Not sure I want this. I’ve seen Star Trek. I know what happens when phasers go on overload and I don’t have a Scotty available to fix it just in time.

For more than 150 years, spark plugs have powered internal combustion engines. Automakers are now one step closer to being able to replace this long-standing technology with laser igniters, which will enable cleaner, more efficient, and more economical vehicles.
Spark plugs work by sending small, high-voltage electrical sparks across a gap between two metal electrodes. The spark ignites the air-fuel mixture in the engine’s cylinder — producing a controlled explosion that forces the piston down to the bottom of the cylinder, generating the horsepower needed to move the vehicle. […] Spark plugs can ignite leaner fuel mixtures, but only by increasing spark energy. Unfortunately, these high voltages erode spark plug electrodes so fast, the solution is not economical. By contrast, lasers, which ignite the air-fuel mixture with concentrated optical energy, have no electrodes and are not affected.

Lasers also improve efficiency. Conventional spark plugs sit on top of the cylinder and only ignite the air-fuel mixture close to them. The relatively cold metal of nearby electrodes and cylinder walls absorbs heat from the explosion, quenching the flame front just as it starts to expand. Lasers, Taira explains, can focus their beams directly into the center of the mixture. Without quenching, the flame front expands more symmetrically and up to three times faster than those produced by spark plugs.

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. Speter says:

    The “John Sealre Solution” / Generator maybe?

    oh wait i forgot.. they keep shelving anything that could reduce our reliance on the energy cartels.

    If they had a conscience they would release the suppressed energy info, this in turn would correct our fossil fuel pollution issues, correct the artificial scarcity created by industry to drive prices up, and as a bonus, with cheap / free energy we could desalinate sea water and remove the fresh water problem too, which would remove the food problem, and that might just remove the death problem.

    Wait did i say remove the death problems, oh i forgot, that is the end game for these elites.

    back to the drawing board then ? giant hamsters in wheels connected to generators??
    only if they eat kids at the same time..

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Gas engines will still only work at a lousy 24% efficiency. However the spark plugs work. Where as an all electric car, approaches the efficiency of the power plant(s) that first generated the electricity they store. A lot better than 25%, you can be sure. And now, proven to be safer in crash tests. But now they seek to further improve spark plugs. When the fuel industry starts feeling the pinch.


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