Fort Davis wildfire from McDonald Observatory in the Big Bend country near the Rio Grande river.

Thanks, Bubba

  1. lennoxxreverb says:


  2. msbpodcast says:

    Well Edwin, there won’t be any sky viewing tonight, but we can put out some hot dogs all around the telescope and enjoy a really big weenie roast…

  3. Roasted Peanuts says:

    Gives me an Atlas Shrugged vibe…

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #4, That was the same thought I had when I saw the pic. You beat me to it!

  5. Me Too says:

    #4, #5 Me too !

  6. Tesko says:

    Nothing like falling asleep to the peaceful view out ones bedroom window…unless the view is that the world has become one giant blaming briquet

  7. admfubar says:

    hhhmmm texas bbq season isi in full swing!

  8. Personality says:

    *Cleansing Texas. One redneck at a time.

    *thats just wrong

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Hobby-Eberly Telescope

    Eideard, can you imagine waiting a year for your time on the Hobby-Eberly 9.2 meter scope, getting a perfect forecast for the weather and seeing, then having the mountain shut down due to wildfire? Although the observatory is now open, the roads are still mostly closed and the sky is somewhat poor for imaging and experiments due to the heat and smoke.

    Thanks for posting the picture.

  11. chris says:

    That is really ugly.

    If you ever see something like that move away at maximum safe speed.

  12. Lou says:

    Mother nature in action.

  13. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Another attempt by the libertarians to clear out the brush on THEIR land.

  14. Dallas says:

    REALLY happy this stuff is way south of Dallas.
    I’m praying Zeus for some rain. Please join me.

  15. Jake Freeze says:

    I’ll bet libertarian/separatist Texas governor Rick Perry is happy to have all those Federal emergency rescue and recovery dollars around now.

  16. Floyd says:

    #16: Funny how real things like forest fires mess up ideologies that require Ayn Randian theories.

    A friend of mine in the Midwest who is ideologically Libertarian is probably going nuts about the Texans having to get outside aid to douse those fires.

  17. JimD says:

    Gov Perry must be a sinner, his prayers aren’t working !!!

  18. That community sure must like cooking out.

  19. Special Ed says:

    This is what the U.S. would look like if they legalized marijuana.

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    “all those Federal emergency rescue and recovery dollars”

    You mean dollars forcibly collected from US citizens.

    Libtards are desperately trying to divert attention away from the fact that Barry is shaping up to be the worst president ever. Worse than his predecessor, and worse than even Jimmy Carter.

  21. deowll says:

    Just nature doing what come natural. Chaparral burning over is as normal as frost in the winter in TN. Many of the plants that grow there can’t survive without the occasional blaze.

    The fires only get as bad as some do when humans prevent small fires which allows fuel to accumulate to the point of causing a really serious blaze.

    Of course if you intend to live in this kind of biome you need to make sure your house has a major fire break around it and is highly fire resistant.

  22. squirrel says:

    Global Warming


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