The President takes his jabs well, but wait until you see the shots of Trump in the audience as Seth Meyers starts laying into him.

  1. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    I saw the Prez and Meyers deliver their jabs. I thought they were a little brutal. The Prez and his videos were just short of awful. No, make that just past awful. Anyway, it wasn’t supposed to be a roast and that’s sort of where it was going. Bet Limbaugh will have a good time with this. I might just get his Monday show. Or I could wait and let Alfie recite it to me here. Wanna bet Trump does something to retaliate? O’Bama better get his transcripts ready. Preferably, the long forms…

    On another point: Why was Trump even AT the WH Correspondent’s Dinner? And was his “plus one” that thing on his head?

    Trump is a joke but a mean one. This is gonna get interesting.

    Don’t pester me, Bobbo. I’ve got an early morning bus to catch. That’ll take me about four hours of bumpy roads before I get to the airport. I’m already getting into a bad mood…

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Horrible, just horrible.

    To see the correspondence dinner done right, with class and good humor, watch this.

  3. howard beale says:

    gee it looks like trump can take it as well as he can dish it out and i thought he was just a bully

  4. What? says:

    The Trump jabs were the best.

    And whacha gonna do? Trump would hang a giant “TRUMP” sign on the outside of the While House, and then paint the whole building gold. He is a low class toad. And would be even worse than BHO.

  5. howard beale says:

    for me the best was
    I love Arianna Huffington, especially her voice … “Will I see you again , James?”

    i was just glad to see trump having so much fun

  6. What? says:

    Fox News Sunday said that The Donald(R) was increasingly unhappy with the attention he received. I can’t see him clearly in the video.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #2 pedro, I hope that’s one of your lesser theories, because I really think Trump is too egotistical to read from anyone’s script but his own. His latest “birther” antics may have helped the president, but that was not according to any script or collusion. That was just bad tactical planning.

    Anyone who likes to be called “the Donald” and likes to put his name on everything probably isn’t going to perform according to someone else’s script.

  8. chuck says:

    Old Rusty Birdcage/Busey 2012!!

  9. Skeptic says:

    I saw Donald duck.

  10. Dallas says:

    Loved it! Pres Obama carved Trump (aka the Charlie Sheen of candidates) a new ass hole.

    What an amazing President we have !

  11. Fletch says:

    Trumps response to Seth Meyers:

    “YOU’RE FIRED!!!”


  12. What? says:

    TRUMP fired himself this past week; so it seems.

  13. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    Jokes about Republicans: all about how nasty, bigoted, and small minded they are. All humor has a kernel of truth in it or its not funny.

    Will Trump really hear that pulling the racist card is not the right play?

    Will Obama really hear he is not the man who ran in 2008?

    After the laughter dies down, both men could listen to the kernel that was there. Bachman too.

  14. foobar says:

    Cringe worthy, but he had it coming. The dude just can’t laugh at himself, same with O’Reilly. It doesn’t come off well.

  15. Milo says:

    What’s that feeling Trump? It’s not being above criticism! You have exactly 0 time to get used to it!

  16. Azure says:

    #18 Seriously? So not producing a birth certificate which NO OTHER president has ever had to do is on par with taking us into 2 wars and tanking our economy? Oh yeah, I forgot… democrats are supposed to be saints and republicans are free to be sinners.

    #14 Yeah that’s Trump’s response to anything he doesn’t like. He needs to thicken his skin quick. I predict that he is “all hat no cattle” when it comes to actually running for President. He has enjoyed his little sideshow now it is time for him to fade off into obscurity. He isn’t even officially running, he will become a perpetual “maybe run” like Newt Gingrich. No way he stands up to any kind of scrutiny.

  17. Hunter S Thompson says:

    I pause to shed a tear for Donald Trump. Now, back to my life…

  18. What? says:

    Alfie is the victim of self-idolatry.

    “In the 1950s, 12 percent of high-school seniors said they were a “very important person.” By the 1990s, 80 percent said they believed that they were.”

  19. Citizens United was a bad thing says:

    I think we can now officially classify Enough Already Dude Alfred as just part of the Afterbirther expulsion– yo Dude you are now supposed to eat the placenta


    and BTW Obama warned you America can’t dictate oil prices and to buy an efficient car, weatherize your house and dozens of other energy saving and alternate producing measures you best bet is to call your Representatives and tell them to support those.

  20. MikeN says:

    >The President takes his jabs well
    What jabs? CSPAN and NBC got more than him.
    Here’s the jabs the president endured.

    Debt is high.

    He’s not going to wait 3 years to release his birth certificate. Why would he do that?
    Who told you we were doing birth certificate jokes? It was Assange wasn’t it?

    Is Biden still vice-president, otherwise I’d have no material.

    MSNBC drinks Obama’s KoolAid.

    I can tell you who would definitely beat you, 2008 Obama.

    You looked like the guy from the Old Spice commercial, now you look like Louis Gossett Sr.
    Maybe you should start smoking again.
    If your hair were any whiter, the Tea Party would endorse it.

    Everyone wants out of your White House.

    WillIAm is not looking forward to your campaign.

    Obama couldn’t even laugh at a jab at Huckabee saying Obama grew up in Indonesia as a Muslim.

  21. foobar says:

    Maybe the last week of humiliations will actually make Donny run. We can only hope.

    My favourite quote: “”I wouldn’t think [Obama] would address me”. Besides the awkward sentence structure, he completely misread the situation. Having this guy actually on the Republican stage would he hysterical.

  22. chris says:

    Best: Trump is running is a Republican… funny I thought he was running as a joke.

    My better TV people slate:

    Prez: Jon Stewart
    Veep: Steven Colbert

    Create a new national research agency: headed by Mythbuster guys

    Justice: Judge Judy
    Sec Def: R. Lee Ermey
    Sec State:
    Labor: Dirty Jobs guy
    HUD: Extreme Makeover Home Edition guy
    Treasury: Jim Cramer
    Transportation: Top Gear guys
    Homeland Security: Jack Bauer
    NIH: Dr. Oz

    Wow! Bin ladin is Dead!

  23. hmbterry says:

    I give Seth 6 out of 10. Colbert and Don Imus would get a 9.5.

  24. foobar says:

    #33 and #35

    Good news all around. It will create a break with the past which is what the American people need.

  25. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    #15–Alfie==I never raised the racist charge until Trump failed to drop the issue after production of the long form AND he moved on to claiming Obama was an affirmative action matriculant. Nothing wrong with that-except in the eyes of a racist.

    It is ironic that the only thing “black” about Obama is his brown skin. Black would be Eddie Murphy’s character “Kill the Landlord.” Black mother, no father, slums, drugs. That is still too much the black experience in america. More exceptions all the time, but still too much.

    The legacy of slavery, or do you think history doesn’t exist?? Pukes can only “wish” history didn’t exist. Decisions made in the 60s-70s to outsource jobs only now clearly showing their effect with our jobless recovery.

    Salmon runs are re-establishing themselves once we recognized our history/cause and effect and blew up the damns. Maybe USA prosperity could re-establish itself if we recognized our history/cause and effect and blew up the International Banking/Investment Cartels?

    Black, White, and Brown. Silly Hoomans.

  26. The_Tick says:

    Obama takes out Bin laden, all that economic savy and he’s a fuckin war president’s war president to boot. George W should take notes on how a real man wages war.

  27. The_Tick says:

    Doesn’t that pic look a little young?

  28. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    I saw reported that Kdaffy’s youngest son and some grand kiddies will killed by a missle strike on one of his Libyan compounds. Just missed him again. And thats what WAR requires: a precise missile where ever he might be.

    Reminds me of several Sci-Fi shows of smart missiles launched from all seeing satellites. The future is so bright, I gotta stay underground.

  29. chris says:


    Yeah, and it is good that we got him man to man. That has symbolic cred.

    What a shithead!


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