Gotta love the way all the “men” stand around watching, even filming this madness. Then there’s this: Dad who split up fight in McDonald’s shot dead. Is there something in the food?
When Animals Attack
By McCullough Saturday April 23, 2011
Gotta love the way all the “men” stand around watching, even filming this madness. Then there’s this: Dad who split up fight in McDonald’s shot dead. Is there something in the food?
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Well, HMyers, we describe ourselves in the same terms and that will be fun to track. the issue of the moment though is whether or not your posting was a defense for illegal behavior. It was. You first denied it but your words prove you are wrong. Rather than admit it and make yourself a better man as a social liberal would do, you instead try to side track the discussion to an irrelevant aside. Not a lie, but more dishonesty.
You are more Republican in all its repugnant ways than you may honestly realize. We can track that too.
When is the last time you changed your mind about anything? Can you remember?
Ha, ha. Look Maw—its right there!==Just LOOK!!
Bobbo, if you are scientific .. re-read my posts ..
1. I posted observations.
2. I didn’t draw a conclusion except to provide additional non-obvious background information to “rush to judgment” people yelling “Negros” and “Gorillas”.
Now, if your goal is to disrupt the stupid and ignorant post flow, why would I balance those posts out?
My goal was “stop, question what you think you know about what you think you saw and use your head” for a minute.
The idea that I was justifying violence was stupid, I *was* justifying the emotion and the situation.
Now, having an emotion and acting on 2 different things. Violence is almost never justified. And it certainly wasn’t here either.
HMyers–reread MY post #51. Specifically explain how the language you used was not more than the facts of the case?
If you can do that minimal task, then understand you may think the opinion language is neutral, but most people don’t.
Or, cut to the chase and tell us what people should do when “Eventually, people get sick of that shit.”?
HMyers, words have meaning and they don’t mean whatever you want them to mean. Maybe you need a dictionary?
Quit being stupid.
Gee, that looked a lot like Alphie getting wailed on.
Truth be told, he likes it.
Am I the last person on the Internet who won’t click on videos like this one?
This violence for entertainment seems too much like the nauseating decadence old Roman empire.
Say Greg–is entertainment the only possible impact of videos? Not education? Not motivational? Not surprise? Not disgust?
You know==there is more than ONE WAY to think about things?
Greg is oldschool like Alfie, close your eyes and it doesn’t exist… I begin to understand the republican problem with taxesand spending.
I watched a few minutes and that was more than enough. I try not to watch videos since most are fake. Just like Alphie’s intelligence.
New news… this is the SECOND arrest for assault by the same young criminal in the same McDonalds.
She must go there to play.
If a guys jumped it to stop it. It would have only gotten worst. these girls men would have jumped in to help them. or the guys recording would have gotten brave and jumped in to be part of it.
Haha But it’s beatings, all the way down.
Like me, hate me, disagree with my views, misrepresent or question my intent .. it’s all good. Because I’m not going away 😉
The superior liberalism isn’t subject to the human point-of-view. It is a matter of nature. Evolution decides natures, we humans just watch. Evolution has decided against your point of view in favor of mine. Which is why time after time, we get to watch my point-of-view become reality.
True liberalism is not only a state of mind, but is a state of productivity. It doesn’t involve unions sucking at the government teat and it doesn’t cost a dime nor a dollar.
“Evolution decides natures,” So its genetic? Its a swing and a miss. Back to biology 101 for you.