Gotta love the way all the “men” stand around watching, even filming this madness. Then there’s this: Dad who split up fight in McDonald’s shot dead. Is there something in the food?
When Animals Attack
By McCullough Saturday April 23, 2011
Gotta love the way all the “men” stand around watching, even filming this madness. Then there’s this: Dad who split up fight in McDonald’s shot dead. Is there something in the food?
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“Animals” is right.
Any “men” who tried to stop this, or do the right thing (punch out the attackers) would have been fired immediately, then charged with assault and probably convicted.
I would have picked up a chair and smacked the bitches. Or showed Mr Ruger.
“Any “men” who tried to stop this, or do the right thing (punch out the attackers) would have been fired immediately.”
Yeah, it would be a shame to lose a job in a shithole like that.
Not legally, but “some” people deserve to get beat up–even women. Course, Marquess of Queensberry dictates that the fight is over once a contestant is on the ground, or by any standard when the twitching started?
I’m not that interested, but I’d read the back story.
From my days at McPukes, the deal is that no one is to get involved and the police are to be called.
Legal BS.
But as an onlooker, I can see some serious elbows getting dropped on some people regardless of the consequences. If that didn’t stop the stupid, then indeed, chairs are FAIR use at that point…
Typical response from a racist ass.
People don’t want to get involved because they’re afraid of getting sued.
Thanks, lawyers.
everyone of those high school drop-outs should be taken out to the street and shot. not one of them could call the police (oh, yeah, they probably had their own warrants for arrest out against them) or help the women against 2 punk bitches. shows how much of men they are when an old lady does more then they did. every employee at the place needs to be charge the same as those 2 street rats!!!
The back story? The victim was a DUDE!
The victim has issues (“transgendered”, which means the embrace of their homosexuality while rejecting their biological gender) – meaning “she” was actually a he. But clearly the attackers had issues, too, given how they spasticly attacked somebody they presumably didn’t know before the verbal dispute in the women’s room started. They also punched the gal who intervened in the eye.
“… The police report identifies the victim as 22-year-old Chrissy Lee Polis, who appears identical to Christopher Lee Polis, whose rap sheet includes convictions for disorderly conduct, property destruction, and prostitution, according to court records. The civil rights group Equality Maryland has identified the McDonald’s victim as a transgender woman. …”
Real World + Jackass and MTV has a new show: Real World McJackAss.
Just be glad you weren’t born into that environment.
And #10 wins the wattadick award of the day with #6 right up his ass in second place..
#12 Drive Buy – Transgender, huh? Well, then beat the shit out of him/her/it.
Someone let us know when Crissy files the lawsuit. I wanna see where the McD’s employee manual says, “In the event of an attempted murder, whip out your cell phone and make a video. Oh, and if you have time, call the cops or something.”
The manual ought to say: “In case of a brutal fight, call the police and douse the fighters in that stinky bucket of mop water in the corner.”
Apparently one of the women discovered that the victim had man parts when she was using the washroom. She then got her friend to beat up the victim until he/she started twitching.
I wouldn’t intervene except for calling the police. “There are three individuals fighting in here. Have them removed and issued trespassing warnings.” That’s why we have a police force. However the victim would still be twitching on the floor, but only because the police would bring tasers.
#6, #10 and #13 You guys crack me up…just what I woulda said. The truth hurts sometimes huh?
More reasons to stay the fuck away from McDonald’s, the food, and I use the term loosely, being the first.
What the fuck? All of the bitches got rolls of fat leaping out of their clothes in all direction.
They really need to keep away from McDonald’s for their health.
Drive By==thanks for the link. The backstory that interests me is: “Hackett contended that the woman seen getting beaten in the video was actually a man “dressed lik a woman” who got into a confrontation with female patrons when he refused to leave the women’s bathroom at the Baltimore-area eatery.” /// I can see women getting upset seeing man junk pulled out in the lady’s room, and I can see them complaining, and I can see the assault victim here giving all kinds of lip about his right to pee where he wants to and to flash his junk as he pleased. Legally and morally no right to beat him up. But, you don’t flash a roll of cash in a dive bar, and you don’t give lip to low brows you are upset: you leave the area.
With years of karate and judo training I never actually heard a good reason NOT to get into fights “just to practice what I know. Why should I run away? Why study karate if you aren’t going to use it?” Never got a good answer from the instructors other than look inside, path of peace etc. Then a friend who was not trained in such things said “Run away with Confidence.” THAT made sense.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Learn to pick your fights.
What a bunch of fucking cowards those people were. Can only hope the same thing happens to them. Benjamin, your a fucking coward!
@#6 You;re not clever. The correct name of the race of people you are attempting to disparage is NEGRO.
Seems the young females were upset because the object of their ire is a transgender person…a man, who is expressing his feminine side in his dress and appearnace, was using the ladies’ room while they were using the facility.
The outrage is those yahoos were permitted to savagely beat another human…the outrage is the man who was beaten by the girls did not defend himself as one would believe a man would do.
The whole thing is just cruel, weird and disgusting. I abhor violence of any kind.
No matter what you say these ladies had no right to brutally assault anybody. They had the right to call the police and report what they had seen. I hope the authorities put them both where they belong and then make an example of them. Disgusting!
I’ll have to check the census again, but I believe the population has a slight female majority. You’ll probably see more of this kind of behavior as tolerance for sexual ‘variation’ clashes with basic reproductive rights. And no one has to be told who’ll win THAT war of attrition.
And you know what will prevent this from going to extremes, at least numerically? Immigration, which will balance out the numbers. Just watch the number over the coming decades.
#6, you are right on the money, that is how these low rent, trashy bitches are, that is how they earn THAT reputation and keep it alive, kneegrows indeed! Now, as far as crackers/trailer trash/honkys, they too are doing their part to keep their traditions alive as well… how doomed the hooman race
The thing to do with a flasher is point and laugh. Make comments about there being insufficient evidence for calling the cops to make an arrest.
There’s no need to get violent.
The thing to do with a cross dresser is ask for/offer some fashion tips over some fries, as long as he pays. 🙂
I’ve seen some drop-dead gorgeous trannies in my time, people with real commitment to aesthetics, but I’m sure that a lot more of them need the advice.
the outrage is the man who was beaten by the girls did not defend himself as one would believe a man would do.
You’re a hypocritical retard. Excuse me, a hypocritical cognitively challenged individual.
You’re worried about words, but say something like the quote above???
You could order just juice and a salad?
After following the link I can see its a good thing Britain has those strict gun laws in place to deter shootings.
Is every man wearing a wig allowed in the women’s bathroom when 14-year old girls are in there?
Knee grows gone wild!