The movie is good, but not that memorable. It’s at the same level of Iron Man 2, if you want to compare it to another Marvel movie. The 3D in this movie is a waste since it seems to be barely there. The scenes that happen on Earth are not as interesting as the scenes that happen elsewhere (I’m trying to be as spoiler free as possible). I found the humour of the movie to be quite predictable. The fact that this is another film to set up the Avengers movie makes for some very clunky scenes, especially anything related with S.H.I.E.L.D.
If you are going to watch the movie, stay until the end of the credits for the Easter egg.
Update: Having thought about it, I think I know why the movie is not memorable. This is not an origin story. You don’t get to see the character grow to become Thor.

  1. I didn’t get the easter egg, but then again I have no idea why there is a bowl of water in the back of the fucking church.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    It’s got Natalie Portman in it.

    Mmmmm. Nat.a.lie

    I was so glad when she turned 18 so I could publicly drool over her.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    That movie is garbage. I would have preferred it to be based on the original Thor storyline than this sanitized for the children version.

    Plus, Black Heimdall is an offense. It’s like hiring William Hung to play as Nelson Mandela in the movie Invictus.

  4. Sales Geek says:

    You’re Thor? I couldn’t walk for a week….

  5. Buzz Mega says:

    Thor puns n stuff:

    Don’t get Thor if the reviewers pan it.

    This is a Thor nin the 3D projectionist’s side.

    You were Thnoring all night.

    Abhore Thor!

    New Jersey Thor.

    My heart thoars like an iggle.

    Thor lore: gore galore pours before snore score. More chore for floor.

    Souvenirs: Thor Decor.

  6. deowll says:

    I’ve read some of the Thor myths and used to read the comic. I might watch the movie. I like B movies. You go and watch and the action scenes are usually pretty good. The plot is trash but what else is new? All plots are pretty well reused plots anyway.

  7. Gasparrini says:

    #3, did you know that white supremacist groups have the same complaint about the choice of actor that plays plays Heimdal in the movie?

  8. sargasso_c says:

    I have to agree with Garparrini’s plot summary.

  9. Jimbo says:

    #7, so if “white supremacist groups” said that the sky is blue, would that mean that the sky is some other color? Can they never be “right”? I happen to agree that having a black Heimdall is offensive (I also believe that they were able to squeeze in an Oriental Asgardian as well – which I also find offensive). I would love to see this movie, but I will not support the PC’ing of Norse mythology. If I ever do see it, it’ll be through Netflix. Hollywood can go to hell.

  10. Gasparrini says:

    #10, I actually happen to like the character Heimdal in the movie.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    #7 Gasparrini,

    For the same reason The Hobbit movie is going to have Puerto Rican, Mexican and Samoan hobbits. They have no respect for the original works and instead barge in pretending to be heralds of Political Correctness and if you disagree with their point of view you’re instantly labeled as a racist.

    [Ed. – I understand. And Han Solo shot Greedo first, lets not forget that, EVER… ;)]

  12. thor 2011 says:

    Pretty nice post about this movie Thor. I just came across your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really liked reading your posts. Anyway I’ll be subscribing to your blog and I hope you post again soon!


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