Courtesy CNN

It’s been 10 long years…

The mastermind of the worst terrorist attack on American soil is dead, almost 10 years after the attacks that killed more than 3,000 people.

President Obama announced the stunning development during an address to the nation late Sunday night from the White House. “Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda.”

Osama bin Laden — the longtime leader of al Qaeda — was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members, a senior U.S. official told CNN.

U.S. officials have taken custody of bin Laden’s body, Obama said. No Americans were harmed in the operation, he added.

Hundreds of people arrived at the White House late Sunday night and chanted, “USA! USA!” They then chanted, “Hey, hey, goodbye!” in reference to the demise of bin Laden and then spontaneously sang the national anthem.

“This welcome news is a credit to our intelligence efforts and brings to justice the architect of the attacks on our country that killed nearly 3,000 people on September 11, 2001,” said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee, in a statement issued Sunday night.

Do you remember where you were September 11, 2001? May 1, 2011 is another day we’ll not likely forget.

It remains to be seen what effects this will have on relations with Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries. Up-to-the-minute updates from CNN can be found here.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    I think Osama has been dead for a couple of years, but someone unplugged the freezer, and he defrosted, so Obama had to announce his death now, rather than wait until the election…

    Anyone buying that? I can come up with crazier theories, but they’ll make my brain hurt.

  2. usa1 says:

    Glad to see him dead, but I think Osama is laughing at us from hell.

    For so little effort and money, he made our country overreact and invade two countries, spend trillions of dollars on endless wars and nation building, and strip away a lot of privacy and civil rights.

    Now we are left with a huge hangover or debt, endless threat levels, security checkpoints, etc. We would have been better off not doing anything after 9/11.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mextli…you got no humor bone? Or just miss the joke?

  4. Mr Windows says:

    #3/#12: Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, what’s the difference?

    Someone high enough up in the Paki police or ISI had to know he was there. The only question is, for how long?
    Allegedly the compound was built expressly for UBL, so that had to take some time. Pictures I’ve seen show satellite antennas. UBL was not out of touch. He may or may not have had communications in the compound. We’ll see more details emerge soon, I’m sure. The Paki’s who last week were taking cash will next week be selling their story to Al Jazeera.
    One thing is for sure, we’ve embarassed the Paki’s.
    I don’t agree with the burial at sea, as I think we need independent third-party confirmation, but I agree having the body available would allow his tomb to become a shrine. Now, he’s shark bait.

  5. chuck says:

    So they’ve buried him at sea. Which is a bit classier than my idea (feed him to the pigs).

    Let the conspiracy theories begin (or just continue).

  6. chuck says:

    And in other news, the CIA announced today that a former deep-cover operative, Sam “the bin” McLaden, is retiring this week after many years of valuable service to the agency. Mr McLaden said he is moving to Arizona is looking forward to working on his golf game.

  7. MikeN says:

    Pedro, gitmo made no difference. This intel came from those black sites and torture that the Left demonized so much. At least Obama didn’t throw away the intel. Who knows, maybe he’s still doing it, but people like Dallas won’t leak the stuff anymore while he’s president.

  8. Traaxx says:

    Gee, does this mean the ‘war on terror’izing the American People is over? Will the NSA stop listening to our conversations?

    Could we now stop importing the world’s trash into the US on H1B visas to take our jobs and lower our standard of living. Will this change anything, NO…George Osama birth certificate and now Obama is killed in Pakistan, what is really happening and what are we meant to not see?


  9. Mextli says:

    # 37 “Mextli…you got no humor bone? Or just miss the joke?”

    Went right over my head, sorry.

  10. Pedro's Pet Donkey, says:


    you suck. big time.

  11. dexton7 says:

    And here’s another thing… The news is telling us that it took over 10 years with $1,000,000,000,000+ worth of technology, black ops, military, spy satellites, bribe money, and diligence to find one old man with a scraggly beard? And most of the 911 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia… because they are our buddies right? AND right after 911 all of Osama Bin Laden’s relatives were whisked out of the US before any serious questioning? None of this makes any sense.

    Also keep in mind that any theory that does not line up with what our trustworthy and ‘honest’ mass media is jabbering about is officially “conspiracy theory”. I’m not saying every theory is correct, but I’m also saying that they are all not invalid either.

    Ok, I’m going to give it a rest. Anyone wants to know what’s going to happen next in the US? I have a pretty good idea… It involves us being good little slaves.

    Adam Curry and maybe even John will agree with some of this. Guess we’ll see in the next NA show. I’m off to have some dinner and work on some computers now.

    c/o Sys Admin

  12. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #31, Mexti

    That’s right JimD, I will never forget the Democrats during the Vietnam conflict.

    Good. Because many people forget that a Republican, Eisenhower, got us into Vietnam and another Republican, Nixon, had more casualties than the others combined. So many people have forgotten that so they like to try to rewrite history to what they wish happened.

  13. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    I seriously think you should reevaluate this whole conspiracy thing. Your links make the classic “conspiracy” error; they ask a question and pretend that is now the answer.

    HINT: Steel liquifies at 2500F (or more, depending on the alloys). Below that temperature it softens to a malleable, plastic state. Above 1000F steel has only a fraction the strength it had at 70F.

    NOTE: Kidney failure is usually accompanied by bloating as fluid is retained. It is impossible to judge a person’s health from a single photograph. Especially low definition, grainy, low light photos.

  14. deowll says:

    Sounds like this was hit pure and simple which is fine by me since our reason for being there was to collect blood debt.

    The only thing is the people at the WH seems to be very confused about what actually happened even though they were getting a live feed.

    They should have kept his head.

  15. Nolita Sinayhakh says:

    He’s dead!!! Get over it!!!
    Quit bothering about questions that would never be answered!

  16. jccalhoun says:

    dexton7 said,

    Ok.. In 2001 Bin Laden had multiple health problems and was also on dialysis machine for his failing kidneys.. He died in December of 2001 and there is documented evidence of this. They kept him on ice until it was time to fish him out of the freezer and then they conveniently dumped him overboard a ship in the Arabian Sea to get rid of the evidence. Obama needed a serious boost in approval ratings because his brain washed followers were getting a little sad. Use your brain people.

    So the Republican George W Bush had Osama’s body and just hung onto it and didn’t use it at some point to boost his image or legacy and allowed the Democratic Barak Obama to use the body for his own publicity?

    Wow, that’s some theory.

  17. dexton7 says:

    #51 – It’s as valid as any other theory.. Democrats/Republicans are there to just put on a puppet show for the public so they have a team to cheer for. It is grand theater. Most (not all) of them are in league with each other. Obama kept quite a few of Bush’s original cabinet members. And that’s not odd to you?

    The US government and mass media wants you to believe that they assassinated Bin Laden… So say for instance that the Media/Government version is actually correct: Well then Mission accomplished.. after two major wars and trillions of US dollars spent.. Multiple thousands of our troops dead.. More than a million dead in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.. You’ll have to excuse my lack of enthusiasm for this..

    There are no videos released of the Seal Team Six approaching their target (they usually have video recorders in their helmets – you know the one that Obama and other staff ‘watched’), there is no indication that Seal Team Six even exists, there are no reliable photos of anything released, and they supposedly dumped Bin Laden’s body at sea within 24 hours.

    How convenient – there is no proof, just stories.

    There is more proof of Bin Laden being a sick old terrorist hooked up to dialysis machines in 2001 than in the current ‘we got em’ theory. Obama-Bush-Clinton read off basically the same script. Just because people have power doesn’t mean that they tell their slaves the truth. Pick up a history book sometime – same thing has happened many times in the past. (The history of Rome is a good place to start).

    # 48

    I wasn’t talking about melting temperatures of steel here – stay on topic. Bin Laden’s deteriorating health was reported by multiple outlets in 2001 onward. Of course if he could have had a proper autopsy then we would know wouldn’t we? Ooops.. They dumped the body at sea. Guess we’ll never know for sure now eh?

  18. I cannot comprehend that folks in The european union, the eliminating of bin Laden thought to be critical. There is criticism that bin Laden got no trial and that the U.S. invaded a foreign destination. I believe the U.S. had every right to perform this action. Who, if not the U.S.? I’m from Germany I am so happy as the Americans about this campaign. Well done!


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