Video – Three Years Ago Christiane Amanpour Said Bin Laden Was Living In A Villa In Pakistan
By Gasparrini Wednesday May 4, 2011
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#32 yes, the economic recovery under way might be a good topic. I’m delighted.
The explanation for Not showing Osama’s head half blown off makes logical sense to me. Showing will only convince 10 more Teabaggers because naturally the images were manipulated and the dummy buried at see was made of tofu.
Kudos Dallas, your wisdom is surpassed only by your Joy Behar jokes. Crack a funny diddy and move on, nothing for you here, Trollville is two clicks back on your browser dial.
#34 does that mean you disagree there us a recovery under way? Disagree that no matter what is shown, 30% will still disbelieve? Or is it the body thrown overboard was made of something else?
Be specific .
I go with 8 and 9.
What should have been a simple collection of blood dept has turned into a farce.
You guys are missing the important aspect of this story — if someone simply told Christiane Amanpour about bin Laden being in a villa, it wasn’t a very carefully guarded secret in Pakistan.
This has all kinds of significant implications. Pakistan may not be a very loyal friend but we really don’t want it to be our sworn enemy.
Scenarios to consider:
Madman plots and successfully carried out 3 seperate attacks on US soil, with thousands of casualties. A few years later is caught and killed. The body:
a) is shipped to Area 51 for long term forensic analysis and storage.
b) is dumped into the ocean to be eaten and shit out by the fish.
Scenario ‘b’ is somehow more satisfying. I’ll happily accept it as the truth and will reject the conspiracy theories that will solve nothing. We have better things to worry about.
No, I called him a troll, because that is what he is. I cannot be bothered to distinguish any redeeming qualities, because he never says anything beside his agenda – Repukes bad, Demos good, Bush bad, Obama good. Everything is Shrubs fault and Obama walks on water. Yadda yadda.
It isn’t that simple. To believe it is, is to shackle your own mind. Have at it Dally. 🙂
The Paki’s knew. Nobody is that stupid. The insights and suspicions you are fleshing out on this site with your personal experiences in the country in question are far more believable than anything Obama or his minions have said on this event.
Think about that, random poster Gregg Allen has more cred than the President of the United States.
This is the real problem. No offense intended Gregg.
This administration has blown something that should have been so simple and concise. Something such as …
We killed him, here are the videos, here is the body, an autopsy will be performed at Bethesda Naval Hospital, the results will be made publicly available. The terrorist will be disposed in an appropriate matter befitting his religion in an unmarked grave. Justice has been served.
… and thats it. Honest, verifiable, no bullshit accountability problems. Job done, next.
Personally I am waiting for the President to act presidential.
I saw Bin Laden alive. He’s working at a 7-11 in Waco Texas. He sold a Wawa Hoagie to Elvis while I was there. Elvis was just leaving but I’m sure it was him.
Bin Laden moved to Waco after a messy breakup with Joni Mitchell. He’s working to pay child support payments for their love child Justin Bieber. Yes it’s a medical miracle. No one told him the kid is loaded.
Now that’s justice served.
Pro’s and Con’s to all we do==so I don’t much care if the video/pics get posted or not, but I’m not the POTUS who cares about what happens to American interests around the world.
Its not “unreasonable” to think that publishing the photo’s could result in motivating some dead enders to retaliate against America. How many lives/property is “worth” additional evidence that is easily dismissed by conspiracy theorists?
So impatient the TV/now Twitter generation. We want our Dead Body Photo’s and we want them Now! Whats the downside to their release 50 years from now?
Whether I might agree or disagree with the President isn’t really germane. If what the Pres is doing is “reasonable” then he deserves our support. That is true of Obama, and it was true of Bush. So much of what BushtheRetard did was wrong and unreasonable right up front, it is hard to accept for too many that the same rules should be applied to both. I think Bush was “reasonable” to invade Afghan, but wrong to invade Iraq, as Obama was wrong to increase presence in Afghan, but reasonable to issue or hold the photo’s of OBL.
The requirement in a democracy is to be reasonable when reason is called for. This view rejects dogmatism of every odor.
#41 I totally agree you like to read what you believe in and dislike what you don’t ! This explains why you don’t address the points made and instead focus on the delivery (humor).
I do this to give you an out!
#18 Where’s that invasion of Iran that Hersh said he had from his sources?
That’s nothing.
Former Republican Senator now Independent Governor Lincoln Chafee has been saying ‘Who called it!’ over his book where he said have you checked the apartment next to Musharraf’s?