“If I were dead, would I be sitting here playing with my iPad?”

Where is the death certificate?? Why are they hiding the death certificate??

Tea, anyone?

Thanks, KB

  1. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    Alfie the probe master leaving the neighborhood dogs to run away in confused horror===ahhh, can’t top the intro, I’ll leave it there.

    Thomas–maybe I was just too jaded even back then but no body I knew believed the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was anything but a pretext. Not any better than the Weapons of Mass Destruction BS BushtheRetard used to cow congress into Gulf War II.

    Surely, you weren’t fooled by either one? Were you? Conspiracies for Dummy’s?

  2. #38

    Cut to the chase and look into the Gulf of Tonkin. Here was a massive conspiracy with whole boatloads (literally) of people involved. Who says it can’t be done quiter easily?

    When I was a kid the Liberals and Democrats used to have a bumper sticker that said “Question Authority.” It’s been replaced by Obama/Biden.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    # 44 Mr, Ed – the Original (with comma)

    I wonder why they keep referring to this as a “flawless” operation when they lost a $10 million dollar Blackhawk?

    They didn’t lose it! They know exactly where they left it. Parked in Down Town Teabaggerville.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #73, JC

    When I was a kid the Liberals and Democrats used to have a bumper sticker that said “Question Authority.” It’s been replaced by Obama/Biden.

    That was NEVER a Democrat slogan. As far as the Yuppies, Hippies, Civil Rights Movements, and youth in general, the slogan was directed at EVERYONE with any power. That included Johnson and Richard Daley; both, very prominent Democrats.

    Damn I hate it when people try to rewrite history.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #66, Alphie

    You leftist loons owe us an apology, or an explanation how you can now agree with everything you once hated Bush for, but Obama adopted to accomplish this “heroism?”

    If Bush had of approved a mission like this in 2001-2002 there would have been shouting and raucous cheering in the streets for days of praise for him. Nope, we didn’t have that national celebration, because the Bush and Rumsfeld led assault on Afghanistan allowed not only bin Laden to escape, but the rest of the Taliban hierarchy.

    Do you see the difference doing what should have been done does to your credibility? Bush and all the tea baggers / neo-cons owe all of us, the American people, more than an apology.

  6. thomas says:

    #76. And there you have it. Fusion…YOU are the poster boy for selective gullibility.

    I challenge you on the Lynch/Tillman propaganda. And the Gulf of Tonkin fairy tale, by a Liberal president.

    But YOUR president would never be involved in nefarious activity, right Mr. F? Be careful how you answer, he still has 2 more years to prove you wrong.

  7. MikeN says:

    #61, that’s not the story being put out there. The main elements:

    1) Some advisers were pushing, Valerie Jarrett was saying no, and winning the argument to the extent the President was deferring the decision.

    2) The switch to a raid was not to get proof, but a stalling tactic. He had the greenlight for the ground op, but they did not Panetta had already developed the plan.

    3) Panetta gave the go order, WITHOUT informing the president.

    4) Hillary and William Daley WERE aware beforehand, and the vice-president knew before Obama. They pledged support, if things went sour and Panetta was held out as a scapegoat.

    5) Valerie Jarrett ordered an abort when she heard about it.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mike: giving a go for such an order, without POTUS, is suicide. Panetta could end up swinging from a rope for that. That’s why I don’t buy it. But we’ll see, in ten years when the memoirs are published.

    Maybe Panetta sent word to prepare to deploy before final approval, but no way they enter Pakistan without POTUS saying go. No way, IMO.

  9. MikeN says:

    >Mike: giving a go for such an order, without POTUS, is suicide. Panetta could end up swinging from a rope for that.

    No, not really. If the operation is successful, then Panetta is safe. And if the operation is not successful, you still have others standing by him.

    I agree with you the story is false. However, that it is out there leads me to think Hillary is setting up a primary challenge.

  10. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    Mickey==”I agree with you the story is false. However, that it is out there leads me to think Hillary is setting up a primary challenge.” /// I don’t think much of Hiliary and her spouse, “but” what the heck are you smoking and why? “It” is not out there. Good example you might want to pay attention to: 1-2-3 blog postings does not make a there.

    How often can you be this silly and not even get the dignity of being called a liar?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, Thomas,

    I challenge you on the Lynch/Tillman propaganda. And the Gulf of Tonkin fairy tale, by a Liberal president.

    What are you challenging? I have offered no response I can remember about either case although both were coverups of low level actions. Lynch was an exaggeration during the heat of war. Tillman was a cover-up of an error all the way from the lowest level up the highest.

    In both cases the truth prevailed. Lynch herself told reporters of her treatment at the hands of her Iraqi, civilian “captors”. It took squad mates of Tillman to help reveal the truth. In war however, many look for heroes and the Pentagon offered both up as heroes.

    The Gulf of Tonkin was challenged even before the Resolution was presented to Congress (see Sen. Wayne Morse). The rest of any lingering doubt was removed when the Pentagon Papers were published. Since then, various others have added their bits to the incident.

    The Gulf of Tonkin wasn’t a fabrication, such as Bush’s WMDs. Instead it was an aggregate of errors, embellishments, and CYA from most everyone involved at middle and upper layers.

  12. thomas says:

    Well thank you for an honest reply. But Lynch was NOT an exaggerated response in the heat of war. It was a calculated and controlled response for a “support the troops” mentality.

    Tillman and Lynch were a propaganda piece designed to further the war of aggression. While maybe, the truth prevailed, the public, will buy into the first story and dismiss the rest as “conspiracy theory”. Do you see where I am going with this?

    The same goes with Tonkin. The people (The common American people) are easily manipulated, even more so back in the 60’s. I would hope that we have grown beyond this manipulation. Apparently not.

    Just question, observe, THINK, for yourselves.

  13. Gildersleeve says:

    What does it say about a people that simply won’t accept closure? I mean, could they *really* get away with lying about this? Can you imagine what happens should Osama suddenly re-appear say a year down the road? Impeachment at least. Sorry folks, as I said earlier, he’s fish food.

  14. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, put some thought into it. They can’t put the story out there as anything bigger than a few blog posts, and even those are minor blogs as far as I can see. If the story were true, they could do a little more.

  15. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become tenets in a Dogma that corrupts the language of common discourse says:

    #89–Micky==Hiliary lost to Obama when she started out way ahead in the polls. Now, if she ran she would be seen as a traitor to the Democratic Party and a traitor to the President who brought her into his WhiteHouse.

    Why don’t you “think” for a change?

    Stop being irrelevant–Alfie has the lock on that.

  16. MikeN says:

    #91, well yes, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try it. She tried to get the delegates from Florida included after Obama dropped out.

  17. MikeN says:

    >If Bush had of approved a mission like this in 2001-2002 there would have been shouting and raucous cheering in the streets for days of praise for him.

    Nope, the Left would have called it a war crime. There is already some in Germany saying this about Obama. We’ll see if Obama gets an arrest warrant issued against him, and if so, whether sites like dvorak.org will put up posts celebrating that he is skipping speeches in Europe to avoid arrest.

  18. Somebody says:


    What he said.


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