NOW, can we finally start talking about real issues?

The White House on Wednesday released President Barack Obama’s original “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii amid persistent questions about his citizenship.

The long-form birth certificate, which the White House requested, says Mr. Obama was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. The White House said Hawaii doesn’t generally release long-form birth certificates but did so at the president’s request.

The administration previously released a less detailed version of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the decision to release the document came because “the president was struck by how this was crowding out the debate” on the budget.” He added that “it became an issue that transcended” the Internet and conspiracy theorists and had moved into the mainstream.

“The president decided to do this…because this was a sideshow that’s distracting from” significant issues, Mr. Pfeiffer said.

  1. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Skeptic–It is fun to see how far you can go with any conspiracy theory. But just like Algore knowing the election was stolen from him, sometimes you just have to accept reality. “I’ve been snookered, well and good.”

  2. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I wasn’t a “birther” before, but after reading Skeptic’s post I am starting to wonder.

    Anyway, it wouldn’t have been a real conspiracy before. Anyone could bribe someone to make a fake duplicate. But if he could pull of faking this, now that would be a real conspiracy! Before this it was just a lame debate between two sides who really knew nothing for sure but were still debating the issue. Now it is getting interesting folks!

  3. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    This begs the question, do you think if we got a real official government document saying that neither the US government nor the CIA were involved in 9/11, it would shut them up?

  4. Just Looking says:

    #99 jccalhoun

    “Which President in the last 50 years didn’t use a teleprompter?”
    Um… ok. LOL. I Did I say that he is the only one that has used a teleprompter ? No. I said he does not speak well without one.

    “And it may not be racist but it is ignorant not to know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”
    Also ignorant for you to start a sentence with “Or” not followed by a comma. Seriously ? That is what you want to discuss here ?

    “Or if some Republicans like passing around racist emails”
    You can find a million examples of some Republicans being racist yes. You can also find a a million examples of Democrats being racists. The point, slowly for you to understand, is… that… making …. sure … a … person… (ANY person) … has … right… qualifications… for … the … job … they … are … seeking … is … not ….racist.

  5. Jonathan says:

    @bobbo- think you can say PUKE some more, please. How old are you anyway?

    Throw in a poopy now and then, so we can all giggle like little girls.

  6. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Just looking: racism is an attitude that is behind an action. Looking at the action alone tells you nothing.

    You’re deenying of possable racistism as a fourgone logically conklusion is raceists itself–or just abismal ignoramus.

  7. gmm50 says:


    No Seal. I can’t use my birth certificate without a seal. How can he get away with that?
    I do not believe it’s real.

  8. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Jonathan–what would you call a PUKE?

  9. Just Looking says:

    #107 bobo

    You’re deenying of possable racistism as a fourgone logically conklusion is raceists itself–or just abismal ignoramus

    Well… at least you used the right “you’re” LOL

  10. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Just looking—yea, you can read it either way but I think “your” would have the more proper. aka–calling out grammar, spelling, and typo’s is more abhorrent than calling liars pukes.

    Along those lines, it does crack me up that NO ONE complains about calling the PUKES LIARS–everyone accepts that, no, its the name calling that upsets thems. Ha, ha.

    Whadda bunch of dolts.

  11. Just Looking says:

    #112 bobo
    Please refer to posts #99 and #105.

    “aka–calling out grammar, spelling, and typo’s is more abhorrent than calling liars pukes”

    Um, it was your idiot lib buddy that stated it. I was being sarcastic. So your sentence should read:
    “jccalhoun is more abhorrent than calling liars pukes” and Just Looking’s sarcastic reference to above stated fact either was not conveyed properly or was misunderstood by myself due to me being an idiot”
    …Fixed it for ya

  12. So what says:

    @110 bobbo I call them rALFIES. No I didn’t misspell it.

  13. tcc3 says:


    1. WND is a Republican/Conservative propaganda site.

    2. The article is poorly written – it says the Governor cant find the form and yet…

    3. Nowhere in the article does the governor say he cant find it.

    Try again. Maybe this time with a real article by a real journalist.

  14. chris says:

    There are two things going on. One is that if you’re in politics you can’t wait too long to release things. Once the questions are there you’ve got to address it. Like any relationship. Once a poisonous meme develops it effects other things.

    The second thing is that democrats, including Obama, should address this directly. The GOP is set up to demonize groups as a strategic tool, so you can point to someone and say they are “THE OTHER” and the whole flock gets erotically scared/angry.

    Got to call the bad behavior, or people could be fooled into thinking it is an acceptable norm. The MUCH MORE COMMON interpretation of “above the fray” is “out of touch”.

  15. Jonathan says:

    @bobbo- I don’t know, just grow up, try to act like an adult for once on this forum.

  16. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Could someone please explain what bobbo means by PUKE? He probably thinks it is obvious what his incoherent ramblings mean.

    By the way bobbo, no one defends against your lame comments that Republicans are liars because idiot generalizations like that are even more of a waste of time than the birther issue is to the president. You might as well say PEOPLE are constantly lying all the time.

  17. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Just Looking–I didn’t look, but at your word, yes, sarcasm is a great wit’s downfall or an idiot’s excuse. In either case: it doesn’t work AND I don’t believe you.

    Now, I will look………….HAH!==I’m wrong.

    All righty then==its just quibbling and doesn’t advance the discussion. It’s well known that 90% of complaints about grammar and punctuation contain errors. Language is artificial and the rules difficult even when not contended and that doesn’t count typo’s and brain farts.

    Its a discussion you might have 2-3 times, but hardly ever more—whereas I LOVE talking about how PUKES is a good and necessary exercise in Truth in Labeling. It captures the issue so succinctly.

    Back to your defective argument though. I can easily believe Obama’s BC is photoshopped.
    But while that would be consistent with “something bad” I don’t see how it invalidates the notion that Obama was born in Hawaii. It might say “Dad placed his Islamic Seed in Barry and he is a grape eating Muslim.” That wouldn’t make it true, and it wouldn’t change the fact he was born in Hawaii. Sad people can be mislead so easily. Have I distracted you from my apology yet?

    Ha, ha. Politics: they wouldn’t be playing the fools for fools if they didn’t need your vote. Buy a clue—STOP VOTING AGAINST YOUR OWN SELF INTEREST IN FAVOR OF A LIE!!!!!

  18. Thomas says:

    All I’ll say is, the document looks strange, the timing is strange, the delay is even stranger.

    I’m not sure I would be rubbing anyone’s nose in this yet. These things have a way of taking a bite out of your ass.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #82, chuck

    BTW, if there was a 100% tax on all income above $250,000, the total amount collected would STILL NOT BALANCE THE BUDGET!!

    HAR !!! Too bad that is FUD. I know, you heard it from a Regressive so it must be true. Only it isn’t. The Wall Street Journal originally posted this as a comment on its Editorial Page. It has since corrected itself.

  20. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    #117–Jonathan==being polite gives the dispute more dignity than is warranted. When Ryan comes out with his budget that ends MediCare as the program it has always been in order to fund even more tax breaks for the rich it is time to bring out the pitchforks: aka the language of the mob in righteous anger at the perfidy of the tax man of yore: the rich man in the castle’s roving band of brigands simply stealing what they want from the vassal serfs. In olden days, all the serfs knew they were being hosed. Today, sadly too many serfs think working for Corporate Interests is some form of freedom. since pitchforks are no longer effective political action, at least calling a liar a liar, and a Puke a PUKE, is the least we can do. I do wish there was more.

    Cranky–if PUKE means nothing to you, then I’m not talking to you. Easy Peasy. but PUKES know who they are and would rather be called proud men of conservative political principles. They are nothing of the sort. They are what you have 5 seconds after a gag reflex cannot be controlled: puke.

    Yea, verily!

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    I only pointed out the “your” thing because it is a pet peeve of mine. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with starting a sentence with “or” and don’t know why you would use a comma when doing so. However, that is irrelevant to the actual issue.

    Just Looking said,
    “Which President in the last 50 years didn’t use a teleprompter?”
    Um… ok. LOL. I Did I say that he is the only one that has used a teleprompter ? No. I said he does not speak well without one.

    My point is that he isn’t doing anything different than any other president. So why are people making a big deal about it?

    “Or if some Republicans like passing around racist emails”
    You can find a million examples of some Republicans being racist yes. You can also find a a million examples of Democrats being racists. The point, slowly for you to understand, is… that… making …. sure … a … person… (ANY person) … has … right… qualifications… for … the … job … they … are … seeking … is … not ….racist.

    Then you should have written that instead of writing “Not once in any of these or any other Obama problems do republicans call on the color of his skin as being the root cause. ” That is what I was responding to.

  22. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    #121–Mr Fusion==thanks for the link. I always find this tidbit of interest: “Even if all these Americans (those earning over $100k)—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%….”

    Yes–earning over $100K but “far from wealthy.” While that is true for those living in NYC, its NOT TRUE as a general proposition. In the PUKE world, you are poor if only make several millions per year and you need to lower the minimum wage so that you can employ more people in order to pay more taxes to “life the economy” out of it non-productive ways. Yes, the lies just pile on top of one another. I am far from wealthy at $100K but minimum wage is far too much to pay entry level workers.

    Wise up dopes. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    No Seal. I can’t use my birth certificate without a seal.

    The white House allowed reporters to tough the paper and feel the seal. The FOX SPEWS reporter put on some Inuit walrus fur lined mittens before not feeling any embossed seal.

    To my untrained eye it looks like a really bad cut and paste job. Individual words and parts of the signatures are at different resolution and the background is definitely not part of the original document. Why on Earth couldn’t he just release a scanned copy of the document?

    The White House did. Only the background is designed to foil copying. It will appear blocky and uneven. Plus, it was inspected by the White House reporter pool this afternoon. But keep crying.

  24. GF says:

    I think the real issue is that he’s a facade. He’s not transparent. He’s not what he claims to be. You know, Obama’s half white and his other half is only first generation African-American. So, in reality, his pedigree doesn’t even come close to the many disenfranchised Americans who actually had ancestors that had to sweat and toil under the yoke of slavery. Yet he touts that he’s just like them, yet he is not. He’s a shim-sham man. I bet neither he or his family ever rode in the back of the bus, not even once.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Lutz,

    Charles Hughes was born in Glen Falls NT. There wasn’t any argument about his being an American.

    George Romney was born in Mexico of American parents. That made him an American. More was made of his being a Mormon than where he was born.

    Barry Goldwater was born in the Arizona Territory. Because he had served in the Air Force and was still a Reserve General during the campaign, there never was any serious objection to his being a “Natural Born” American. Because his parents both were born in American states that made him a Natural Born American.

    Who the fuck is Lowell Weicker and Roger Calero? Better still, who the fuck cares???

    John McCain was born in the American “Panama Canal Zone”, a territory of the United States. His father was a Commander on assignment and grandfather an Admiral in the US Navy. The only point about his citizenship was as a counter to the Regressives complaint about Obama.

  26. MikeN says:

    #100, Using a scanner with a PDF Maker is likely to produce such final documents with lots of layers. Depends on what settings they had in the scanner software. National Review managed to create a similar document by just scanning and creating a PDF.

  27. MikeN says:

    #94 they are racist themselves, so they project racism on others. Harry Reid attacks Clarence Thomas as intellectually incompetent. Call Obama clean and articulate. Bobby Jindal ran a gas station.

    It is how liberals operate. They repealed the Voting Rights Act when they managed to take power after the Civil War. Woodrow Wilson nominated a racist to the Supreme Court who turned around so he wouldn’t even look at a black man arguing his case. Only when they started to get votes do they do try to hide their racism. So now they couch their racist actions in other legislation that seems innocent even noble. The last year that blacks had a lower unemployment rate than whites was when they passed the minimum wage law. Davis Bacon law was passed to keep blacks from competing with unions for federal contracts.

  28. What? says:

    GF, so you’re saying he isn’t a good black person because he isn’t poor, and his grandparents didn’t work the fields?

    I don’t see this as relevant.

    He us who he is, whether he has Rockefeller blood, and/or, “Uncle Tom” blood. It is our actions that define us, not our blood ancestry.

    Course, I’m hoping for a Barry Goldwater, Nixon, or Bush Senior candidate to fix this mess we’re in.

  29. ± says:

    With only a few apolitical exceptions; above you see a cross section of the R and D voters who are destroying this country.

    D and R voters are destroying this country with NO ONE elses help.

  30. bobbo, Republicans are constantly LYING about EVERYTHING. says:

    Speaking of Ryans Budget Plan, Fact Check Org throws in some FUD here:

    Does ANYBODY HERE think the Ryan plan is “a good deal” for the oldsters? Fair? Reasonable? A good trade for tax cuts for the Super Rich?


    Note it doesn’t do ANYTHING to lower the cost of healthcare. Only Single Payor does that.



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