Gotta love the way all the “men” stand around watching, even filming this madness. Then there’s this: Dad who split up fight in McDonald’s shot dead. Is there something in the food?

  1. birddog says:

    Hate crime

  2. wonadick says:

    looks like #15 must be related and got their feelings hurt, boo-whoo!!

  3. JohnP-law says:

    So many cowards in here afraid to stand up for their beliefs. Just call em niggers for fuck sakes.Your as bad as the gun fags saying they need them to stand up to the government when all they do is bang their cousins and make shitty music. Fuckin yokels.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    The comments in this thread are proof we get the government we deserve.

    Still waiting for someone to recognize that the guy getting beat up was a local cross-dresser using the women’s restroom [with 2 teenage girls in there] who had a rap sheet including a sex-offenses.

    Eventually, people get sick of that shit.

    Men need to use the men’s bathroom, wearing a wig does not mean you can use the women’s restroom.

  5. Sapere_Aude says:

    Chick is a dude. but thoes ladies are the reason why jersey shore is what it is.

  6. Plan Blue says:

    yep, I stand corrected, #34, those girls are not “Negros”, they are niggers. Niggers are just what they are, low rent, trashy, and just looking for any excuse to pop-off, that they think they are entitled to act like a bunch of assholes, that the world has been so bad to them, boohoo! Just like rednecks, who I find (having grown up around both types) to be just as reprehensible, and just as dangerous to going “ballistic” like they are entitled to it as well. Humans, what a fucked up lot…

  7. R.O.P. says:

    First a complaint that somebody isn’t breaking up a fight then the poster links to the death of someone who died doing exactly that. Weird.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    In the state of Texas (and most other concealed carry states), you are legally protected if you use your weapon in the defense of someone else.

    Of course, being legally protected from criminal charges doesn’t make you legally protected from civil charges — which the parents of those hoodlums would most certainly pursue if you wounded/killed them.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    #39, I wonder how the chase would have ended if the Dad had been armed.

  10. So what says:

    #34 Nope just pointing out you and your butt buddy are racist assholes.

  11. Drive By Poster says:

    #39 Plan Blue, the rednecks ad niggers of which you speak are culturally both rednecks, which is why they behave so similarly.

    Think about it – most of the blacks that were sent to America as slaves went to the South, aka redneck country. For generations the black slaves became rednecks through cultural osmosis. When the ex-slaves left the South to go to the large northern cities, they were treated the same as white rednecks (low grade abhorrence) by the Northerners. When they were forced into all black neighborhoods and culturally shunned, their redneck nature largely remained rather than resembling the local cultures via cultural osmosis.

    So the inner city blacks tend to remain rednecks to this day, much to their detriment. Even worse, that redneck culture is being enshrined as “True Blackness” by a number of black “cultural leaders”. So many blacks will find it even harder to abandon the redneck worldview because they’ll be accused of “acting White”. At this point, the KKK is superfluous as the blacks are now oppressing each others’ Futures far more effectively than the KKK ever did…

  12. Publius says:

    carry a gun

  13. Publius says:

    Why did nobody call 911 in the first 10 seconds?

    That went on for ages and no cops???

    People are fucking sickening

  14. bobbo, Mental Health professionals are Killing America says:

    #36–Bobbo’s mental healthcare caregiver==you must be familiar with “projection?” Where you project your own mental illness into other situations having nothing to do with it? Like introducing the concept of rape when its no where else mentioned or implied?

    Yes……..projection. Coming out of your own fevered pre-occupation.

    I would go into further detail, but you know, why bother? Post back when you stop playing with yourself.

    Did I quick read HMyers on point again?===#37–nope, swing and a miss trying to justify criminal behavior.

    But I spy #40–ROP complaining that our Dear OP gave the pro’s and con’s of an issue allowing anyone who wished to to actually think about the complexities of the issue. Thats a “no-go” for you ROP. Sad.

    #45–Drive By==you make some good posts and have some good elements to certain arguments but why the decent into provocative racist language? Usually thats done as a substitute for thinking, which you evidence you don’t need to do. Wassssupwiddat?

    You have racial issues when there is still arguments about it. No one is arguing about the color of his eyes because thats not an issue anyone thinks about. Put the brown on skin though and you get 46 responses.

  15. Hmeyers says:

    I wasn’t justifying criminal behavior at all. I was providing background context to the situation.

    The racism in the posts above sickens me. A huge rush to judgment.

    NOW … as to the McDonalds employees … the one recording was fired. I’m not sure whether or not this was right or wrong.

    Racism is the fuel that causes people to rush to judgment and decide based on the color of the skin what the motives are and draw a conclusion without the context of the situation.

    The manager should have locked the doors once the women left the first time. This was a situation that needed address.

    As it stands, I expect the following results:

    1. The victim will get a handsome settlement from McDonalds (winner)
    2. The perpetrators will not be convicted of anything due to several circumstances and facts of the case. Plus the fact Maryland law does not allow transgender individuals to use the wrong bathroom and that person has a rap sheet.

  16. TheMAXX says:

    #44, you are insane. you think more violence is the answer? You want to raise a slave rather than a free-thinking, caring person? No one in their right mind would teach punishment and obedience over caring and empathy. Raising kids your way you are lucky if you don’t mess them up completely. As science has shown over and over for 50 years or more, when you show your kids love and support you get confident strong people who aren’t so scared that they resort to violence. Build your kids up! Don’t try to break them down. Please for the sake of the future of humanity stop spreading that BS you are spewing.

  17. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:

    HMyers–do you know how I can tell you are a Republican?

    thats right, we all know—because you lie. And, as all too usual, you are egotistical enough, but still dumb enough, to think you can spin words any way you wish. How many times must you get caught to see you can’t?

    What you said at #37 was: “Still waiting for someone to recognize that the guy getting beat up was a local cross-dresser using the women’s restroom [with 2 teenage girls in there] who had a rap sheet including a sex-offenses.

    Eventually, people get sick of that shit.” ////

    That means you think the guy deserved to get beat up as in you are justifying criminal behavior.

    The “just the facts and background” version you think we are dumb enough to buy would have been:

    “The guy getting beat up was a local cross-dresser using the women’s restroom [with 2 teenage girls in there] who had a rap sheet including a sex-offenses.

    Delete: Eventually, people get sick of that shit.

    //// See the opinion BS you added to facts and background? I’m sure you do—–which makes you a Republican. Ha, ha.

  18. con says:

    A lot of people in here stated that the bystanders did not interveine because they are afraid to be sued for assault.
    Here in Germany where I live, it would be a fineable offense not to help, called
    “failure to assist a person in danger”.
    That doesn’t mean that you have to jump into a fight and endanger yourself. But you have to do everything you can(calling the cops for starters).
    It’s somewhat obscure to me that people won’t break up a fight(well its more a beating than a fight) in fear of being sued. Because over here you would be celebrated as a hero by the media for doing so. We also have a german word for that – “Zivilcourage” (“civil courage”) – one of the highest virtues.
    But I also know that in GitmonationUS a cop will tase you half dead for not showing your id fast enough – and afterwards sue you for assault on an officer – I can understand why people are afraid to do the obvious “right thing”.

  19. retroman81 says:

    Only in democracy and in no other system
    this can happen

  20. TThor says:

    No ‘men’ there except the woman that tried to help…

    A disgusting video, with disgusting people on disgusting Youtube allowing this demeaning shit on its site… and where the hell is law enforcement?
    Not there but later. Where is the rest of this hellish story???

    More focused on important Lucy stuff, like patting down 6 years olds?

    A world gone completely mad!

  21. So what says:

    Only in a Democracy? Sorry don’t think so.

    That took all of one search on google.

  22. stan says:

    Dear Mr. Dvorak. What a f&*k are you thinking? If I wanted to look at world cruelty, there are websites that are devoted to this sort of things, and that have way more cruel videos and stories. I go to your blog, because I expect to see something else. If your blog is turning into a psycho blog, then I will have to stop reading it.
    And lately you seem to have some resist thoughts… May be best post why you have those thoughts, instead of using cheap tricks that you do (Obama, then this). Come on, man, you are a grown man. What a f*&k???

  23. Dvorak didn't post this and is tired of being blamed for others work says:

    #58. Uh, OK.

  24. RSweeney says:

    Wait a minute… the victim is transgendered.

    Certainly liberals can be outraged now.

  25. The_Tick says:

    @ #60 You went and removed all doubt,,,, lol @ #61 Why is it not surprising that the biggest republican supporter here has intimate knowledge of trannies in public washrooms? Bet you didn’t earn too many medals though, huh Alfie? LOL

  26. SpiritGreywolf says:

    Yes, the desire to maintain calm is all well and good, and tends to sometimes work even when you have to pull a couple bodies off of someone who is down and is getting the snot kicked out of them.

    But, as speaking as one who has been on the floor getting a beatdown by bullies and suffering extreme injuries as a result, I think had I been there, a decidedly different ending would have played out.

    I think were I the one noticing someone being pulled off someone on the ground, and they came back to kick the person on the ground in the head, there would have been an immediate, swift and entirely devastating response by me to that individual. No warnings, no platitudes, just making as many bones bend the wrong way as possible to immediately immobilize the threat – hard strikes to the trachea, lateral blows to the inner knees – whatever it took to end it swiftly and decisively. I have no tolerance to watch someone completely out-classed on the ground getting beaten.

    Same as to the other headline of the guy being chased down and killed for breaking up a fight. Had someone looked at me that I did not know told me they were going to kill me, I would have immediately called the police and waited. And, had he made a phone call to someone to go “bring him something” I would have immediately ended him with the notion that I had been threatened with bodily harm or death, and that he was summoning additional forces to see to it that his plan was carried out. Again, I wouldn’t have fought fair. I would have done everything I could to have rendered him completely incapacitated as quickly as possible. No back talk, no posturing – just swift action. I don’t respond well to bullies or threats.

  27. wonadick says:

    “SO WHAT SAID”, maybe you should get your head out of your ass and stop thinking everything is a racist statement! no where in my post mentioned race, more to the point of these 2 worthless wastes of life is that this is a completely acceptable way to act in our society today and no one does anything about it but yell, YOU’RE A RACIST, when some says our justice system needs some help. so as far as someone being racist, look in a mirror, race was never mentioned until you mentioned it asshole!

  28. The_Tick says:

    @ #66 I have often felt that the biggest problem with the republican mindset is this harkening back to a time that never existed. The good old days had just as many gay folks, just as many crossdressers and just as many flavors of sexuality as today. The only difference is the cloud of ignorance is slowly lifting regardless of how hard the regressives want to stop it. So if you want to hate dykes trannies or fags that is fine, but thinking they were good old days because everyone around you was just as ignorant is just plain old delusional.

  29. So what says:

    #67 Whattadick did you get your feelings hurt? and your still an asshole.

  30. Hmeyers says:

    Bobbo, Republicans are too lame for my tastes, although I give props to the Tea Party actually making an effort to save us from debt monster. We are paying over $600 billion in interest payments on the debt this year, just FYI.

    I am the rare breed of the fiscally conservative radical liberal. Maybe bit too much for a cookie cutter liberal like yourself to absorb.

    This modern generation of “liberal” is a loser in disguise with failed ideas that cost far too much and achieve nothing of any interest to me and double talk the ideals by miles.

    You are an apologist for these losers, afraid to leave your zone of comfort.

    For your information: my favorite politician is Mayor Bloomberg as an example. He is a radical that gets real change done and is fiscally conservative and progressive.


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