Yet another unreleased squirrel video. This time I brought him into the house.

  1. two to the head says:


  2. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    Could be “just me” but I would have some fun putting up a kind of obstacle course on the way to a squirrel feeder to increase the hours of fun watching my protege.

    Fun with squirrels. I think my scout master got in trouble with that years ago.

  3. Aw God damn that is just too cute! I just hope you’re not planning on fattening him up and putting him next to the mashed potatoes.

  4. DocColorado says:

    So, your playing with the squirrel and the baby is screaming it’s head off in the background.


  5. tdkyo says:

    You do realize that the squirrel has been sent by Google to map your personal house, right?

  6. Likes2LOL says:

    So, besides “run back and forth,” what other tricks does he know? 🙂

  7. The Dude says:


  8. green says:

    It’s cute until it shits in your house.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    かわいい [“Cute” in Nihongo {Japanese language}]


    They’re so tasty too…

  10. Canuck Bud says:

    Squirrels, the other white meat.

  11. Zybch is pissed off says:

    Damn fluffy-tailed rat!

  12. UncDon says:

    Once he finds a mate, you should invite the happy couple in for a nesting.

  13. madtruckman says:

    Watching a squirrel from a tree outside? Pretty cool….

    Watching a squirrel run around on your couch? Kinda wierd….

  14. Cephus says:

    Squirrels actually make pretty good pets, there are lots of people who breed them specifically as such. Not sure how well a wild squirrel will do, but it looks like he’s becoming tame.

  15. jdmurray says:

    What’s the wheezy breathing sound coming from the camera operator? Was this video shot by Darth Vader?

    “Rocky, I *AM* your Bullwinkle.”

  16. hhopper says:

    A friend of mine raised a baby squirrel and he always had thousands of little scratches all over his body. They have sharp claws.

  17. Cephus says:

    Um, yeah, most animals do. That’s why you trim them.


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