President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle have not been invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding. The Queen personally invited 40 heads of state, who received the gold-embossed invitations over the weekend to the April 29 wedding of the future king. The Obamas, however, were not among them.

But they can take solace in the knowledge that they will be the guests of their very own state visit to the UK in May. There have been suggestions that the state visit – the first for a US President since 2003 – was set up in return for Obama not coming to the wedding because of the added security costs involved with protecting the President.

French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni will also miss out and Prince Andrew’s former wife, Sarah Ferguson – the Duchess of York – has also been snubbed. Leaders from Commonwealth counties, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand have been invited along with Kings and Queens across Europe, including Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Greece.

The couple will hope the meet-and-greet will help prepare them for their first official overseas visit as a married couple to Canada in June. Other guests include the King of Jordan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, the Sultan of Oman, the King of Bahrain, the Sultan of Brunei and the King of Saudi Arabia, the Emperor of Japan, the King of Malaysia, the King of Tonga and the King of Thailand. Around 1,900 guests will attend the Westminster Abbey ceremony, which will be beamed around the world, and the bride and groom have been allowed to invite more than, 1,000 of their friends.

The invitations, which were posted last week, are on thick white card, bevelled, gilded and stamped with EIIR in gold which has then been burnished.

Har! Apparently this is old news. Still humorous however. The Obama’s will be attending the space shuttle launch instead.

  1. Frankly wong says:

    Snoop Dogg..” well I got a invite, but I happen to be busy Barbequing that week end, so I cant go”

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Ask yourself: What do they know is going to happen that week?

    The fix is in.

    Osama Bin Laden is going to be captured that week crossing into Afghanistan from Pakistan.

  3. MikeN says:

    >Nah. If they wanted to snub him, they would have invited Palin.

    Yup. Like the Nobel Committee did to CLinton giving Nobel Prizes to Carter, Gore, and Obama, after a few months in office.

  4. foobar says:

    No, Donald Trump isn’t grandstanding to boost ratings for his TV show. Which is why he will announce his Presidential intentions on his TV show.

  5. foobar says:

    And he has you doing free advertising. Wonder when that has happened before?

  6. Fred says:

    If I was in charge I wouldn’t want that idiot obama and his bimbo wife there also. More power to the Queen. Obama and the bimbo can say that they didn’t want to go or what ever they like, but the fact remains the same. Their not invited, and I don’t blame anyone, who would want that idiot at such a gathering of world leaders that have class.

  7. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 55 Alfie – “he is a boring, self absorbed, nincompoop.”

    Hey, Alf: Pot calling you on line one

  8. foobar says:

    Or maybe the Obamas aren’t friends of the bride and groom’s families?

    #55 Just what I thought, a government subsidized conservative.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    Definitely a personal snub. Snub, snub, snubby, snubby, snub, snub! Your ass if snubbed, Baby! Big, public snub. Rejection. Slow, calculated rejection. You are not welcome. Guards! Watch out for this guy trying to sneak in. This is an Hawaiian free wedding. If he was Kenyan, he would definitely be invited (Kenya is a Commonwealth democracy). Watch it on TV, Mr President. Little tears? Little, teenie tiny tears? Sell them to the Alaskans. A pineapple free wedding, this one. Anyone with an Hawaiian shirt, has a big problem with Special Branch opps.

  10. foobar says:

    We need a name for guys like Alfie.

    CINO – Conservative in name only
    CHINO – Conservative hack in name only
    MACHO – Medicade addicted conservative … Couldn’t thinking think of a synonym for sniveling or whining that starts with “h”. Ideas welcome.

    Government sucking tea partiers. As loathsome as limousine liberals.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    We already have a name for guys like foobar.


  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s see if foobar can figure it out. It’s a test.

  13. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    No Snub?
    Who gives a frack?
    I’ll just be glad when all this crap is over.
    The only thing more boring are these two year election campaigns.

  14. foobar says:

    Ah_yea, at least you have a sense of humor. There’s hope for the right yet. Now if only the left could lighten up…

  15. Well at least it can be said that the Royal family is a good judge of character , class and personal ethics of an individual
    Wonder if Mr. Soros got an invite
    Will Mr. Obama get the point and the lesson ?

  16. bobbo, Republicans lie about everything all the time says:



    Hates Obama
    Homophobic Obfuscator
    Halfwit Oaf
    Hypocritical Onanist

    Not an easy one.

  17. DEE says:

    Oh give me a break from all this he insulted the Royals. Do you Obama hating nut cases remember how Nancy Reagan didn’t even bow to the Queen on the first Royal visit with Pres.Reagan. Then Ms. Stupid said I’m an American First Lady, not a Brit. and I should never have to bow to anyone….but Ms. White lady uh I mean Ms. Reagan got away with doing that but the Obama’s weren’t forgiven for their mis-steps and we all really know the real reason why!

  18. RedWhite&BlueMoon says:

    The majority of us Brits probably couldn’t care less whether he is invited or not.
    In my view he is the worst President you have ever had. When I watch his speeches he strikes me as facile, his words are designed to sound patriotic, yet have no substance. He is like a dodgy car salesman.
    The Royal wedding should be funded by the Royals, not the state. It will be all over the media, millions will turn out to watch, hundreds of millions of pounds spent, what a waste.
    Spend it on our armed forces instead.

  19. birddog says:

    I guess they already have an I-pod.

  20. Smith says:

    Well, Ron and Nancy were invited to Prince Charles wedding, so it is reasonable to conclude that Obama was intentionally excluded.

    Good, he deserves the snub after the way he has treated the Brits. Obama has worked very hard to weaken the US ties to our traditional allies.

  21. Daffany Rose says:

    Who gives a fuck about them or their wedding.I will be so glad when this shit is over.I have so many other things to be worried,REAL CONCERNS about like car note,rent,my children,and how Im going to be able to go on with my life after losing my mom last year 3 days after mothers day.What do we get out of it by talking about their wedding?

  22. Daffany Rose says:

    Number 70 who said he is the worst president ever.Youre only saying that cause he is black..Bush FUCKED up for years and I didnt see WHITE FOLK talk bad about him..Dont be jealous cause we got a black president.Im quite sure he doesnt care and you can kiss his BLACK ASS

  23. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 75 Daffany Rose said, “I didnt see WHITE FOLK talk bad about {Bush]…”

    I guess you didn’t spend much time around here during Bush’s term.

    Or reading newspapers.
    Or watching TV.
    Or breathing.

  24. Daffany Rose says:

    #76…Yes but it wasnt the way their treating Obama.Take the stick out of your ass.But anyway no during that time I was taking care of my mother who eventually died of Cancer you asshole

  25. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    It wouldn’t matter if Obama received an invitation of not. The tea baggers would still claim it was bad. Thw world either is snubbing him or he is jetting overseas (on our dime) when our economy is in the crapper.

    And Alphie would still keep jerking off to the McDonald’s Animal Fight.

  26. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #78 Daffy :

    I’m sorry to hear about your mother. But I didn’t cause her cancer. As a point in fact, I took care of my father while he died, too. I still managed to watch the evening news now and then. Don’t believe I was so angry I started calling people asshole, either. In fact, I’ve had whole wards full of dying patients without loosing my temper like that. In fact, Bush was savaged by liberal “white folk”. I said a few bad things about him myself. And you pop up with your racist statement and then curse me for pointing it out? Again, my friend, I’m sorry for your loss but it’s time to get over it and grow up, now.

    Right now, I’m in a veritable war zone on the Cambodian/Thailand border taking care of civilian casualties (in Cambodia). Know what they’re shooting at each other for? Possession of a tourist attraction. Now there’s something to be pissed off about.

  27. Dallas says:

    Obama got invited to the Bush and Faud wedding though.

  28. MikeN says:

    #79, you missed the preferred option, Obama gets invited, and he doesn’t go.

  29. olodos says:

    AMERICANS!! you are so uneducated and blinded by hate to understand that NO HEAD OF STATE is ever invited to the British Royal Wedding..The simple logic is; if you invite 1 president, you would then be obliged to invite all, how do you explain that? Get off your fat asses and go to school to learn some history and sociology. The queen is the head of Govt to 16 commonwealth nations and it is very clear that only those commonwealth nations’ leaders were invited. eg, Canada and Australia. Desist from feeding your illiterate population with false information

  30. deowll says:

    Obama has trashed the Brits more than once. Why invite him?


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