The President takes his jabs well, but wait until you see the shots of Trump in the audience as Seth Meyers starts laying into him.

  1. DC says:

    I’ve noticed this about Seth Meyers and all the Democratic-leaning comedians. They almost never make fun of Democrats for substantive reasons. And they always make fun of Republicans for being stupid. I mean seriously, what “jabs” did Seth really lay at the President’s feet? This was really just a shameless roast of Trump with only but the most innocuous comments about everyone else. Except for perhaps the MSNBC Kool-aid comment.

    Not that Trump doesn’t deserve to be roasted.

  2. tcc3 says:

    #44 DC:

    Clinton is still being made fun of for the blowjob.

    Kerry gets a lot of grief, even after he lost in 2k4

    They were all over Rangle when that controversy was happening.

    You cant blame comedians when the Republicans make themselves easy targets by being hypocrites.

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    Interestingly, I watched Seth’s speech and marveled at how fast and smooth his delivery and timing was, only to wake up to hear the Donald saying in a TV interview on Fox, “I thought, that Seth Meyers, frankly, his delivery was not good. He’s a stutterer, and he was really having a hard time.”

    Has anybody ever heard Seth Meyers stutter in this decade?

    Then Donald went an lamenting on the American people’s behalf about the high costs of this and that and how sad it was that all this frivolity was happening (at their expense. Yeah, that’s the ticket.)

    Has Donald Trump ever given a rats ass about what people feel as economic pressure?


    Donald; you are sooooo fired!

  4. MikeN says:

    >The legacy of slavery,

    Actually blacks have had lower unemployment rate than whites in the past. Dropping tariffs had nothing to do with it. If anything it was the reverse, as Smoot Hawley passed around the same time.

  5. MikeN says:

    #46, actually watching the video, I thought Meyers’ delivery was weak as well. Too many gaps and pauses. Conan had the same problem doing the Emmys, and his little stupid dances didn’t go over well with the crowd. Perhaps it was just the lack of good material. His SNL stuff is much smoother.


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