”. Sure a competent journalist may have said “What?!?”, and explored Christiane’s statement more, but a competent journalist Maher is not, and as such skipped to the agenda points as scripted.
Maher has his faults, cracking jokes at a situation or event does not make him a journalist, but he can roll a pretty nice blunt when required.
#8–pirate==thank you. Ok, her source was “somebody told her….” Ha, ha. Really?
Here is a grain of sand more:
saying it was a departed intelligence officer==still not a source to be relied on. The “source” is the means and techniques, history of accuracy, of the person/data being relied on. Not: I was told. Of course==EVERY opinion comes from being told by someone else unless your hobby is real time satellite viewing?
Its like Citizen Kane or Indiana Jones: best place to hide a box is in a warehouse. Not in the middle of nowhere where you are the only thing in miles.
I readily believe that very few people knew OBL was where he was. In fact, no one did know where he was as the story is the raid was conducted on the 60-80 % CHANCE he was there.
“…Of course==EVERY opinion comes from being told by someone else unless your hobby is real time satellite viewing?” – Bobbo
True that.
Although not appreciated by some, Amanpour is a journalist (by most definitions of the word) and doesn’t necessary have to “give up her source” to prove allegations.
Its all Monday morning QB anyway. Of course I trust Christiane about as much as Obama, which is very little. Both are good at story telling but not necessarily good at telling the actual truth.
I want to see the vids.
No body? Show us the video.
Pixelate whatever is “secret” and show us.
Until then nothing had been proved. And frankly in my opinion the US government has the obligation to prove what they say beyond a shadow of a doubt in this situation. Especially this situation.
#15–Pirate==I disagree. You are advocating dysfunctional incredulity. Better to accept things at face value unless something appear amiss. That position will keep you more grounded and closer to the truth. I see NOTHING in the facts I have heard that raise any suspicions on my part. Do you?
It makes no sense to make this type of claim if it is not true/believed. Silly in fact. What happens when Obama shows up a week from now? Not at all like Gulf of Tonkin where an attack happened or not. Subsequent attacks neither prove or disprove the first or second attack. The death of a person is totally different.
So, lets not devolve down to Baghdad Bob territory where the Tanks must be coming thru the walls as “proof” before “ain’t nothhing happening” status quo is doubted.
Video’s and pics can be faked. How is that “proof”?
Yes, lets question authority but remain grounded in reality.
#9, JC,
Classic…she spouts off this gem and Maher immediately jumps to some dopey Palin anecdote out-of-the-blue.
Only because Bachmann wasn’t a big star yet.
But yes, the problem of two or three topics being discussed at one time. It can make for a very sorry transcript.
#15, Pirate,
Although not appreciated by some, Amanpour is a journalist (by most definitions of the word) and doesn’t necessary have to “give up her source” to prove allegations.
Christine Amanpour is one of the most respected journalists in the world. People of her caliber are a short list. Seymour Hersh and Matt Taibbi are just two that spring to mind. Your problem is they exposed many of the atrocities and horrors of the Bush administration.
See for a list of her awards and acknowledgements.
#14 Ooh. You’re getting nasty in addition to being useless.
Obama being an American must have gotten you really upset. Alfred is so disgusted he took a vacation.
Its on on a talk show on Comedy Central, Comedy Friggin’ Central.
There’s no info here.
There isn’t supposed to be any info here.
Its just talking-heads being talking-heads.
Yes, pics and vids can be faked, this is why they should have been sanitized and introduced by the President during his announcement Sunday evening.
Instead we got an hours worth of re-hashed Bin Laden propaganda from the press before the President made an appearance. This delay was deliberately orchestrated by the Whitehouse for some unknown (to us) reason. Completely unprofessional.
The body should not have been buried at sea. That decision is beyond ridiculous. We are now sensitive to a sworn enemy’s religious practices so much so that we destroy evidence in the name of “not offending the religious requirements” of Muslims worldwide and the deceased?
#18 Fusion.
Reading comprehension might help you understand what I wrote.
Placing me in the “Your problem is they exposed many of the atrocities and horrors of the Bush administration.” boat defines your prejudice not mine. Of course I don’t expect you to understand that.
Just make shit up, your kinda good at it.
In #2, chuck said: And then they decided it was in their interests to sell him out, so they sold him out.
Somebody here stopped mailing the ISI their cheques (post dated and the funds hidden away in some black account,) and no more were forthcoming.
Once that money ran out OBL’s ass was grass.
Look at where he was living.
Look at who his neighbors were.
Look at what he’d been doing for at least three years.
Arrest her!
The CIA might have known that Pakistan was providing safehouses to Bin Landin without knowing where the specific place was.
With the body chucked into the sea like a fart in the wind ..we will never know will we.
#27 Now you’ve got something to talk about for a while.
#27 We have aircraft carriers, stealth drones, and uber-commandos.
We also have hi-def video cameras.
Don’t worry: everything comes out eventually.
If I were Obama, I’d say: “Osama is dead. If you want to believe otherwise, have at it.” and then get on with getting on.
The nutbars who think Osama is sharing an Apartment with Elvis can have the issue.
Too much time/energy/media is WASTED on nutbag conspiracies/right wing/teabags. They just ain’t worth the time.
Elvis is living in a cave in Helmand Province.
Shall we discuss the economy and it’s brilliant management by the Obama team?
Your government lies to you. They have in the past and they will again. They will do this regardless of what apartment Elvis shares with whomever if it serves their (nor your) needs.
The rescue of Jessica Lynch was completely fabricated, as were the events leading to her capture and treatment by the Iraqis. This a perfect example of “spinning” the story by government officials for whatever reason.
Vilifying those that disagree with you cheapens your argument. Name calling is just down right immature.
Questioning your government at times like these (no body, lack of verifiable proof, differing/changing “stories”, military action on foreign soil, numerous violations of international law etc.) is your responsibility as an America citizen.
Perhaps some words from an accomplished American actor will remind you of what being an American is supposed to be about and represent.
“America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms.
Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.” – Michael Douglas