Justice has been done,” Obama said in a dramatic, late-night White House speech announcing the death of the elusive mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the New York and Washington.

Obama said U.S. forces led the operation that killed bin Laden. No Americans were killed in the operation and they took care to avoid civilian casualties, he said.

“The United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women and children,” Obama said…

U.S. officials said that after searching in vain for the al Qaeda leader since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist was killed in the Pakistani town of Abbotabad and his body recovered.

Having the body may help convince any doubters that bin Laden is really dead.

This death alone does not mean victory. But, this death is a significant moment and hopefully may be the beginning of an end to a deadly chapter.

UPDATE: Here’s a link to the IT geek’s tweets – Sohaib Athar – @ReallyVirtual – who liveblogged the raid without knowing what he was watching. Getting away from the city for the day, relaxing in the mountains.

  1. freddybobs68k says:

    @96 LibertyLover

    Sure there are reasons to do it – at some point. You can check out a list of reasons of CNN – but they are not particularly convincing – especially in light of they did it basically immediately.

    They could have left it a week – had independent verification etc and then done it. They would have silenced the majority of people. I mean if you do a search on how long it takes to do a dna test – it takes days even on a fast track.

    They chose, _even knowing that people would want irrefutable physical proof_ to destroy all said proof immediately and for eternity. That seems more than a little odd to me – and apparently to a lot of other people.

  2. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    Its been a few years now. The build up was GREAT. Some well known A list movie star played a very competent evil gunslinger shooting people after toying with them because he was so darn good with a gun. He was hired to kill our hero who had almost no screen time at 20 minutes into the film. According to most movie plots, the two would have met at the end of the flick for the “big showdown” so I was expecting some kind of minor kurfufle setting everything up.

    Nope. Like that scene in Indiana Jones, our hero just walked into the scene, shot the guy, got on his horse and left. No acrobats, one shot, no talking.

    Thats how quickly one man’s life can end. No ceremony. Here this morning, gone this afternoon. Like Osama.

  3. MikeN says:

    >A million dollar mansion in a poor neighborhood

    That neighborhood isn’t that poor. In the Google Earth photos, this compound doesn’t stick out that much.

    Bobbo, you are an exception to the members of the Left that engage in such criticism of Israel. It is mostly not real criticism, but just grasping at whatever they can to bash Israel.

  4. Mextli says:

    #95 “A few more terrorists and the world will be a safer place.”

    Pity none of them have the balls to take on Syria.

  5. bobbo, change only comes by voting the worse of two parties OUT OF OFFICE says:

    Well, thank you for the compliment Mike but I am not aware of liberal “bashing” of Israel. I am aware of PUKES criticizing liberals for bashing Israel, but that is all. Do you have any favorite examples? I have a hunch, such “bashing” is really only a questioning of our priorities and such, not the mindless “bomb, bomb, bomb” of neo-con fame.

    I “support” Israel but am quite ready to bash them should they deserve it. Right now, I’d say they have allowed their war against the Palestinians to go on for way too long thereby sowing the seeds of their future problems. Time to experience a little Nation Building, Manifest Destiny, and give the sword to their enemies.

    Tally Ho.

  6. Axl says:

    Prrrrrrrrrr….. what a joke!

  7. Mr Windows says:

    He resisted arrest (under an international warrant) and the Navy Seal took his MP-5 and gave him an Indian Beauty Mark.
    Well done, Seals!
    Seahawk Helicopter: $12 Million. AvGas: $4000. 9mm government-issued parabellum cartridge: Priceless.

    Point of Fact: Leon Panetta is not a Bush holdover, he is an old Clinton cronie. You may be thinking of Norm Mineta.

    Clinton should have given the order to kill him when he was still in Somalia. Our SpecOps guy had him in his sights, but could not get the kill order. So Barry is cleaning up after Bill.

    Still, this now gives us a face-saving excuse to ass out of Iraq and Afghanistan, which even this conservative agrees is way past time to do.

    Interesting about the timing of all the changes announced last week, though. Patreus has been a joke in the field, the Joint Chiefs don’t like him, and they would not have accepted him as DoD head. Leon slides over to take Gates’ job instead, to preside over the Carter-like dismantling of our military in the Democrat plan to staunch the deficit. The only good thing was that a Marine will finally be in charge of the Marines in the ‘stan, returning it to a 3 star billet as before.

    Echoing other sentiment above, congrats to President Obama for finding his nutsack and issuing the go order. I still won’t vote for you in 2012, but today you don’t suck quite so bad.

  8. W.T.Effyall says:

    A perfect time for a new group to form, demanding to see Bin Laden’s death certificate.

    C’mon Deathers, don’t let us down!

  9. Somebody says:

    # 93 Olo Baggins of Bywater said:

    “Somebody: Is it fun being divorced from reality?”

    We were never married.

  10. Dallas says:

    What an amazing man, President Obama.
    Pirate killer
    Economic recovery mastermind
    Healthcare for Americans
    Exit Iraq
    Directing the elimination of Bin Laden.

    Wow !!!!!

    Next in line
    – exit Afganistan
    – topple G’Daffy, Chaves, Castro
    – bring Cheney and Bush to World court
    – balanced budget

  11. MikeN says:

    This speech will hurt Obama. He claims everything as if he did it personally, saying I directed, I approved, etc. That in itself is bad, but then you contrast to how many times he lays the blame at others in his administration and he knew nothing about it.

  12. Dallas says:

    #110 Don’t think so.

    Bush rightfully congratulated him and suggested he parachute onto an Aircraft carrier with a cape.

    Obama just said No, George, I won’t. This is my job and this is what I do. and moved on to the next assignment of the day.

  13. reality check says:

    The whole story stinks. First of all, as most people have forgotton, Bin Laden was a CIA asset. Second, he was probably a patsy for the 9/11 false flag operation. Not even the FBI believes there’s enough proof that he was involved in the 9/11 attacks, which is why they aren’t mentioned on his profile for the FBI’s 10 most wanted list. Third, he probably died a long time ago from kidney failure. Of course it doesn’t really matter whether he died 10 years ago or last night. The warmongers will create more boogeymen to scare the masses and false flag attacks to pin on patsy boogeymen.

  14. MikeN says:

    >If you bury him, his grave becomes a shrine for others to rally around.

    Well, they have shut down Yucca Mountain, so you bury some of that waste in the area of his shrine, and problem solved.

  15. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, I think you know better. You can just search this site for Israel and you’ll find some examples.

    Ones that come to mind, are the complaints every time Israel responded to rocket attacks. Saying she was building an apartheid wall. Just about every use of ‘disproportionate’. And as I said, the highlighting of civilians being killed in operations.

    Now my original point might not have been as valid, if the dead shield was one of Osama’s wives.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #114, Yeah! Kinda like a Roach Motel. Cool, I’m down with it.

  17. Dallas says:

    #113 Shut up and learn from Obama how to run a country and be a Commander in Chief, babble sheep.

    You know and hate that Prez Obama is a superhero, pirate and terrorist killing ninja.

  18. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    You make us proud.

  19. Pedro's Pet Donkey, says:


    We know you are a dufud. That is a cross between a dufus and a dud.

    Are you mad because Obama is an American and you are just another lazy wetback that can’t think for himself? A lazy, stupid wetback that likes penis. Big penis. Too bad Alphie has a small penis. You two would get along very well.


  20. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    #115–Mike==No, I don’t know better. You may or may not have anything. Yes, I now recall “criticism” of Israel every time they take action after months and months of mortar shells coming from Gaza. My criticism that Israel should have taken action much earlier and much more conclusively puts me against these critics==but who are these critics? I see them as idiots so have never paid enough attention. Who are they? What makes you think they are “liberals?” How many liberals such as myself disagreeing with them does it take to negate the notion it is a liberal concern as opposed to a “all killing is bad” position? Do no conservatives take the same position?

    Silly to hang labels on issue and think you have contributed anything but FUD. But that is too much of your routine. Think more deeply. Stop being a tool.

  21. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, hatred of Israel is quite common on the left, as well as some righties, it even shows up on this site, just do a search. Your ordinary liberals don’t have that hatred, though they do sometimes fall for the idiotic talking points the left puts out there about civilian casualties, disproportionality, etc. I’ve seen enough anecdotal evidence to convince me that the anti-Semitism of the left is quite strong, to the point they make common cause with Islamists, despite the antigay attitudes of the latter.

  22. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    Mike–still just bald assertions and no links. Damn me, but I’m interested in what YOU think is a liberal slur, not what I may think is one. You see the difference?

    silly to identify x number of slurs, x-y stated by a liberal by one definition or another, THEREFORE: Liberals bash Israel.

    Silly. But typical for a Puke. You can look that up on the internet too.

    Just STOP being silly.

  23. MikeN says:

    >How many liberals such as myself disagreeing with them does it take to negate the notion it is a liberal concern as opposed to a “all killing is bad” position?

    Yes it is refreshing to see a few liberals take this position. It would take many more to negate it. If Israel had been involved, the story would have been Israel kills dialysis patient.

  24. its only at the precipice that we will all see the truth says:

    dont be blinded i know we are not fools please be prepared,aware, and ready to take action please for all the love ones you know take time look up an research bill deagle an woth an open mind read/watch his interviews an most of all his interview on the NEW WORLD ORDER


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