Justice has been done,” Obama said in a dramatic, late-night White House speech announcing the death of the elusive mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the New York and Washington.

Obama said U.S. forces led the operation that killed bin Laden. No Americans were killed in the operation and they took care to avoid civilian casualties, he said.

“The United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women and children,” Obama said…

U.S. officials said that after searching in vain for the al Qaeda leader since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist was killed in the Pakistani town of Abbotabad and his body recovered.

Having the body may help convince any doubters that bin Laden is really dead.

This death alone does not mean victory. But, this death is a significant moment and hopefully may be the beginning of an end to a deadly chapter.

UPDATE: Here’s a link to the IT geek’s tweets – Sohaib Athar – @ReallyVirtual – who liveblogged the raid without knowing what he was watching. Getting away from the city for the day, relaxing in the mountains.

  1. InTheWest says:

    Mission Accomplished

  2. GregAllen says:

    I can’t tell you how surprised I am that Osama was in Abottabad. I’ve been there a bunch of times.

    I was so sure Osama was in some remote village in the mountains. To be in such an open location is amazing to me.

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    Next on the agenda, raising the U.S. debt ceiling past $14.3 trillion.

  4. nobody says:

    I thought mission was accomplished when we got Saddam Hussein?

    Does this mean we don’t have to hand over our eyebrow tweezers at the airport anymore?

  5. GregAllen says:

    >> nobody said, on May 1st, 2011 at 8:34 pm
    >> I thought mission was accomplished when we got Saddam Hussein?

    I wish!

    I hate killing, even of evil people. But I’ll be happy if this give us an excuse to get out of Afghanistan.

  6. Nolimit662 says:

    Face it, we will never leave the middle east, ever!

  7. foobar says:

    Bush contacted and congratulated Obama. Class move.

  8. ADVENT says:


  9. Zybch is pissed off says:

    He may be dead, but I can’t help being suspicious about the whole thing, especially on the eve on George W Obama starting his re-election campaign.


  10. Somebody says:

    Osama bin Laden, War Criminal?

    What did he do, invade Libya w/o congressional approval?

    Besides, Osama never claimed responsibility for 9/11 until after the first time he died.

  11. The_Tick says:

    They don’t need squirrels,,,, they give it to you guys in the hoop daily and ya don’t do shit about it…lol Definately a coup for coolbama.

  12. Smith says:

    #5 “But I’ll be happy if this give us an excuse to get out of Afghanistan.”

    I’ll second that. Please Obama, use this as an excuse to pull our troops out NOW! We are 30 years, 50,000 American dead, and $5 trillion away from democracy in Afghanistan. Get the hell out now!

  13. The_Tick says:

    @ #12 pretty sure your commited to staying there for the time being, in fact, you guys a have a couple more skirmishes to deal with right away. Of course I could be wrong and this is about 9/11 and osama….lol

  14. Somebody says:

    It’s a hoot to watch Obama trying to clean up his image for the presidential campaign.

    See? I was born in the US!

    See? I did get Osama!

    See? I’m not abu-ghraibing Brady Manning!

    See? Gas isn’t $10.00 a gallon… Well, 3 out of 4 ain’t bad!

    We should start a pool to guess the month Obama is given credit for solving the obesity crises by raising the price of food through the roof.

    The prize? Your very own copy of Michelle Obama’s home gardening book!

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Obama’s big problem now is he is shooting off his wads a bit early. (See Somebody #15)

    All this will be old news when the reelection starts to heat up.

    And the big problems, such as China, inflation, unemployment, gas prices, etc. will still remain.

  16. noname says:

    Ok John C Dvorak, I can see you get your news from Fox “senseless propoganda” News: “Osama Bin Laden Has Been Dead for a Week”

    I guess you can believe fox or Reuters and the President, when
    President Barack Obama announced on Monday that bin Laden
    was killed on Sunday in a firefight with U.S. forces in Pakistan
    and that his body was recovered. [ID:nN01168438]

  17. GregAllen says:

    As I said, I’m still getting my mind around the implications that Osama was in Abbottabad.

    One thing it means is that he could have been in far better communication with various al Qaeda cells than if he were in the mountains.

    I’m sure he had not phones or internet connection on his compound, but it would have been very easy for him to relay messages to people. No problem at all.

  18. Lou says:

    1 less ahole on the planet.
    Obama gets er done !

  19. GregAllen says:


    I was wondering how the right wing was going to cynically spin this for their a few cheap political points — rather than simply being good Americans.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  20. dusanmal says:

    Good result.
    Pitiful speech. Where was “thanks to brave men/women who risked their lives to eliminate him”? Left or Right any previous President would done that first in his speech. Obama? – No. He found out… he ordered… he was informed… Self importance with no class.

  21. Grandpa says:


    I’m not voting for Obama. I’m voting for Social Security.

  22. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    at 1:05==”A small team of Americans…..”

    Not a joint team with our Pakistani Partners huh? Ha, ha.

    GAWD would I be pissed if we ever learn we aren’t doing the same thing against Kdaffy. The notion that you fight army vs army rather than decapitate the snake is one of the more idiotic notions enshrined in international/UN law. Yes, a death squad bringing this scum “to justice.”

    Who should be No 3 on this list? Quite a long list once you start it at all.

    Power. It does corrupt us so.

  23. GregAllen says:

    >> dusanmal said, on May 1st, 2011 at 9:05 pm
    >> President would done that first in his speech. Obama? – No. He found out… he ordered… he was informed… Self importance with no class.

    Yeah, too bad he didn’t do something low-key and subtle, like strapping on a cod piece and strutting around on an air craft carrier, parked for a perfect photo op.

  24. Somebody_Else says:

    Fantastic news.

    I wonder how big Obama’s 2012 landslide is going to be.

  25. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    #22–dusanmal==what is that, Yugoslavian for douche bag? “Douche – anal?” I’ve heard close only counts in horseshoes butt a douche in either location?

    Although that is being unfair to douche bags in that they perform a fine and honorable service whereas douche bag, errr-dsanmal==serves nothing but mindless irrational kneejerk nay-saying.

    Ha, ha. What a “sprcha vrece.”

  26. soundwash says:

    what a crock. he’s been dead for years.

    with silver about to from bubble to blimp and the USDX skimming along at 72.xx -the “not so obvious” assassination attempt by nato of ghadaffi..



  27. GregAllen says:

    >> Somebody_Else said, on May 1st, 2011 at 9:17 pm
    >> Fantastic news.
    >> I wonder how big Obama’s 2012 landslide is going to be.

    Considering the GOP clown college running for president, and the adoring support they have by a party off the rails, Obama doesn’t need a dead bin Laden to win by a landslide.

  28. GregAllen says:

    >> soundwash said, on May 1st, 2011 at 9:19 pm
    >> what a crock. he’s been dead for

    The US has the friggin’ body! For goodness sake!

    Are there no facts that Americans can just accept, and move on?

  29. tjspiel says:

    @22 Did you even listed to the whole speech? He most definitely did thank the people directly involved, and a bunch of other folks.

    Though I think it was a matter of time no matter who was President, you got to give Obama credit for the diplomacy required to get the OK to do this on Pakistani soil, or the balls to do it without their OK.

  30. GregA says:

    Spontaneous celebrations in streets here in Toledo…


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