NOW, can we finally start talking about real issues?
The White House on Wednesday released President Barack Obama’s original “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii amid persistent questions about his citizenship.
The long-form birth certificate, which the White House requested, says Mr. Obama was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. The White House said Hawaii doesn’t generally release long-form birth certificates but did so at the president’s request.
The administration previously released a less detailed version of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the decision to release the document came because “the president was struck by how this was crowding out the debate” on the budget.” He added that “it became an issue that transcended” the Internet and conspiracy theorists and had moved into the mainstream.
“The president decided to do this…because this was a sideshow that’s distracting from” significant issues, Mr. Pfeiffer said.
first off, is that what all US birth certificates look like? Up here they are big certificates with a seal and do not look like they have been photocopied out of a big register book.
second, Trump was never running. He would not want to reveal he is only a small millionaire who sells all his projects with contracts that they must continue to be named after him so everyone thinks they are still his.
Donald Trump is a (douchey) brand, kind of like a less funny version of the Jack in the Box guy in the big clown head.
Well Trump can get things done might be the next president bet that would piss on the liberals parade.
Go over to fox news and read the comments. Plenty of people over there still trying to come up with reasons why Obama still isn’t eligible to be president.
People are asking “why is Obama being so secretive?” Perhaps a better question would be “Why are you so curious?” Why do people want to know so badly? Does it matter?
He can take that to the bank!
#33 – it’s hard to imagine that Mr Trump was born of a women.
Created in some sort of toxic spill accident perhaps – but born?
I just have been wondering when Trump will have the Squirrel head piece removed from his Head? It is so unrealistic looking, but not bad for a Medium sized Rodent, That is Trump.
@ Dweoll
Reading your comment here and the one you left on the global warming post, i’m convinced that you are a moron.
good luck.
“…start hiding things..” who did that? you guys first make shit up and then wonder why he does not explain about it?
“..I don’t know what Obama really stands for ” that says more about you than Obama.
“..I just don’t believe anything he says about anything.” right.
it certainly does not show any age…. I have seen Hawaiian birth certs and it is longer in length and no wide borders.
I have to show my birth cert. to get a license and 1000 other things, and people think the President of the United States shouldn’t have to? Yeah, and the birthers are nuts….
Anyway, there’s more:
Now we’re stuck with the sock monkey for two more years.
#41 Tdud
So now Obama is an evil mastermind, using a made up controversy to set traps for his political enemies? Does he also have a giant laser? Does he put on a mustache to twirl when no ones watching?
Didn’t you just say he was too stupid to get into Harvard on his own, and only got where he is because he is black? Which is it? Can you keep your inane conspiracies straight for more than 30 seconds?
If he managed to milk a fictional conspiracy, how smart does that make Obama? More importantly how dumb does that make conservatives who fell for it (you).
But you go right ahead and change the subject to oil drilling. or abandon the thread. Its what you always do when the argument doesn’t go your way.
the saga will continue..
-has no state seal, and fwiw, my cert says white, not caucasian (’63) -was hawaii PC back in ’61?
har har..
So.. anyone having issues getting delivery on physical silver?
Fake-Fake-Fake,Classic gangsta Chicago politics!
#49 Tdud
“Everything is the fault of liberals, even conservative stupidity.”
Some of you should look into how this document came to be made public. Obama couldn’t do it, so the White House asked Hawaii if it was possible. Due to the huge number of requests they receive over this stupid issue, they decided to release a copy…contrary to their policies. So it wasn’t up to Obama to release anything…he released what he had legal access to. Hawaii got sick of all the numbskulls calling.
But true to form, a conspiracist can never be satisfied. You should see the Fux News comments on this story…holy shit those people are freaking insane!
But, this will settle the issue for the moderates and sane Republicans. Those of you who still believe…you have been marginalized.
I believe he was born here, but the certificate release has been heavily edited. Whether that was just to make it legible or if it’s a fake, I don’t know. Open it in Adobe Illustrator. There are layers in there where certain pieces of text are placed in different places. If you were to simply scan a document it would be a flat file. No layers, just one clean image.
Very strange.
Bryan…just asking here…might that be a way to prevent releasing a perfect copy, which to my mind seems like a bad idea.
Maybe they did this just to keep the nutters going? LOL
I requested a copy of my birth certificate three weeks ago from the Los Angeles County Recorder, it cost $16 and it’s a fully certified copy. I can use it anyway I want, including making it public.
Obama could have done the same thing, but he chose not to, for what ever reason. The whole “birther” issue is one of his own making.
Agree with Uncle Dave lets move on and hammer on the problems that aren’t being addressed instead of wagging this dog.
So what about 3 wars, the continuing banker bailouts, the unemployment, the economy?
Is Obama worth re-election?
I think not.
Maybe he got Hawaii to release it now because he is planning a campaign swing through Arizona and didn’t want to be harass by local law for not looking white enough.
It just doesn’t matter the true believers will believe what they want to even after it had been proven to have been fake. think moon landing hoax, holocaust denying , alf’s god that sort of thing
Obama did not create this issue, fan its flames or set any traps the US Supreme Court was satisfied before the Inauguration that should have put it to rest for all thinking people The gullible did this all by themselves now the blame Obama for everything crowed are trying to blame their embarrassment on him too.
There’s this guy named Herb London, who has a regular commentary as a kind of token right wing blow-hard on the local NPR radio station. (good for them to let him spew his rants there as an equal time thing, I suppose)
Recently he showed himself as a conspiracy believing “birther” and all that, in part by saying, accusingly, “After all, Obama DID say he was a citizen of the world”. Ah, okay. This reminds me of devout Christians and their disparaging of “secular humanists” as wayward infidels.
This is like accusing someone of being GOOD, for gosh sakes!
(I could have said “Chrissake” instead of “gosh sakes”… but that might be making too much unsporting fun of them)
Do you really think this will stop these idiots.This is who they are now they will say he is from Mars or it was just a Photoshop of it.And people wonder why we are in the mess we’re in!
Really foolish politics to release this a year ahead of time. Obama should have just let the states pass their birth certificate to get on the ballot laws, and released it at the last possible minute, making the birthers look like fools.
Trump forced his hand, TEADude says. But why? There is nothing Trump said that makes it smarter for Obama to release the birth certificate now. So why did he do it? He is worried about what Trump would have uncovered in Hawaii, the questions he is asking about how he got into Columbia and Harvard.
In the meantime Gold is at $1516.00, which means the economy is failing.
Another possibility, they are so mad at SwiftBoater Jerome Corsi, they wanted to tank sales of his book, Where the Birth Certificate?
Why release a document that is obviously photoshopped?
You have two documents, one appears to be a photocopy of a booked-bound certificate, the other is the certification statement by the registrar. Both documents are printed on green patterned paper — but with no breaks in the pattern between the documents???? I suppose the added pattern could be routine procedure for all certificates, but wouldn’t that invalidate the registrar certification that the document is a “true copy”?
And in this day and age of image manipulation, why would anyone accept such a document as legitimate without an embossed seal from the certifying agent?
What game is Obama playing?
At this point, it doesn’t really matter if Obama was born in the USA or not — that horse left the barn when Roberts swore him in as President. Trump raising this non-issue into the national spotlight makes me wonder if his real agenda is to help Obama’s re-election. Trump is devious enough to do just that, and have fun doing it, too.
#54 No, Obama could not. The rules in Hawaii are different from California. You haven’t been paying attention!
But as it happens, I think that he (Obama) could have convinced the Hawaii officials to overstep the rules sooner than now if he had wanted to. But he was having way too much fun letting the “birthers” make perfect fools of themselves.
Oh, and my birth certificate from Los Angeles County looks similar to the one Obama released. Different colors and such, but basically a purely functional fill in the blanks almost “army issue” looking thing. My mother’s, from Brooklyn, New York in the 1930s has frills and scrolls and cursive fonts and such. By my time and Obama’s, I think they became purely functional.
#24 Greg Allen said, “He’s black! He must have a hidden agenda to destroy America!”
No, he’s a Democrat! He must have a hidden agenda to destroy America!
Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate
Thank goodness race baiter GregAllen had to go to work (putatively). He must’ve posted at least 8 race baiting posts. Didn’t see anyone bite tho. Glad he gave up.
Sometimes the editors here seem like they have boundless tolerance for idiots.