Justice has been done,” Obama said in a dramatic, late-night White House speech announcing the death of the elusive mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the New York and Washington.

Obama said U.S. forces led the operation that killed bin Laden. No Americans were killed in the operation and they took care to avoid civilian casualties, he said.

“The United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women and children,” Obama said…

U.S. officials said that after searching in vain for the al Qaeda leader since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist was killed in the Pakistani town of Abbotabad and his body recovered.

Having the body may help convince any doubters that bin Laden is really dead.

This death alone does not mean victory. But, this death is a significant moment and hopefully may be the beginning of an end to a deadly chapter.

UPDATE: Here’s a link to the IT geek’s tweets – Sohaib Athar – @ReallyVirtual – who liveblogged the raid without knowing what he was watching. Getting away from the city for the day, relaxing in the mountains.

  1. We need to go back and kick the shit out of the Pack of Stanleys for harboring this fucker.

  2. foobar says:

    It’s time for US to start defining it’s own course again. Better for the US, better for everyone else.

  3. Azure says:

    #67 – Really? Are you kidding me?
    Why is it Bush can stand in front of a banner in his little flight suit on an aircraft carrier declaring Mission Accomplished for a “mission” we are still working on and you all applaud him yet Obama can make a sedate announcement about a real accomplished mission and you all belittle him.

    He was being Presidential, unlike Bush who loved the sound of his own smirky little voice. Bush took his eye off the ball so he could pursue his little country building fantasy in Iraq. Or was he just trying to upstage dear old dad? Either way, Iraq was a war of his own making and had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11.

    Obama has had to clean up mess after mess left behind by the previous administration. He has had to endure more attacks than any other President in my lifetime. This is what a real statesman looks like, too bad the conservative bigots can’t see past his skin color.

    #68 – love your name 🙂

  4. Donaldo says:

    Big deal. Even the most incompetent President ever would have given this order. In fact, he did. Now, back to our regularly scheduled decent into the 12th level of economic Hell…

  5. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    #71–Donaldo==even written down, the news escapes you. The recon and execution of this mission by the American Team was done in isolation without the help/information to any other nation. An incompetent President would have maintained close ties with our allies on the War on Terror. Obama gave that lip service while doing what needed to be done. A KILL TEAM was sent in but like a dumb ass Paki, some here criticize the lip service of “bringing them to justice.” What do you think a KILL TEAM does?

    Can’t follow the Big Themes, get confused by the small themes. No wonder the Tea Party has a base. Stoopid Hoomans.

  6. Arne Jensen says:

    Absolutely incredible that you believe this BS story. Nobody has seen his body (he is supposedly “buried at sea” hundreds of miles from where he was “killed”. This morning they had confirmed his identity via DNA, now it will take some days for the results. They released a photo of his dead, which turned out to be fake, etc etc etc.

    Also, why are American Extremists celebrating the unlawful killing of a man that has not be tried by the legal system they are so proud about. Without a trial, this is just revenge, not justice.

    The US should be ashamed.

    On to Libya!

  7. Charlie says:

    #70 – I heard a lot of “I”‘s in his little speech, almost as if he personally kicked the Osama’s front door in himself. This is what I was referring to and it’s not gone unnoticed either. It cheapens Barry’s image which is after his #1 priority so a bit of an own goal.

    Also turns out that the info that led to Osama’s gofer being identified was from ‘interviews’ from GW’s watch but we won’t mention that… SQUIRREL!

  8. Kent says:

    I’m calling BS on the whole thing.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Azure,

    Best post so far.

    I am disgusted at all the comments from those who don’t think their shit stinks. So to all you assholes, FUCK YOU. Here, go jerk off, http://www.sanfranciscosentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sarah-palin-feb-25-2.jpg

    To all the agencies involved, thank you.

  10. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Can all the Bushbots and Obamabots please clear the room? The rest of us would like our world back.

  11. Rob Leather says:

    Surprised JCD you didn’t notice that Sohaib Athar is 33 years old.

  12. Dallas says:

    Congrats to our Chief of Armed Forces, President Obama for killing Obama.

    Long form Death Certificate being printed now for Trump and the Teabaggers.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #78, AMEN!!!

    Finally, a man who can think outside the square.

  14. BigBoyBC says:

    Congrats to our Chief of Armed Forces, President Obama for killing Obama.

  15. YouAgain! says:

    “Congrats to our Chief of Armed Forces, President Obama for killing Obama.”

    Obama for killing Obama? Wake up fool!

    and he’s “Commander in Chief”, you ignorant ass!

    the only bigger fool on this post is Bobbo, the chimp, who is the answer to the question nobody asked.

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    shut-up jerk, I was quoting someone else.

  17. two to the head says:


    Oh wait…


    Oh, never mind.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MikeN…I agree that OBL deserves to be buried with swine. However, needlessly tweaking Muslims serves no purpose, it only fans the flames. Seems to me that Muslims may have given us a pass on the 24-hour rule if it had extended to 48 hours to allow many many more people to see him, but whatever.

    He is dead. It is good.

    And damn, what a compound he used. Proud of our forces, and bothered by the loss of a chopper on such a high-profile mission.

  19. Mr Pib says:

    I WONT believe it until I see a Birth Certificate with Bin Laden on it..No photocopies or Photoshop accepted! No exceptions. Trump are you listening?

  20. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    #87–Olo==yes, very safe compound if you are defending against sheep herders==but not so much against a kill team. Evidently he came out to fight RATHER THAN go to a safe room and call in back up. Osama was a tall man, shot in the head. Women are short. I wonder how/why the woman was killed? Maybe not a shield at all?

    And Dumb Mike–no two situations are the same. I can cheer or jeer the killing of this woman and it is hardly applicable to whatever Israel does. Silly to make such equations.

  21. WmDE says:

    If bin Laden was found in August you can bet that the time since then has been spent in surveillance and wiretapping.

    He was picked up because the information was dwindling or he was about to move.

  22. freddybobs68k says:

    #74 Arne Jensen

    “he is supposedly “buried at sea” hundreds of miles from where he was “killed””

    This is the the elephant in the room on the whole issue.

    Why did they do that? Surely people would want physical proof? So the first thing they do – apparently immediately after they “killing him” (they couldn’t wait a day or two), is take the body, fly it out to sea, and kick it out the door. Removing all the indisputable physical evidence. Errr – okay.

  23. Somebody says:

    A few clues for those of you who think that the US did or ever intended to kill Bin Laden:

    Bush was on kissing terms with the Bin Laden family.

    Obama would literally grovel before Saudi royalty.

    Osama was on the CIA payroll at least until 9/11 very likely after as well.

    The 9/12 Bin Laden family air-lift while US citizens were grounded.

    The CIA/MI5/KGB etc are were the sons of the elite go to play James Bond and secure the rule of the elites over the world. If you are in that club, you are on your way to being, say president of Russia, Egypt or the USA – you don’t have to worry about consequences.

    The burial at sea is the icing on the cake!

    Kind of like releasing a PDF instead of a true photocopy of your birth certificate!

    Only wacky conspiracy theorists will stop to think about it.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Somebody: Is it fun being divorced from reality?

    I considered that route once, but expected it to be lonely. Maybe not!

  25. nightstar says:

    Oh the Irony.

    A guy posing ans Olo Baggins of Bywater asks somebody “Is it fun being divorced from reality?”

    You better not let the nice young men in their clean white coats catch you on their computer.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    So now Ghaddafy is probably pooping his pants a little more now.

    A few more terrorists and the world will be a safer place.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    Re: Burial at Sea.

    I can see why they did it.

    If you bury him, his grave becomes a shrine for others to rally around.

    If you keep the body, you are desecrating the it, which fans the flames. Muslims want that body in the ground and quickly.

    It had to be gotten rid of.

    Now they have nothing.

    Plus it sends a message — we threw him away with the garbage.

  28. Benjamin says:

    Congratulations Barrack Obama in allowing our military to take out Osama.. I didn’t think you had it in you to make sure Osama bin Laden got his just deserts.


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