Thanks Bobbo.

  1. jescott418 says:

    Girl, support profiling! That would solve all your problems. Unless the US gets bombed by a bunch of bubble headed airheads. Then you might be in trouble.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ll bet its not the first time, she’s been groped by another woman. Hey college, she way curious…

  3. rabidmonkey says:

    We have no right to possess a sense of personal dignity anymore. “Shut up slave” indeed. SIGH!

  4. KMFIX says:

    Thank you for choosing the Rapegate for your security check needs. If she went through the body scanner, I bet there would be a new addition to the TSA PRON folder.

  5. chuck says:

    OTOH, Rihanna went through the full-naked-body-scanner. It should be just a matter of time before the pictures get leaked to the internet.

  6. morramm says:

    I like “I’m thinking about it”

    what a twit, people been bitching for years and it just keeps getting worse, but when they finally come for you…

    And “Former Miss USA”? She looks like hell! Or is that due to the vajaja encounter?

  7. chris says:

    This supports a long held conclusion about beauty contestant winners: they are not hotter than a regular hot girl.

    If Britain is a guide we are going to see greater use of draconian internal security procedures. Once external power fades the state tends to refocus paranoia to the citizenry.

  8. Stopher says:

    Not hot? I don’t know what video. This girl is wearing no makeup, bandana, and sweats and is stil gorgeous.
    That said, she’s only so upset because in “Hot Girl University” where she normally lives, she has her butt kissed all day and never has to out up with any of this bs.

  9. Stopher says:

    Damm you iPhone autocorrect!

    Not hot? I don’t know what video you saw. This girl is wearing no makeup, bandana, and sweats and is still gorgeous.
    That said, she’s only so upset because in “Hot Girl Universe” where she normally lives, she has her butt kissed all day and never has to out up with any of this bs.

  10. GigG says:

    She’s lucky she wasn’t arrested for saying the word bomb in the airport.

  11. chris says:

    #9 & #10

    Didn’t say not hot, just that there is a very large population of girls who are that hot.

  12. tcc3 says:

    #12 Ever seen a supermodel with out hair and makeup done? They don’t roll out of bed like that. And even then photoshop plays a role.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #13, That’s why you should always sleep with a woman before you decide to marry her. If you can roll over, look at her, and not jump instantly out of bed, you’ll make it the rest of your life.

  14. John E. Quantum says:

    It’s often the inner beauty that shines. That and the willingness to swallow.

  15. chiarde says:

    I can’t seem to find the online TSA application link.

  16. What? says:

    Obviously the TSA screener was a lesbian. Touching the girl’s vagina 4 times seems excessive, unless you’re a perv.

  17. Jesus H. Christ – I feel so much safer now!

  18. Publius says:

    A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not why ships are built.

  19. Publius says:

    @#17: “Obviously the TSA screener was a lesbian. Touching the girl’s vagina 4 times seems excessive, unless you’re a perv.”

    …in which case 4 times is not excessive.


  20. Dallas says:

    What a whiner. Pedro had his vagina touched and he didn’t complain so much.

    Also, she looks pretty pathetic for a Miss USA.

  21. B. Simpson says:

    Remember it all for your safety
    That while thousands of illegals and non-documented aliens stream across the border
    Oh well its like calling the police when a car is suspiciously parked in a school zone , with the owner crouched down in the seat
    Best to call the police – a potential lord who knows what of little girls
    Only when the police come they find its a traffic surveillance unit with a real low life manning the automated camera
    You wonder who the real criminals are no a days

  22. Ben Dover says:

    Very touching…

  23. nilum says:

    They always want the hot girls to go through the body scanner. I know my sister was nearly harassed for 15 mins because she wanted to go through the pat down line with me. And trust me, if anyone looks like they are carrying a bomb it’s me… but they only wanted my 16yo sister to go.

    I even told them that if this was some random screening I was probably a better candidate and the young TSA male seemed to be annoyed by the comment a little.

    My sister wasn’t as humiliated by the pat down experience, but I do think they need to give you better privacy. I was actually told to move away because I had my back to my sister so that other people couldn’t see the pat down, because in my experience that’s the worst part.

    Other people seeing you get a rub down by some stranger.

    Anyway, next year we’re taking a train. Fuck what you people at dvorak think about being scared of planes or the TSA, if hurting the airline’s business is the only way to get them to listen to reason about their intrusive and ineffective practices then I am going with trains.

    There are much better technologies for detecting explosives and weapons. There are devices which can detect explosive materials better than canines while metal detectors and x-ray scanners work well to detect most other weapons.

  24. Pedro, how many times did they touch your vagina?

  25. B Jacobson says:

    How’s that HOPE and CHANGE working out for you?

    NOBAMA 2012

  26. Special Ed says:

    Dammit! I watched that video expecting to see the vagina touched! I’ll bet Pedro has video of them touching his vagina.

  27. Lou Minatti says:

    Welcome to Barack Obama’s America. 2 1/2 years into his 4-year term, this is what we get.

  28. MikeN says:

    Why are you guys upset by this? You were OK with it a 4 years ago.

  29. Likes2LOL says:

    When our Miss USAs are upset, the terrorists have won.

  30. Thompson S Hunter says:

    I pause to shed a tear for the former miss USA. Now, back to my life…


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