“If I were dead, would I be sitting here playing with my iPad?”
Where is the death certificate?? Why are they hiding the death certificate??
Tea, anyone?
Thanks, KB
Where is the death certificate?? Why are they hiding the death certificate??
Tea, anyone?
Thanks, KB
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thomas said, on May 3rd, 2011 at 12:36 pm
>>> – On December 26, 2001, Fox News, citing a Pakistan Observer story, reported that the Afghan Taliban had pronounced Bin Laden dead and buried him in an unmarked grave.
The ‘Pakistan Observer’ ??? The major English Newspapers in Paksitan are “Dawn” and “The News International.”
There are tons of other English newspapers, most of them crap.
Even so, the Observer is not making any factual claim. Just repeating what someone claiming to be from the Taliban said. Those guys say a lot of crap.
>>> – On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.”
Note the words, “I think.”
>>> – On July 17, 2002, the then-head of counterterrorism at the FBI, Dale Watson, told a conference of law enforcement officials that “I personally think he [Bin Laden] is probably not with us anymore.”
Again, note the words “I think.” and “personally.”
>> – In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN that “I would come to believe that [Bin Laden] probably is dead.
Note the word, “I believe”
>>> – In 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Note the word “suspected”.
>> – In November 2005, Senator Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in the Pakistani earthquake of October that year.
But told by whom? The barrista at Starbucks?
Note the word “may have.”
>>> – In February 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program, stated that the purported video and audio tapes that were being released of Bin Laden were fake and that he was probably dead.
Note the word “probably”
>> – On November 2, 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto told Al-Jazeera’s David Frost that Omar Sheikh had killed Osama Bin Laden.
Bhutto was an amazing person and pretty hot in her day, but she could also be unhinged at times. This is no secret.
>> – In March 2009, former US foreign intelligence officer and professor of international relations at Boston University Angelo Codevilla stated: “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.”
Note the words: “evidence suggests”
>>> – In May 2009, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies” hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed “I don’t think he’s alive.”
Note the words: “don’t think.”
>> Does this help explain the doubt?
No, it doesn’t.
You need to read, man, read.
Except for Bhutto, none of these people are making any claims about the facts. Only opinion and conjecture. They are perfectly clear about that.
Even in the case of the “Pakistan Observer” they are sourcing the Taliban — known liars. They aren’t doing factual reporting.
>> Obama : The Stool Softener Years said, on May 3rd, 2011 at 2:42 pm
>> Whether he was killed by us now or killed by us a long time ago, who cares?
I care. I despise being lied to by the government.
To claim this is a hoax is to claim that the President and the US Military are slime.
I don’t believe that.
Two SEALS having a beer late Sunday night. First SEAL says, you know what was the last thing to go through osamas mind? Second SEAL say I don’t know, what? First SEAL two high speed 9mm hollow points.
#31.Thomas (#16) Actually no. But can you help explain your gullibility?
Actually yes, I voted for Obama, and we all know he has kept all of his promises.
#32. Until we have evidence, then all we have is opinion and conjecture. Got it Moron?
#33. “I care. I despise being lied to by the government. ”
Man you are dumber than a rock. That’s what the government does best. And the sock puppet is the poster boy for the boy who cried wolf.
Man, could you be any more stupid?
Have any of you guys ever heard of Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman? Talk about gullible.
Whether or not OBL was killed, and he may have been, this time. Where do you people draw the line? Why all of a sudden, do you believe this story. Did you believe the Lynch story? It seemed real, didn’t it?
How about Tillman?
#32 Greg Allen
In your post note the words:
1. “There are tons of” “crap”
2. “Crap” “was amazing””
3. “Crap” “on” “people”
4. “Crap” “was” “pretty hot”
5. “You need” “crap”
Those are DIRECTLY quoted from you. Yeah if you pull one and two word phrases from entire statements you can make it say pretty much anything. But in its entirety it leads to a different conclusion.
Is Bin Laden buried at sea….
Right near the Iraq WMDs?
In the Gulf of Tonkin?
Across from the USS Maine?
(turn around if you come to the USS Liberty — that means you’ve passed it)
Behind the box containing all the “unrecovered” 9/11 airliner flight recorders?
On a shelf with the US weapons COL Oliver North sold to Iran in his little Enterprise just after convincing his buddies in Iran to wait to release the American hostages until AFTER the 1980 US presidential election?
In a cupboard that’s holding the video cameras the government confiscated from Manhattan on 9/11?
Because of the deterioration in the security of Libya and the serious risk to its stability, thereby constituting an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat? (President Obama’s formal declaration of US national emergency March 01 2011)?
For The same reason the world trade center debris was shipped over seas before anyone could investigate the scene?
Because the Republicans would still want his birth certificate, then his other birth certificate, then his school records?
In your opinion, is Obama is telling the truth on the basis that politicians are the most honest people you know?
Last week you guys were trying to say he was lying about his birth certificate.
This week you are trying to say he’s honest.
People are absent a brain.
I’m telling you, he was dead over a year ago, held in a freezer at gitmo, the janitor unplugged the freezer to power his floor waxer, Osama defrosted and started decomposing. Obama had no choice but to have the body dumped(like any good Illinois politician) and move up the time table on the announcement to Sunday, rather than just prior to the election.
Ouch, my brain hurts!
On a more serious note:
Obama attended the annual Washington Correspondents dinner and yucked it up, all the time this assignation was going on, kind of makes Bush not disrupting a class full of elementary school kids on 911 seem trivial now.
I also noticed how the administration avoided giving any credit what so ever to the Bush administration, who, it is said, from reliable sources, that some of the information used in the plan came from their interrogations.
I personally prefer to honor the memories of those whose lives were lost, rather than celebrate Osama’s death. You should all do the same.
Oh pedro, #36 You just don’t realize what an ignoramus you are, do you?
I didn’t think so.
Live on in blindness.
Mr Ed. We’re not so far apart. I’m happy to share a name with you.
I wonder why they keep referring to this as a “flawless” operation when they lost a $10 million dollar Blackhawk?
“To claim this is a hoax is to claim that the President and the US Military are slime.”
Nobody is “claiming” Obama is slime.
We’re just relating our observation of a patent fact.
As for the Military, they have to do what he says.
Sure, they could blow the whistle.
They’d be rooming with Bradly Manning the next day.
I’d rather be a Truther than a sucker.
“The skeptic does not mean him who doubts, but him who investigates or researches, as opposed to him who asserts and thinks that he has found”
Miguel de Unamuno
I’m thinking you’re being a little selective in your research there Thomas. You were sucked in by Obama? How do you think he was going to act? His time as editor of the Harvard Law Review is pretty telling.
For all those that think that a government especially the US government can conspire on something like 9/11 or a fake assassination. I invite you to work for the government a while. I am usually surprised that most of them are actually able to tie their shoes without help from mom. As far as creating and implementing some vast far reaching multinational conspiracy, not happening.
Lots of conspiracists are pointing to the conflicting reports…he was armed, he wasn’t armed, the human shield, etc.
We all saw the pic of Obama watching the raid in real-time, right? All those people in there? Some of them told colleagues the story, and those friends were the “anonymous administration sources” used by the press for those initial stories. Or maybe folks in the room told what they thought they knew.
But then the SEALs are debriefed, and the ‘true’ story emerges. OK, so it may not be “True,” but it’s the official story and as true as anyone is going to get for a while.
Odd that there are conflicting reports? Not at all. Those initial reports are at least second-generation, and maybe more.
That’s the problem with our 24-hour news cycle…in the interest of being fast they often (usually) get it wrong.
Alfred, nobody wants to read what that drug-addicted asshole says. Can’t you see through his charade?
He’s a hypoctitical, racist, sexist asshole. And he’s getting rich just like the televangelists of the 70’s and 80’s. Same audience, too.
Oh, and here’s your apology:
Go fuck yourself.
Hey Alfie==that link is for Registered Ditto Heads only. I’d be so embarrassed if THAT showed up in my Obama Progressive Non Court Reviewed Personal Data Folder.
Was the terrorist the seal punched in custody/jail at the time instead of “resisting arrest”? You see, the terrorist that had been in custody for 3 days was searched 4-5 times to make sure he didn’t have hand grenades wired to his gonads–not the case with Osama though, he was a walking menacing threat once he pushed his wife into the field of fire. Maybe that Seal should be reprimanded for not getting a chest and head shot on the woman too? Not putting her down was a threat to the mission!!!
Ha, ha. Russia “concerned” Nato is being too agressive in Libya? No individual targeted attackes allowed by the UN. Syria on the Human Rights Commission.
Now I agree its good to have a “forum” where all the nations can meet one another and some good old coaxing along could be applied to the worlds dictators, but maybe just the opposite could be tried for a while? Some kind of second class UN status, ok==third class after the security counsel and general assembly.
Pro’s and Con’s to all we do. Say Alfie==what are the positive benefits you get by being one of the inner sphincters on Rush’s website?
#21, Arpie,
Apart from a couple of statements, *all* the ones you listed are clearly in the realm of opinion/ hearsay/ wishful thinking, no?
You have pointed out the flaw in all conspiracies; THE QUESTION. Conspirators have this thing where one asks a legitimate, or not so legitimate question then the others take that question (not the answer) as fact.
WHOA!!!!! Alfie==is post #52 the type of spew that you feed off of? Hmm, thats seriously disturbing. Is the entire teaparty of the same mind on this type of fictionalized Straw Man boogey-woogie or only for 98% of the dues paying members?
Its been mentioned before but what with the “prestige” in not the next re-election of our presidents riding on the outcome of these secret interventions, you’d think we could find two helicopters that were mission ready?
Maintenance–like the infrastructure in GOUSA==its so boring, but so necessary.
Its the Military Stupid: not the President, not the parties. Pure CRAP that Obama showed real leadership by pushing the Military on what its backup plans were. Same with Dimwit, Clinton, Bush Sr, Carter and Regan. Once the mission is authorized ALL OTHER factors are on the Military. Silly how everything is personalized. “The Cult of Personality.”
Hillary is pushing to run against Obama. Have you seen the anonymous leak that it was Hillary and Leon Panetta and William Daley who OKd the bombing while Obama wouldn’t make a decision?
No Micky, I haven’t seen that. Where did you see it?
Mike, it makes perfect sense that some of his top advisors pushed for the raid while others, or Obama himself, waffled. I see that as a good thing. For example, imagine Bush having a diversity of opinions available in 2002/2003, instead of a group of sycophants similar to any CEO-type. One system is inherently better for presidents where the other is (historically) dangerous to the country.
But as for advisors giving “the OK” that doesn’t make any sense. No sense at all.
The Salk killed-virus Polio vaccine was replaced by the Sabin live-virus oral vaccine in 1963 because of the more effective newer vaccine. Years later, the only polio cases in the US were CAUSED by the Sabin vaccine. Because of the original Salk vaccines higher safety level, the Sabin vaccine was replaced by the Salk Vaccine in 2000.
Live virus vs killed virus. Both worked to end the disease of Polio in the new world. Nowadays, there is a resurgence in Africa, due mainly to the Muslim suspicions of a Western vaccination.
#56. Please see a movie called “The Fog of War” a little conspiracy “theory” that caused the deaths of over 56,000 American soldiers and possibly up to a million N. Vietnamese.
And then you may shove your conspiracy “theory” up your ass.
#65–thomas==what was the “conspiracy theory” regarding the Vietnam War? I can think of several lies and bad approaches but they were all pretty much out in the open. I thought conspiracy theories pretty much had to have some secrecy about them? Same with Fog. War always has fog, that also is not a conspiracy.
So what are you thinking of/referring to?
#68–Alfie==thanks. that was a good one. Might the difference be that when Cheney used this team he denied their existence whereas Obama proudly announced it?
thats one little difference.
Got any more good stuff?
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident.