NOW, can we finally start talking about real issues?

The White House on Wednesday released President Barack Obama’s original “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii amid persistent questions about his citizenship.

The long-form birth certificate, which the White House requested, says Mr. Obama was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. The White House said Hawaii doesn’t generally release long-form birth certificates but did so at the president’s request.

The administration previously released a less detailed version of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the decision to release the document came because “the president was struck by how this was crowding out the debate” on the budget.” He added that “it became an issue that transcended” the Internet and conspiracy theorists and had moved into the mainstream.

“The president decided to do this…because this was a sideshow that’s distracting from” significant issues, Mr. Pfeiffer said.

  1. bobbo, Religious types are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Only a retarded Puke could think Trump was successful. Yes, observably more stupid than a regular Puke.

    Ha, ha.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Count down until Alphie can get his meds refilled. …

  3. Glenn E. says:

    According to Wikipedia, “John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone.”

    That’s NOT the United States. It’s just a military base, in a temporarily US controlled stretch of land, by treaty. It’s less the United States, than being born in Hawaii. But some how this wasn’t so much of an issue for McCain, when he ran for president. And Palin has never commented on her own running mate’s birth right.

    Let’s face it. This whole “where was Obama born?” crap, is just a cover up for how racist Donald Trump really is. He doesn’t have any problem with anyone running for, or being the US President. Just as long as they’re not black. But the coward that he is, he’s hiding behind this fictional controversy over birth records, and not academic records. What about Trumps choice of wives? First and third wife, both foreigner. Want a foreign first lady in the White House? Well as long as she’s white, eh?

    Hey, what about former Republican VP, Dan Quayle’s academic records? The guy who couldn’t spell “tomatoes” (thought it was spelled “tomatos”). As well as other blunders that showed him up. But I guess VP credentials, especially white Republican VP credentials, aren’t an issue. Even he’s only a heartbeat away from being sworn in as President. The joke back then was, nobody would dare to assassinate old George Bush, because Dan Quayle would take his place. Just as nobody would dare to take down anyone who had Sarah Palin as their VP.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    “John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone.”

    McCain’s father was a member of the US Navy, stationed in the Panama Canal Zone. Both his parents are American citizens. Therefore he is a “natural born” American. The matter was brought up and quickly dismissed.

    Those, such as Alphie, that continue to deny where Obama was born won’t accept ANY evidence. They won’t now or in the future. It is to the right’s detriment that they have these people hanging on to their coattails. Why? Simply because the majority of Americans are smarter than that AND are easily frightened by the crazies. The crazies that will cut their Social Security and Medicare. Those that would see their relationships with their doctor set by an insurance company more concerned by profits than results. Those who would see their drinking water polluted by natural gas drillers. Those that would see their food tainted and rife with pathogens. Those that would drive the country to its lowest common denominator in order to enrich the wealthiest.

    So I say, go ahead. Challenge the President’s birth. Make a bigger fool of yourselves than before. Expose yourselves to the people so the light can shine on your hideous, ugly, selfish, destroying ways. Then we can talk about credibility.

  5. McCullough says:

    Beautiful, again the government has succeeded in distracting both LIEberals and Cons from the issues that matter.

    We are going down and all you mouth breathing morans care about is a FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER. Who is a racist and who isn’t, ? YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE HUMAN NATURE.

    We don’t deserve to succeed as a nation.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:


    We don’t deserve to succeed as a nation.

    Not as long as there are people that don’t think their shit stinks. Stay home on election day. Join those who think they are better because they have THE vision to see. You deserve whatever government we end up with.

  7. foobar says:

    I’m still waiting to see if the Sarah Palin will produce Trig’s birth certificate. I don’t think it’s her baby. What does she have to hide?

  8. MikeN says:

    >Yes–earning over $100K but “far from wealthy.”

    Not to mention qualifying for Obamacare subsidies.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Finally someone gets to the point!!

    “The fact that Mr. Obama did his own dirty laundry reminds that this president has no inkling how to act presidential. Standing at the podium over the seal of the presidency, he claimed, “We don’t have time for this silliness.” He then flew to Chicago with Michelle to tape the Oprah Winfrey show and attend three fundraisers. … The list of hidden Obama documents includes medical records from his annual physical – which other presidents have made public – and first lady Michelle Obama’s law-firm records. Is she covering up a Hillary Clinton-type Whitewater case? Who knows. … The birth-certificate brouhaha reiterates an old political truth: It’s always the cover-up that causes the most trouble. Too bad Mr. Obama didn’t learn his lesson.”

  10. McCullough says:

    “Stay home on election day. Join those who think they are better because they have THE vision to see. You deserve whatever government we end up with.”

    I believe YOUR vision has become blurred by obfuscation. Your hatred for the “other side” as well as the Cons hatred for your side has become the issue.

    You are too blind to SEE you are being played.


  11. MikeN says:

    >AND are easily frightened … The crazies that will cut their Social Security and Medicare… see their drinking water polluted… their food tainted… drive the country to its lowest common denominator in order to enrich the wealthiest.

    Yup, liberals go for fear while warning you that’s what their opponents will do.

  12. Speter says:

    Im a graphic designer with experience with many types of pdfs. I took pulled it apart in illustrator and found multiple [layers, i have seen this with book scans. in order to be able to save the background with lower resolution in colour and the text in high res bitmap (BW) this creates a smaller file while maintaining clarity at the border of text and background. this would depend on how its scanned tho.

    Still doesn’t explain the weird edges, separated signature at base, lack of seal, time delay, and general difficulty in producing it.

    Could be a distraction, he could be MK-Ultra and was possibly setup early for this role.

    And this constant Calling racist is a diversion, similar to yelling antisemite whenever someone discusses certain elite members of other more general factions.

    People should be treated as people and judged on their merits not the color or race or religion, using these differentiations removes the validity from the argument and creates a diversion from the issue at hand. “They” play us into this situation by constantly reinforcing these ideas in our media and though subversion and co-intel to get the fuel burning well.

    Fact is he is a shill and puppet same as every other one, he may mean well, he may be knowingly co-opted. but until we can discuss openly the shadow puppet theater, and more importantly the people who pull the strings in the background then we have no hope, may as well go back to your mtv and biggest looser. Wake me when real issue are bought forward.
    I expect a long nap.

  13. Dallas says:

    Trump definitely knows how to play his worshipers. When you’re rediculed in public for being a buffoon, declare victory and change the subject!

    I predict there are at least 4-5 more Teabagger leaders to emerge by the elections. Palin will come back swing’n and that Indian guy from Louisiana might butch up and all would debate Trump. Now there’s a reality show with flying chairs !

    President Obama must be beside himself with this circus.

  14. Richard says:

    1) In 1931, its name was changed to the Kapiʻolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital.

    2) The East Africa Protectorate became the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya in 1920

  15. ray says:

    The only thing this proves is that there are still dumbasses in the US.

  16. Somebody says:

    He should be impeached anyway because he made war on Libya without a declaration of war from the congress.

    As a candidate (and constitutional scholar no less) he clearly stated that it would be violation when Bush wanted to do the same.

    Any congressmen who do not introduce or cosponsor articles of impeachment are in violation of their oaths of office as well.

    Every American that is eligible to vote should pledge, in writing, that they will not vote for Obama if this country is engaged in illegal, aggressive, “preventative” or otherwise unnecessary war anywhere in the world on voting day.

    The same ultimatum must be given to all congressmen as well, regardless of party affiliation.

  17. BigBoyBC says:

    #184 Glenn E. said ” The guy who couldn’t spell “tomatoes” (thought it was spelled “tomatos”). ”

    Get your fact right. the word was “Potato” and thought it was spelled “Potatoe”

    Also, John McCain’s citizenship has been questioned in both his 2000 and 2008 Presidential runs.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #196, Speter,

    Nope. It is only multiple layers when it is being manipulated or sent in another format. A PDF is one layer. Although it may very well have been manipulated before transmission, you would still only see a single layer.

    Second, your claim belies those who saw and touched the actual document.

    Still doesn’t explain the weird edges, separated signature at base, lack of seal, time delay, and general difficulty in producing it.

    Was it supposed to? This was released by the State of Hawaii, not the President or White House. This is printed on a special background that does not copy or reproduce well. So there should be noise in the copy. The delay is because this is an internal document that is kept by the State and is NOT generally circulated. The seal in embossed.

    But don’t let facts get in your way. Continue to deny the evidence right in front of your face and make up some more crap.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:


    I believe YOUR vision has become blurred by obfuscation. Your hatred for the “other side” as well as the Cons hatred for your side has become the issue.

    Again, you act like your shit don’t stink.

    A comment on a political subject will always polarize. If it didn’t, we would be living in a dream world where everyone gets along. Instead, this is a diverse nation of over 300 million people of many races, backgrounds, and varying degrees of education.

    If you feel the subject is beneath you, then walk away. Telling us we are less than you because we have the temerity to make a stand is hubris at its finest. I have no respect for those who would invent their own facts. I have even less for those who don’t think an opposing view, especially one attempting to expose the truth, is worth anything.

  20. McCullough says:

    #204. I seem to remember an earlier comment of yours regarding Obama’s (and Mr. Fusion’s I presume) stand on Libya. A noble cause to spread democracy!


  21. Elli Davis says:

    “If President Obama had done this two years ago maybe we could have been talking about real issues all along.”

    I think if he had done this two years ago Donald Trump would have found something else to entertain us instead of talking about serious issues.

  22. foobar says:

    Please make Trump run. Please, please, please….

  23. MikeN says:

    #202, ya, I guess this means that poster is a total idiot who doesn’t know the difference between a potato and a tomato. For that matter, we should be blaming the school, for using curricula with the wrong spelling.

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Want a real issue?

    You will LOVE this, MikeN

    “Issa subpoenas ATF over gunwalking allegations”

    Obama will loose his presidency over this.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    This “Project Gunnrunner” will be bigger than Watergate.

    People died because of Eric Holder, and Obama assisted in the coverup. No one died in Watergate.

    The timing couldn’t be better. Congress is sending subpoena’s to dozens involved, and they will not stop. It will take a good year to begin to get to the bottom of this. I suspect criminal proceeding to begin just in time for 2012 elections.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    Not to mention he should be impeached because of Libya.

    Or maybe because he is abrogating his oath of office by not defending the Defense of Marriage Act.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    And this adds mystery to the mix.

    Did Obama force his way into Harvard using the way Harvard treated his father as leverage?

    “Harvard had asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to delay a request by Barack Hussein Obama Sr. to extend his stay in the U.S., “until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him,” immigration official M.F. McKeon wrote in a June 1964 memo,”

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow! It just keeps coming!!!

    Now this just in:
    “NBC’s Brokaw: Saudis ‘So Unhappy’ With Obama They Sent Emissaries to China, Russia Seeking Enhanced Ties”

    Such a great statesman our Beloved Obama.

  29. MikeN says:

    Ah Yea, Project Gunrunner has already been posted here. I don’t think it will cost him his presidency, and in fact supported the program.


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