“If I were dead, would I be sitting here playing with my iPad?”
Where is the death certificate?? Why are they hiding the death certificate??
Tea, anyone?
Thanks, KB
Where is the death certificate?? Why are they hiding the death certificate??
Tea, anyone?
Thanks, KB
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Is there no variant of Godwin’s Law to stop the number of fringe conspiracy nutball theories we have to put up with in one week?
Should have at least waited to find a link to a group of nutballs making the claim rather than filling in as one yourself.
Ha, they faked the moon landing, they could fake this too.
I’m not saying Bin Laden wasn’t killed, I’m just asking “What if they already had Bin Laden but timed it to give Obama a boost when needed? Can you prove that it wasn’t a fake Bin Laden? What is the real reason they had to get rid of the body at sea?”
See, boys and girls, that’s how it starts. You feed the loons and they’re more than happy to roll with it.
Can you prove that the earth is actually not sitting on elephants on top of a giant turtle? Can you prove that we’re not actually living inside a sphere and the sun is a star in the center of the planet? I’m not saying it is, I’m just asking questions…
At least 30% of the American sheeple (100% of teabaggers) will swallow this hairball conspiracy. This will correlate well with the birthers, afterbirthers and moon is made of cheese crowd.
arpie, you do a great Beck impression.
bobbo…the foxnews.com story comments are loaded with these nutballs. Scary shit, lots of people really do believe this crap.
Does it matter if he is dead or not when we know
that he is not responsible for 9/11.
It’s just presidential campaign and nothing else.
My fear is that they will create new bin Laden with some
new catastrophic event couse there is no more reason to stay in Afghanistan to “defend” all
that heroin and lithium
If his death is a fake, I’m sure Osama will be trotted out soon for another puppet show.
#6: What if they have a replacement Bin Laden? Someone that looks and sounds exactly like him? How could we tell if whomever they trot out is the real Bin Laden, who’s not actually dead, or will it be the fake Bin Laden, who’s just actually Obama’s CIA operative so the gubernment can create a circus of distraction and get away with anything they want!
“I don’t always feed the trolls… but when I do, I prefer politics.” 🙂
#7, arpie, “What if they have a replacement Bin Laden? Someone that looks and sounds exactly like him?”
Does it matter? He’s just a symbol. The real threat has always been all the other mentally challenged religious nutballs who worshiped him. At the very minimum, they will still be a threat after several generations.
Killing Osama is just sweet revenge.
@arpie (#2)- so, you are implying that they had OBL, and decided that NOW was the most opportune time to make him dead.
Eighteen months from the next general election.
Eighteen months from President Obama’s attempt to get reelected.
Six months AFTER the last general election when the Administration badly needed a boost to try to have the House remain in his party’s control.
#2, “I’m not saying Bin Laden wasn’t killed, I’m just asking “What if they already had Bin Laden but timed it to give Obama a boost when needed?”.”
The Liberals were saying the same thing regarding Bush and Osama some years back – that Osama was already captured and that Bush was making a show of still looking for him so that he could make a show of killing Osama when he needed a political boost.
Now the Obama admin is saying that Osama wasn’t shooting back and that the woman wasn’t a human shield… A key piece of the story has been changed for some reason.
Seriously, it’s amazing… I thought maybe I was lacking on subtlety on my posts and people would see it right away that I was being sarcastic, so the joke would be lost.
But alas, no. Even having said “You feed the loons and they’re more than happy to roll with it.” people (the aforementioned loons) still don’t realize they’ve been had. Either that or they knee jerk and hit reply before reading through the whole thing. I’m not even sure what’s worse.
That’s why Beck, Limbaugh, etc. are so successful… people are so eager to hear whatever it is they want to hear that any dissonant information just whooshes over their head. Wake up, people!
In Hawaii.
Conspiracy nut jobs will always be around. They don’t trust government and many times don’t trust friends either. They are the fringe groups that keep seeing things that are not there. No sane person or evidence will ever convince them otherwise. I never believe in blind trust. But I also do not believe in no trust. The events of 9-11 are real, the event that killed Bin Laden was real. I think we all should move on and just be glade a evil man like Osama Bin Laden is dead!
Bin Laden died of a rare disorder in his left eye known as a “bullet.” Ophthalmologists have never been able to treat this successfully.
Usually dark humor makes me feel a tad guilty, but not now 😉
Add these nutballs in. Includes Clintons Secretary of State
– Former CIA officer and hugely respected intelligence & foreign policy expert Robert Baer, who in 2008 when asked about Bin Laden by a radio host responded, “Of course he is dead.”
– On December 26, 2001, Fox News, citing a Pakistan Observer story, reported that the Afghan Taliban had pronounced Bin Laden dead and buried him in an unmarked grave.
– On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.”
– On July 17, 2002, the then-head of counterterrorism at the FBI, Dale Watson, told a conference of law enforcement officials that “I personally think he [Bin Laden] is probably not with us anymore.”
– In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN that “I would come to believe that [Bin Laden] probably is dead.
– In 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
– In November 2005, Senator Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in the Pakistani earthquake of October that year.
– In February 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program, stated that the purported video and audio tapes that were being released of Bin Laden were fake and that he was probably dead.
– On November 2, 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto told Al-Jazeera’s David Frost that Omar Sheikh had killed Osama Bin Laden.
– In March 2009, former US foreign intelligence officer and professor of international relations at Boston University Angelo Codevilla stated: “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.”
– In May 2009, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies” hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed “I don’t think he’s alive.”
Does this help explain the doubt?
These guys can turn Bullshit into Chocolate or even back !
things are OK when Democrats do them
OSB, aka the real owner of “Achmed’s Q’iky M’rt“, is quietly pushing up the daisies at the bottom of the Arabian sea.
Let the conspiracy theorists begin about:
• why Bush II supposedly had the man on the run but he was setting up or approving terror plots and financing them, and
• why the man was actually found and killed living somewhere else than where everybody was searching, in suburban Pakistan.
Was it merely that oldest of magician’s trick, misdirection?
On Your Marks.
Get Ready.
#16 thomas
#16. Yeah, but THEY didn’t have a body to prove that…..oh, wait…
Apart from a couple of statements, *all* the ones you listed are clearly in the realm of opinion/ hearsay/ wishful thinking, no?
– “I think now…”
– “I personally think… is probably…”
– “I would come to believe… probably is…”
– she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts…
– …he was told Osama may have died…
– …he was probably dead.
– “All the evidence suggests…”
– “I don’t think…”
That’s a far cry from the current operation, evidence, etc.
Back to my point earlier, though, is that many here are probably going to choose not to hear any common sense, it’s much easier to hold on to re-hashing of your precious familiar fantasies and conspiracy theories.
Look! A chem-trail!
“That’s a far cry from the current operation, evidence, etc.”
Evidence, good point….Let me know when you have some. I assume you HAVE seen it.
What if OB tampon, sorry, OBL pulled a Walt Disney on us and pre-recorded a ton of messages to be played on Sept 10 year after year, with varying beard lengths getting grayer and grayer (just pour in or shake out corn starch,) and different traditional clothing so you can’t really tie the fashion to the year.
OBL 2011: “niah, niah… It wasn’t me. Nyah, nyah, ny nyah, nyah. Now I’m going to make myself scarse for a year.”.
OBL 2012: “Congrats Obama” OR depending on the outcome, “Too bad Obama”
OBL 2013: “Seriously? Can you believe these oil prices? Good luck with that Russian gas pipeline.”
OBL 2014: …
He could record a shit load of these, pass them all off to some lackey and be with us for years.
Sorry, make that “He could have recorded a shit load…
Common sense… Isn’t that the stuff that most people hold to be true despite their ignorance of the facts or underlying principles?
I’d prefer evidence to common sense. My common sense tells me you have no idea what you speak of.
Whether he was killed by us now or killed by us a long time ago, who cares? As long as he was killed … by us.
I saw the Death Certificate.
It too was signed by Uk Kay Lelee.
Just how stupid ARE the American public?
Pretty dumb – it is astonishing.
More than a third of repugs STILL do not believe the prez was born in the USA. I really really pity these people. We now live in a Plutocracy and they blindly follow along. Of course, they’re all going to be millionairs soon (or so they’re told) so DO NOT TAX THE BILLIONAIRS! Idiots.
We could solve any future energy needs by taping into the graves of our Founding Fathers and hooking up their spinning bodies to generators.
Very funny hah, ha…
The American empire is toast.
If we can’t even agree on basic facts, we’re screwed as a great nation.
Thomas (#16) Actually no. But can you help explain your gullibility?