Photo: Copenhagenize

A fertility clinic in Copenhagen wanted an easy way to transport biological materials in insulated storage through the city, and so commissioned the construction of the Sperm Bullitt.

The Sperm Bike is, like the company’s sperm donations, a Danish product and constructed around the Danish Bullitt cargo bike from Larry vs Harry.

Producing the Sperm Bike was no easy task. It was constructed by the Danish company 10 Tons – who specialise in zoological and botanical models as well as paleontologic reconstructions, including full-size whales and dinosaurs.

With the tail, the bike is 2.9 metres long and fully-loaded with… um… sperm… it weighs 50 kg.


Thanks, Ursa

  1. raster says:

    No “Caption this photo”!?

    I’m on my way to “SeaWorld”, the whale is in heat!

  2. Caption Anyway says:

    As the proud owner of his new bike, Joe thought to himself- “I bet the girls won’t make fun of me now”

  3. Drive By Poster says:

    “Maybe if I drive really fast, nobody will recognize me.”

    “Special delivery for the Ovamobile!”

  4. scandi says:

    I wonder what’s going to happen when he rear ends that car up ahead.

  5. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    This is the end result of fertility treatments.

  6. foobar says:

    Hell, I don’t even pump my own gas.

  7. Mac Guy says:

    Adds new meaning to “big load.”

  8. deowll says:

    I know they use bike couriers in NY City. This looks like it might work there.

  9. admfubar says:

    :)) perfect to put on the bike rack of the Oscar Mayer wiener mobile!!!

  10. KD Martin says:

    Rats, Grandpa warned me about having to go around the tonsils…

  11. WmDE says:

    Desmond was diagnosed as having a low sperm count. In fact it was 1. He carries it around on a special bicycle as a reminder to never do that again. Only dogs heard him scream.

  12. foobar says:

    If that’s the size of the sperm then you should see the size of the…

  13. ROB WEST says:

    I’m coming, I’m coming!

  14. Dallas says:

    #15 for the win

  15. jescott418 says:

    Does it have a light for dark tunnels?

  16. JimD says:

    Make Way !!! Hot Load coming through !!!

  17. EnemyOfTheState says:

    When It Absolutely Positively Has To Be There Overnight…

  18. SteveR says:

    To complete his delivery, Bob has to run head-on into a giant “egg” bus.

  19. Buzz Mega says:

    “Daryl knew in his heart that these rush jobs always ended in a terse,’thanky.'”

  20. wirelessg says:

    Despite magically appearing without knocking first, Otto’s fairy godmother transformed his ‘friends’ into a beautiful carriage that whisked him to the Big Ball. Before he left, she told him to stroke it before Midnight.

  21. Darrel Stamp says:

    ‘I travel on a bike and still reach the destination. Slow, yet precise and harmless to the environment. Go Green’


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