Executive Producers and 300 Club members: David Dolson, Daniel Foster, Dame Jessica Walters, Sir Troy Walters, Anonymous from Kyoto
Knighthood: David Dolson
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. msbpodcast says:

    Ted Koopwood III, looks pretty fuckin’ bad don’t it.

    Sounds even worse. Real amateur hour. (I’m looking back at my own podcasting experience and this guy sucks…)

    Oh my DOG!!! (I’m an atheist.)

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    You two crack me up when you make fun of things you obviously haven’t bothered to look up. The show wouldn’t be half as entertaining if you did.

    materiel: noun. The equipment, apparatus, and supplies of a military force or other organization.

  3. deowll says:

    If you aren’t getting enough D and C flu can last a lot longer. Most people don’t get enough D and I have doubts about C.

    Indonesia has a long record of local religious nuts killing people in the name of Allah of course. The Koran proper rarely justifies what they do. May Allah smite such.

    High speed rail. The way to go broke. Ultra high speed rail is for chumps.

    You get rough with your facets and you damage them. Sounds like a rip off of the monster mash.

    If the oceans rise we get more misquotes? This is about the level of science I expect from these people.Pop science for people who don’t have a clue.


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