Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at the market’s upthrust.
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  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    great, only way this’ll probably help me is with higher gas prices.

  2. Dallas says:

    Pretty clear by now Pres Obama has restarted the economy despite the Republican speed bumps. Kudos. I’ve been right on cue since Obama took office and adults ran the executive office.

    * 2011 economic growth exceeds expectations
    * June 2012 unemployment at or below 8.4%
    * Sheeples rush to new quadruple bacon burger
    * Teabaggers dump Trump and go back to Palin
    * Obama popularity soars as stock market gains and sheeple confidence at 4 year high.

  3. Guyver says:

    Pretty clear by now Pres Obama has restarted the economy despite the Republican speed bumps.

    Presidents have little influence on economies. What little influence they do have revolves around their tax policies.

    If the housing market doesn’t rebound, unemployment doesn’t taper by 2012 and gas prices remain high, then I don’t see much hope for Obama’s re-election.

  4. YouAgain! says:

    Dallas the Obama Troll shooting his mouth off and lying for Obama. Some day you might ever convince yourself that your BS lies are real.

  5. Dallas says:

    #4 obviously hiding behind a new alias to mask your admiration of my wisdom and clairvoyance!

  6. Rick says:

    I vote we move Wall Street to some other country, so when it crashes it doesn’t affect us. This bull market is yet another bubble created by Fed policies of artificially keeping interest rates down.

  7. YouAgain! says:

    Wisdom and clairvoyance? Ha!

    More like “Wizz-dumb”, as for clairvoyance, I surprised you can see anything, with your head wedged so far up Obama’s backside….

    * 2011 economic growth exceeds expectations
    –any improvement would exceed expectations.

    * June 2012 unemployment at or below 8.4%
    –Yeah, because everyone will have exceeded their maximum UI and not be counted anymore

    * Sheeples rush to new quadruple bacon burger
    –OK this one may be true.

    * Teabaggers dump Trump and go back to Palin
    –Nice try but Trump won’t run, forget Palin

    * Obama popularity soars as stock market gains and sheeple confidence at 4 year high.
    –So far, the Presidents approval ratings and consumer confidence are trending the other way.

    You’re a joke Dallas, you’re worse than Bobo.

  8. ECA says:

    BASIC fundamental of our economy..

    THOSE working must get enough money to BUY the products made.
    Either by working ENOUGH hours, or with ENOUGH basic pay.

    Over how many years have MANY corps CUT the BOTTOM? hours and wages?

    Also, make it LAW that you can ONLY make profit from PHYSICAL products…NOT MONEY from MONEY.

  9. The_Tick says:

    When Sergey Alenikov was arrested they made a mistake by saying the software might be used to manipulate markets, which is pretty much an admission that Goldman sachs and others can manipulate the markets. We are watching a game of monopoly where the banker is allowed to play, gee, wonder who’ll win?


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