NOW, can we finally start talking about real issues?
The White House on Wednesday released President Barack Obama’s original “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii amid persistent questions about his citizenship.
The long-form birth certificate, which the White House requested, says Mr. Obama was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. The White House said Hawaii doesn’t generally release long-form birth certificates but did so at the president’s request.
The administration previously released a less detailed version of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the decision to release the document came because “the president was struck by how this was crowding out the debate” on the budget.” He added that “it became an issue that transcended” the Internet and conspiracy theorists and had moved into the mainstream.
“The president decided to do this…because this was a sideshow that’s distracting from” significant issues, Mr. Pfeiffer said.
#62 to the US Supreme Court their was no argument and Obama should not have needed to wast one second on this crap.
It just doesn’t matter the true believers will believe what they want to even after it had been proven to have been fake. Think moon landing hoax, holocaust denying , alf/Enough Already Dude’s god that sort of thing
Now Obama can return to the real issues facing the country. Step #1, travel to Massachusetts to complain about its assault on unions, as they have taken away the right of collective bargaining there.
Come on, guys. Does it really take the CIA two frickig years to fake a birth certificate? No wonder thay havent found bin laden or the WMD, yet.
The original document posted on the White House website looks very weird:
To my untrained eye it looks like a really bad cut and paste job. Individual words and parts of the signatures are at different resolution and the background is definitely not part of the original document. Why on Earth couldn’t he just release a scanned copy of the document?
when a conspiracy theory is wrong, they release the evidence to prove that the conspiracy theorists are wrong. But when the conspiracy theorists are right, they pretend not to listen to those theorists at all…
Obama is a good man anyways, he seems to be the only president with least number of skeletons in the closet.
Yes real issues like fund raising in Chicago and NY…way to go O
Poor simple inbreeders have to go back to calling him a muslim. I love how it must drive them crazy to salute a brother.
The truth is the birthers just can’t stand the fact that there is a nigger in the White House and they will go as far wacko as necessary to make themselves feel better. Bigotry and Racism, thy name is Republican.
“can we finally start talking about real issues?”
I assure you, at no point will anyone discuss real issues.
Ok, 2 follow-up questions, Mr. President:
1. You made $1.7 million last year, according to your tax return. How much over the $250,000 will you be voluntarily giving the IRS to help pay the deficit?
2. Can I see your Harvard transcript please? (If you think it’s none of my business, just say so, but don’t ignore the question.)
#80 said:
“How much (…) will you be voluntarily giving the IRS to help pay the deficit?”
Because that would really make a difference. Boy, if we can get ONE guy that makes $1.7M to pay more the problem is basically solved. Whew! And here I thought it was complicated.
“2. Can I see your Harvard transcript please?”
LOL… I’ll call the president real quick, I’m sure he’ll get right on that important and relevant request. Hang in there.
#81 – because that would really make a difference…
Well, if we start with ONE guy (the President) it would be a good example, that others could follow. So far we’ve had Warren Buffet and Zuckerburg and a few other say they would pay higher taxes — but none of them have stepped up.
BTW, if there was a 100% tax on all income above $250,000, the total amount collected would STILL NOT BALANCE THE BUDGET!!
It was me. I ‘shopped it. Note the pixels, baby!
Now Bush can release his military records about where he was during the Vietnam war.
BTW, if there was a 100% decrease in discretionary spending, it would still not balance the budget.
Yet we just spent a month arguing about Planned Parenthood.
There are many parts to a real solution, and none of it is as simple as the propaganda bumpersticker one liners.
It won’t stop the birthers. Nutters are nutters.
That’s what happens when you don’t actually have any ideas about what to do next.
I wonder if Trump will now release his tax and financial statements like be promised? This is fun watching the Republicans eat each other.
The guy is dirty. Having a mother who moved around, slept around, and yet got into some prestigious (and expensive) colleges, it smells.
Hell, I came from an immigrant family, whose parents were MARRIED and STABLE, and I couldn’t afford that kind of education.
The whole thing smells and he’s dirty, gaming the system.
#64 spsffan – Since you have a copy of your birth certificate, try photographing it or xeroxing it.
Let us know if the results are strange.
aimbot, it’s a good thing you chose your parents wisely.
Obama get the consolation prize.
He gets to be legitimate; a black man (okay a mixed breed,) in charge of the white house.
He has done it, but he also has to shut the lights on the country as he exits the white house.
The next president, in 2012 or in 2016, might as well be Trump for all its going to matter.
The United States is done.
Its had its day, and, like England before it, its shutting down as gracefully as it can.
The United States is twenty five years away from being a second world nation, (like its neighbors to the South.)
The US won the cold war (Reagan was merely present to witness the collapse of the Soviet Union,) but then they engaged in an orgy of debt spending (Bush got into several trillion dollars worth,) and then they just went away.
The US dollar is on it way to 80 cents versus the 2000 US dollar. (Its still got lots of natural resources, agriculture and IP*, so the currency is not in free-fall. [This ain’t Zimbabwe. :-])
Luckily, half of my liquid retirement money is in Canada while my property is here in the ‘States.
I suspect its going to be an interesting decade.
*) The sad part is that the copyright can be extended for-fuckin’-ever, it doesn’t matter. Disney doesn’t own any Animé.
Number of people who will change their opinions because of this: approximately ZERO.
“My mind is made up — don’t try to confuse me with FACTS!!!”
>“How much (…) will you be voluntarily giving the IRS to help pay the deficit?”
Because that would really make a difference. Boy, if we can get ONE guy that makes $1.7M to pay more the problem is basically solved. Whew! And here I thought it was complicated.
The president is proposing regulations for global warming that will not work, because China and developing countries would not cut emissions. Yet he thinks it is important to lead by example. Perhaps the President should say he thinks it is more important for the government to have his money so they can spread the wealth around.
Stupid liberals, all of you saying republicans are racists. LOL. Bunch of laughing stock idiot hypocrites. We say, you are going to hold a very important position and there are certain rules you have to follow, Can we see your birth certificate? RACIST ! “That man” (Not “black man”) or “he” is not a good speaker without a teleprompter. (Because he stutters and stammers and “uh” pauses every 3 words.) RACIST ! Your just saying that because he’s black. Spending too much (TARP, QE2). RACIST. Not once in any of these or any other Obama problems do republicans call on the color of his skin as being the root cause. Liberals are the ones who put the racist label on everything. If Clinton was black we would be attacked for questioning his marital fidelity as being racist. Liberals : “Oh, he’s black so he HAS to be cheating on his wife, are you saying a black man can’t be a committed family man. RACIST !”
ya and good luck with your next appeal to racists without sounding officially racist
Except for the fact that this article was released like 3 months ago saying that the HI Gov can’t find it. But now it magically appears.
Has this “issue” been distracting? Ok, maybe, but only as a “side show” as in “look how stupid those Pukes really are.” Adds to the credibility the Pukes show on every other issue that does need addressing. Financial Reform, Const Amendment to Citizen’s United, jobs, budget, tax policy, Energy Policy etc. Nothing getting done and its all the PUKES FAULT because they are the party of distraction as per the birth certificate. If YOU have been distracted by this issue, you are a worthless PUKE. Thanks for making it easy.
I see Vermont is moving towards a Single Payor Health Care System in order to guarantee access and control costs: only way to do it.
I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument. Make the argument that Single Payor is not what this country needs.
If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.
This whole Trump drama shows that Trump is a big baby who has flexible moral standards that Trump adjusts to suit his ojbective.
Trump, with his statement that he has “proof” BHO wasn’t born in the USA, shows himself to be incompetent or unable to tell the truth.
LOL. I didn’t believe the conspiracy posts on here and thought the loonies were back at it again, but just to make sure, I went to the White House web site, located the official PDF and downloaded it. Yes it does look strange, as one poster pointed out. It looked to be sharpened in Photoshop so that all the type has a white outline. But why a PDF? If it were a scan, why not release a JPEG or PNG? After all, in order to post it in any online news site, they would have to open it in Acrobat and save it as a picture file. I then decided to open it in Illustrator as Illustrator will open PDF’s. I was very surprised to find that the document was indeed composed of many separate scans and layers. Not only that but the actual content has definitely been altered! I count 19 images and clipping paths. The white outlines are actually transparent dropouts where bits and pieces of type are showing through from behind the pattern. As an example, in item 20, the date AUG – 8 1961, AUG – 8 196 is on one image and the 1 is on the scan with the background pattern. The two scans don’t even match in colour. The 1 is black while the image of the other part of the date is a greenish gray. There are many bits op type dropped in here and there. Some are whole words while others are single letters.
So now the question is why? Why did they have to alter the original scan so oddly and extensively, and why is it such an amateurish hack job? I’m in the graphic design business, and this document is a complete joke…. grade school presentation from the President’s office? …on such an important document?
Isn’t Trump a dead issue now? NOW, if your couldn’t see it from the start?
Trump: actually proud he takes companies into bankruptcy as he makes good deals for himself by the process. He is your typical big Business Man in America: corrupt lying delusional fool who thinks money is everything. typical business man? Thats harsh. Make that typical PUKE. One could call him bankrupt in all things.